fi; \
if [ "$${VID}" == "1" ] ; then \
echo "#define CFG_VIDEO" >> $(obj)include/config.h ; \
fi; \
if [ "$${USB}" == "1" ] ; then \
echo "#define CFG_USBCTRL" >> $(obj)include/config.h ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a M5475EVB m68k mcf547x_8x m547xevb freescale
M5485AFE_config \
M5485BFE_config \
M5485CFE_config \
M5485DFE_config \
M5485EFE_config \
M5485FFE_config \
M5485GFE_config \
M5485HFE_config : unconfig
@case "$@" in \
M5485AFE_config) BOOT=2;CODE=0;VID=0;USB=0;RAM=64;RAM1=0;; \
M5485BFE_config) BOOT=2;CODE=16;VID=0;USB=0;RAM=64;RAM1=0;; \
M5485CFE_config) BOOT=2;CODE=16;VID=1;USB=1;RAM=64;RAM1=0;; \
M5485DFE_config) BOOT=2;CODE=0;VID=0;USB=1;RAM=64;RAM1=0;; \
M5485EFE_config) BOOT=2;CODE=0;VID=1;USB=1;RAM=64;RAM1=0;; \
M5485FFE_config) BOOT=2;CODE=32;VID=1;USB=1;RAM=64;RAM1=64;; \
M5485GFE_config) BOOT=4;CODE=0;VID=0;USB=0;RAM=64;RAM1=0;; \
M5485HFE_config) BOOT=2;CODE=16;VID=1;USB=0;RAM=64;RAM1=0;; \
esac; \
echo "#define CFG_BUSCLK 100000000" > $(obj)include/config.h ; \
echo "#define CFG_BOOTSZ $${BOOT}" >> $(obj)include/config.h ; \
echo "#define CFG_DRAMSZ $${RAM}" >> $(obj)include/config.h ; \
if [ "$${RAM1}" != "0" ] ; then \
echo "#define CFG_DRAMSZ1 $${RAM1}" >> $(obj)include/config.h ; \
fi; \
if [ "$${CODE}" != "0" ] ; then \
echo "#define CFG_NOR1SZ $${CODE}" >> $(obj)include/config.h ; \
fi; \
if [ "$${VID}" == "1" ] ; then \
echo "#define CFG_VIDEO" >> $(obj)include/config.h ; \
fi; \
if [ "$${USB}" == "1" ] ; then \
echo "#define CFG_USBCTRL" >> $(obj)include/config.h ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a M5485EVB m68k mcf547x_8x m548xevb freescale
TASREG_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) m68k mcf52x2 tasreg esd
## MPC83xx Systems
MPC8313ERDB_66_config \
MPC8313ERDB_NAND_33_config \
MPC8313ERDB_NAND_66_config: unconfig
@mkdir -p $(obj)board/freescale/mpc8313erdb
@if [ "$(findstring _33_,$@)" ] ; then \
$(XECHO) -n "...33M ..." ; \
echo "#define CFG_33MHZ" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
fi ; \
if [ "$(findstring _66_,$@)" ] ; then \
$(XECHO) -n "...66M..." ; \
echo "#define CFG_66MHZ" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
fi ; \
if [ "$(findstring _NAND_,$@)" ] ; then \
$(XECHO) -n "...NAND..." ; \
echo "TEXT_BASE = 0x00100000" > $(obj)/board/freescale/mpc8313erdb/config.tmp ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_NAND_U_BOOT" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a MPC8313ERDB ppc mpc83xx mpc8313erdb freescale
MPC8315ERDB_config: unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) -a MPC8315ERDB ppc mpc83xx mpc8315erdb freescale
MPC8323ERDB_config: unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) -a MPC8323ERDB ppc mpc83xx mpc8323erdb freescale
MPC832XEMDS_config \
MPC832XEMDS_HOST_33_config \
MPC832XEMDS_HOST_66_config \
MPC832XEMDS_SLAVE_config \
MPC832XEMDS_ATM_config: unconfig
@if [ "$(findstring _HOST_,$@)" ] ; then \
$(XECHO) -n "... PCI HOST " ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_PCI" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
fi ; \
if [ "$(findstring _SLAVE_,$@)" ] ; then \
$(XECHO) "...PCI SLAVE 66M" ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_PCI" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_PCISLAVE" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
fi ; \
if [ "$(findstring _33_,$@)" ] ; then \
$(XECHO) -n "...33M ..." ; \
echo "#define PCI_33M" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_PQ_MDS_PIB 1" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
fi ; \
if [ "$(findstring _66_,$@)" ] ; then \
$(XECHO) -n "...66M..." ; \
echo "#define PCI_66M" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_PQ_MDS_PIB 1" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
fi ; \
if [ "$(findstring _ATM_,$@)" ] ; then \
$(XECHO) -n "...ATM..." ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_PQ_MDS_PIB 1" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_PQ_MDS_PIB_ATM 1" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a MPC832XEMDS ppc mpc83xx mpc832xemds freescale
MPC8349EMDS_config: unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc mpc83xx mpc8349emds freescale
MPC8349ITX_config \
MPC8349ITX_LOWBOOT_config \
MPC8349ITXGP_config: unconfig
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@mkdir -p $(obj)board/freescale/mpc8349itx
@echo "#define CONFIG_$(subst _LOWBOOT,,$(@:_config=))" >> $(obj)include/config.h
@if [ "$(findstring GP,$@)" ] ; then \
echo "TEXT_BASE = 0xFE000000" >$(obj)board/freescale/mpc8349itx/config.tmp ; \
@if [ "$(findstring LOWBOOT,$@)" ] ; then \
echo "TEXT_BASE = 0xFE000000" >$(obj)board/freescale/mpc8349itx/config.tmp ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a -n $(@:_config=) MPC8349ITX ppc mpc83xx mpc8349itx freescale
MPC8360EMDS_config \
MPC8360EMDS_HOST_33_config \
MPC8360EMDS_HOST_66_config \
MPC8360EMDS_SLAVE_config \
MPC8360EMDS_ATM_config: unconfig
@if [ "$(findstring _HOST_,$@)" ] ; then \
$(XECHO) -n "... PCI HOST " ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_PCI" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
fi ; \
if [ "$(findstring _SLAVE_,$@)" ] ; then \
$(XECHO) "...PCI SLAVE 66M" ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_PCI" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_PCISLAVE" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
fi ; \
if [ "$(findstring _33_,$@)" ] ; then \
$(XECHO) -n "...33M ..." ; \
echo "#define PCI_33M" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_PQ_MDS_PIB 1" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
fi ; \
if [ "$(findstring _66_,$@)" ] ; then \
$(XECHO) -n "...66M..." ; \
echo "#define PCI_66M" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_PQ_MDS_PIB 1" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
fi ; \
if [ "$(findstring _ATM_,$@)" ] ; then \
$(XECHO) -n "...ATM..." ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_PQ_MDS_PIB 1" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_PQ_MDS_PIB_ATM 1" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a MPC8360EMDS ppc mpc83xx mpc8360emds freescale
MPC8360ERDK_33_config \
MPC8360ERDK_66_config \
MPC8360ERDK_config: unconfig
@if [ "$(findstring _33_,$@)" ] ; then \
$(XECHO) -n "... CLKIN 33MHz " ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_CLKIN_33MHZ" >>$(obj)include/config.h ;\
fi ;
@$(MKCONFIG) -a MPC8360ERDK ppc mpc83xx mpc8360erdk freescale
MPC837XEMDS_config \
MPC837XEMDS_HOST_config: unconfig
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@if [ "$(findstring _HOST_,$@)" ] ; then \
$(XECHO) -n "... PCI HOST " ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_PCI" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
fi ;
@$(MKCONFIG) -a MPC837XEMDS ppc mpc83xx mpc837xemds freescale
MPC837XERDB_config: unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) -a MPC837XERDB ppc mpc83xx mpc837xerdb freescale
MVBLM7_config: unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc mpc83xx mvblm7
sbc8349_config: unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc mpc83xx sbc8349
TQM834x_config: unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc mpc83xx tqm834x tqc
## MPC85xx Systems
ATUM8548_config: unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc mpc85xx atum8548
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc mpc85xx mpc8540ads freescale
MPC8540EVAL_config \
MPC8540EVAL_33_config \
MPC8540EVAL_66_config \
MPC8540EVAL_33_slave_config \
MPC8540EVAL_66_slave_config: unconfig
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@if [ "$(findstring _33_,$@)" ] ; then \
$(XECHO) "... 33 MHz PCI" ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_SYSCLK_66M" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... 66 MHz PCI" ; \
fi ; \
if [ "$(findstring _slave_,$@)" ] ; then \
echo "#define CONFIG_PCI_SLAVE" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) " slave" ; \
$(XECHO) " host" ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a MPC8540EVAL ppc mpc85xx mpc8540eval
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc mpc85xx mpc8560ads freescale
MPC8541CDS_legacy_config \
@if [ "$(findstring _legacy_,$@)" ] ; then \
echo "#define CONFIG_LEGACY" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... legacy" ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a MPC8541CDS ppc mpc85xx mpc8541cds freescale
MPC8544DS_config: unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc mpc85xx mpc8544ds freescale
MPC8548CDS_legacy_config \
@if [ "$(findstring _legacy_,$@)" ] ; then \
echo "#define CONFIG_LEGACY" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... legacy" ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a MPC8548CDS ppc mpc85xx mpc8548cds freescale
MPC8555CDS_legacy_config \
@if [ "$(findstring _legacy_,$@)" ] ; then \
echo "#define CONFIG_LEGACY" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... legacy" ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a MPC8555CDS ppc mpc85xx mpc8555cds freescale
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc mpc85xx mpc8568mds freescale
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc mpc85xx pm854
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc mpc85xx pm856
sbc8540_config \
sbc8540_33_config \
sbc8540_66_config: unconfig
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@if [ "$(findstring _66_,$@)" ] ; then \
echo "#define CONFIG_PCI_66" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... 66 MHz PCI" ; \
$(XECHO) "... 33 MHz PCI" ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a SBC8540 ppc mpc85xx sbc8560
sbc8548_config: unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc mpc85xx sbc8548
sbc8560_config \
sbc8560_33_config \
sbc8560_66_config: unconfig
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@if [ "$(findstring _66_,$@)" ] ; then \
echo "#define CONFIG_PCI_66" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... 66 MHz PCI" ; \
$(XECHO) "... 33 MHz PCI" ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a sbc8560 ppc mpc85xx sbc8560
socrates_config: unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc mpc85xx socrates
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc mpc85xx stxgp3
stxssa_config \
stxssa_4M_config: unconfig
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@if [ "$(findstring _4M_,$@)" ] ; then \
echo "#define CONFIG_STXSSA_4M" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... with 4 MiB flash memory" ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a stxssa ppc mpc85xx stxssa
TQM8540_config \
TQM8541_config \
TQM8555_config \
TQM8560_config: unconfig
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@CTYPE=$(subst TQM,,$(@:_config=)); \
$(XECHO) "... TQM"$${CTYPE}; \
echo "#define CONFIG_MPC$${CTYPE}">>$(obj)include/config.h; \
echo "#define CONFIG_TQM$${CTYPE}">>$(obj)include/config.h; \
echo "#define CONFIG_HOSTNAME tqm$${CTYPE}">>$(obj)include/config.h; \
echo "#define CONFIG_BOARDNAME \"TQM$${CTYPE}\"">>$(obj)include/config.h;
@$(MKCONFIG) -a TQM85xx ppc mpc85xx tqm85xx tqc
## MPC86xx Systems
MPC8610HPCD_config: unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc mpc86xx mpc8610hpcd freescale
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc mpc86xx mpc8641hpcn freescale
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc mpc86xx sbc8641d
## 74xx/7xx Systems
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc 74xx_7xx AmigaOneG3SE MAI
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc 74xx_7xx bab7xx eltec
@$(MKCONFIG) CPCI750 ppc 74xx_7xx cpci750 esd
@$(MKCONFIG) DB64360 ppc 74xx_7xx db64360 Marvell
@$(MKCONFIG) DB64460 ppc 74xx_7xx db64460 Marvell
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc 74xx_7xx elppc eltec
EVB64260_config \
EVB64260_750CX_config: unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) EVB64260 ppc 74xx_7xx evb64260
mpc7448hpc2_config: unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc 74xx_7xx mpc7448hpc2 freescale
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc 74xx_7xx evb64260
p3m750_config \
p3m7448_config: unconfig
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@if [ "$(findstring 750_,$@)" ] ; then \
echo "#define CONFIG_P3M750" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
else \
echo "#define CONFIG_P3M7448" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a p3mx ppc 74xx_7xx p3mx prodrive
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc 74xx_7xx pcippc2
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc 74xx_7xx ppmc7xx
ZUMA_config: unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) ppc 74xx_7xx evb64260
## StrongARM Systems
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm sa1100 assabet
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm sa1100 dnp1110
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm sa1100 gcplus
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm sa1100 lart
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm sa1100 shannon
## Atmel AT91RM9200 Systems
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm920t at91rm9200dk atmel at91rm9200
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm926ejs at91sam9261ek atmel at91
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm926ejs at91sam9263ek atmel at91
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm926ejs at91sam9rlek atmel at91
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm920t cmc_pu2 NULL at91rm9200
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm920t csb637 NULL at91rm9200
kb9202_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm920t kb9202 NULL at91rm9200
m501sk_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm920t m501sk NULL at91rm9200
mp2usb_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm920t mp2usb NULL at91rm9200
## Atmel ARM926EJ-S Systems
at91cap9adk_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm926ejs at91cap9adk atmel at91
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm926ejs at91sam9260ek atmel at91
## ARM Integrator boards - see doc/README-integrator for more info.
integratorap_config \
ap_config \
ap966_config \
ap922_config \
ap922_XA10_config \
ap7_config \
ap920t_config \
ap926ejs_config \
ap946es_config: unconfig
@board/integratorap/ $@
integratorcp_config \
cp_config \
cp920t_config \
cp926ejs_config \
cp946es_config \
cp1136_config \
cp966_config \
cp922_config \
cp922_XA10_config \
cp1026_config: unconfig
@board/integratorcp/ $@
davinci_dvevm_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm926ejs dv-evm davinci davinci
davinci_schmoogie_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm926ejs schmoogie davinci davinci
davinci_sffsdr_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm926ejs sffsdr davinci davinci
davinci_sonata_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm926ejs sonata davinci davinci
lpd7a400_config \
lpd7a404_config: unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm lh7a40x lpd7a40x
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm920t mx1ads NULL imx
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm920t mx1fs2 NULL imx
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm925t omap1510inn
xtract_omap1610xxx = $(subst _cs0boot,,$(subst _cs3boot,,$(subst _cs_autoboot,,$(subst _config,,$1))))
omap1610inn_config \
omap1610inn_cs0boot_config \
omap1610inn_cs3boot_config \
omap1610h2_config \
omap1610h2_cs0boot_config \
omap1610h2_cs3boot_config \
omap1610h2_cs_autoboot_config: unconfig
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@if [ "$(findstring _cs0boot_, $@)" ] ; then \
echo "#define CONFIG_CS0_BOOT" >> .$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... configured for CS0 boot"; \
elif [ "$(findstring _cs_autoboot_, $@)" ] ; then \
echo "#define CONFIG_CS_AUTOBOOT" >> $(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... configured for CS_AUTO boot"; \
echo "#define CONFIG_CS3_BOOT" >> $(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... configured for CS3 boot"; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a $(call xtract_omap1610xxx,$@) arm arm926ejs omap1610inn NULL omap
omap5912osk_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm926ejs omap5912osk NULL omap
xtract_omap730p2 = $(subst _cs0boot,,$(subst _cs3boot,, $(subst _config,,$1)))
omap730p2_config \
omap730p2_cs0boot_config \
omap730p2_cs3boot_config : unconfig
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@if [ "$(findstring _cs0boot_, $@)" ] ; then \
echo "#define CONFIG_CS0_BOOT" >> $(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... configured for CS0 boot"; \
echo "#define CONFIG_CS3_BOOT" >> $(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... configured for CS3 boot"; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a $(call xtract_omap730p2,$@) arm arm926ejs omap730p2 NULL omap
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm920t sbc2410x NULL s3c24x0
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm920t scb9328 NULL imx
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm920t smdk2400 NULL s3c24x0
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm920t smdk2410 NULL s3c24x0
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm925t sx1
# TRAB default configuration: 8 MB Flash, 32 MB RAM
xtract_trab = $(subst _bigram,,$(subst _bigflash,,$(subst _old,,$(subst _config,,$1))))
trab_bigram_config \
trab_bigflash_config \
trab_old_config: unconfig
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@mkdir -p $(obj)board/trab
@[ -z "$(findstring _bigram,$@)" ] || \
{ echo "#define CONFIG_FLASH_8MB" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_RAM_32MB" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... with 8 MB Flash, 32 MB RAM" ; \
@[ -z "$(findstring _bigflash,$@)" ] || \
{ echo "#define CONFIG_FLASH_16MB" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_RAM_16MB" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... with 16 MB Flash, 16 MB RAM" ; \
echo "TEXT_BASE = 0x0CF40000" >$(obj)board/trab/config.tmp ; \
@[ -z "$(findstring _old,$@)" ] || \
{ echo "#define CONFIG_FLASH_8MB" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
echo "#define CONFIG_RAM_16MB" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... with 8 MB Flash, 16 MB RAM" ; \
echo "TEXT_BASE = 0x0CF40000" >$(obj)board/trab/config.tmp ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a $(call xtract_trab,$@) arm arm920t trab NULL s3c24x0
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm920t vcma9 mpl s3c24x0
# ARM supplied Versatile development boards
cm4008_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm920t cm4008 NULL ks8695
cm41xx_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm920t cm41xx NULL ks8695
versatile_config \
versatileab_config \
versatilepb_config : unconfig
@board/versatile/ $@
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm925t voiceblue
## S3C44B0 Systems
B2_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm s3c44b0 B2 dave
## ARM720T Systems
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm720t armadillo
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm720t ep7312
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm720t impa7
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm720t modnet50
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm720t evb4510
lpc2292sodimm_config: unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm720t lpc2292sodimm NULL lpc2292
SMN42_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm720t SMN42 siemens lpc2292
actux1_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm ixp actux1
actux2_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm ixp actux2
actux3_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm ixp actux3
actux4_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm ixp actux4
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm pxa cerf250
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm pxa cradle
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm pxa csb226
delta_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm pxa delta
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm pxa innokom
ixdp425_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm ixp ixdp425
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm ixp ixdp425
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm pxa lubbock
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm pxa pleb2
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm pxa logodl
pdnb3_config \
scpu_config: unconfig
@if [ "$(findstring scpu_,$@)" ] ; then \
echo "#define CONFIG_SCPU" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... on SCPU board variant" ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a pdnb3 arm ixp pdnb3 prodrive
pxa255_idp_config: unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm pxa pxa255_idp
trizepsiv_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm pxa trizepsiv
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm pxa wepep250
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm pxa xaeniax
xm250_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm pxa xm250
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm pxa xsengine
Markus Klotzbcher
zylonite_config :
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm pxa zylonite
Markus Klotzbcher
## ARM1136 Systems
@echo "#define CONFIG_ONENAND_U_BOOT" > $(obj)include/config.h
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm1136 apollon NULL omap24xx
@echo "CONFIG_ONENAND_U_BOOT = y" >> $(obj)include/
imx31_litekit_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm1136 imx31_litekit NULL mx31
imx31_phycore_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm1136 imx31_phycore NULL mx31
mx31ads_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm1136 mx31ads freescale mx31
omap2420h4_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm1136 omap2420h4 NULL omap24xx
# i386
sc520_cdp_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) i386 i386 sc520_cdp
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) i386 i386 sc520_spunk
sc520_spunk_rel_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) i386 i386 sc520_spunk
## MIPS32 4Kc
xtract_incaip = $(subst _100MHz,,$(subst _133MHz,,$(subst _150MHz,,$(subst _config,,$1))))
incaip_100MHz_config \
incaip_133MHz_config \
incaip_150MHz_config \
incaip_config: unconfig
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@[ -z "$(findstring _100MHz,$@)" ] || \
{ echo "#define CPU_CLOCK_RATE 100000000" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... with 100MHz system clock" ; \
@[ -z "$(findstring _133MHz,$@)" ] || \
{ echo "#define CPU_CLOCK_RATE 133000000" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... with 133MHz system clock" ; \
@[ -z "$(findstring _150MHz,$@)" ] || \
{ echo "#define CPU_CLOCK_RATE 150000000" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... with 150MHz system clock" ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a $(call xtract_incaip,$@) mips mips incaip
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) mips mips tb0229
## MIPS32 AU1X00
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@echo "#define CONFIG_DBAU1000 1" >$(obj)include/config.h
@$(MKCONFIG) -a dbau1x00 mips mips dbau1x00
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@echo "#define CONFIG_DBAU1100 1" >$(obj)include/config.h
@$(MKCONFIG) -a dbau1x00 mips mips dbau1x00
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@echo "#define CONFIG_DBAU1500 1" >$(obj)include/config.h
@$(MKCONFIG) -a dbau1x00 mips mips dbau1x00
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@echo "#define CONFIG_DBAU1550 1" >$(obj)include/config.h
@$(MKCONFIG) -a dbau1x00 mips mips dbau1x00
dbau1550_el_config : unconfig
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@echo "#define CONFIG_DBAU1550 1" >$(obj)include/config.h
@$(MKCONFIG) -a dbau1x00 mips mips dbau1x00
gth2_config : unconfig
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@echo "#define CONFIG_GTH2 1" >$(obj)include/config.h
@$(MKCONFIG) -a gth2 mips mips gth2
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@echo "#define CONFIG_PB1000 1" >$(obj)include/config.h
@$(MKCONFIG) -a pb1x00 mips mips pb1x00
qemu_mips_config : unconfig
@echo "#define CONFIG_QEMU_MIPS 1" >$(obj)include/config.h
@$(MKCONFIG) -a qemu-mips mips mips qemu-mips
## MIPS64 5Kc
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) mips mips purple
# Nios
## Nios32
ADNPESC1_DNPEVA2_base_32_config \
ADNPESC1_base_32_config \
ADNPESC1_config: unconfig
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@[ -z "$(findstring _DNPEVA2,$@)" ] || \
{ echo "#define CONFIG_DNPEVA2 1" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... DNP/EVA2 configuration" ; \
@[ -z "$(findstring _base_32,$@)" ] || \
{ echo "#define CONFIG_NIOS_BASE_32 1" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... NIOS 'base_32' configuration" ; \
@[ -z "$(findstring ADNPESC1_config,$@)" ] || \
{ echo "#define CONFIG_NIOS_BASE_32 1" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... NIOS 'base_32' configuration (DEFAULT)" ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a ADNPESC1 nios nios adnpesc1 ssv
DK1C20_safe_32_config \
DK1C20_standard_32_config \
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@[ -z "$(findstring _safe_32,$@)" ] || \
{ echo "#define CONFIG_NIOS_SAFE_32 1" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... NIOS 'safe_32' configuration" ; \
@[ -z "$(findstring _standard_32,$@)" ] || \
{ echo "#define CONFIG_NIOS_STANDARD_32 1" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... NIOS 'standard_32' configuration" ; \
@[ -z "$(findstring DK1C20_config,$@)" ] || \
{ echo "#define CONFIG_NIOS_STANDARD_32 1" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... NIOS 'standard_32' configuration (DEFAULT)" ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a DK1C20 nios nios dk1c20 altera
DK1S10_safe_32_config \
DK1S10_standard_32_config \
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@[ -z "$(findstring _safe_32,$@)" ] || \
{ echo "#define CONFIG_NIOS_SAFE_32 1" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... NIOS 'safe_32' configuration" ; \
@[ -z "$(findstring _standard_32,$@)" ] || \
{ echo "#define CONFIG_NIOS_STANDARD_32 1" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... NIOS 'standard_32' configuration" ; \
@[ -z "$(findstring _mtx_ldk_20,$@)" ] || \
{ echo "#define CONFIG_NIOS_MTX_LDK_20 1" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... NIOS 'mtx_ldk_20' configuration" ; \
@[ -z "$(findstring DK1S10_config,$@)" ] || \
{ echo "#define CONFIG_NIOS_STANDARD_32 1" >>$(obj)include/config.h ; \
$(XECHO) "... NIOS 'standard_32' configuration (DEFAULT)" ; \
@$(MKCONFIG) -a DK1S10 nios nios dk1s10 altera
## Nios-II
EP1C20_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) EP1C20 nios2 nios2 ep1c20 altera
EP1S10_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) EP1S10 nios2 nios2 ep1s10 altera
EP1S40_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) EP1S40 nios2 nios2 ep1s40 altera
@$(MKCONFIG) PK1C20 nios2 nios2 pk1c20 psyent
@$(MKCONFIG) PCI5441 nios2 nios2 pci5441 psyent
## Microblaze
@echo "#define CONFIG_ML401 1" > $(obj)include/config.h
@$(MKCONFIG) -a $(@:_config=) microblaze microblaze ml401 xilinx
suzaku_config: unconfig
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@echo "#define CONFIG_SUZAKU 1" > $(obj)include/config.h
@$(MKCONFIG) -a $(@:_config=) microblaze microblaze suzaku AtmarkTechno
@echo "#define CONFIG_XUPV2P 1" > $(obj)include/config.h
@$(MKCONFIG) -a $(@:_config=) microblaze microblaze xupv2p xilinx
# Blackfin
# Analog Devices boards
BFIN_BOARDS = bf533-ezkit bf533-stamp bf537-stamp bf561-ezkit
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) blackfin blackfin $(@:_config=)
$(MAKE) $@_config
# AVR32
atngw100_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) avr32 at32ap atngw100 atmel at32ap700x
atstk1002_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) avr32 at32ap atstk1000 atmel at32ap700x
atstk1003_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) avr32 at32ap atstk1000 atmel at32ap700x
atstk1004_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) avr32 at32ap atstk1000 atmel at32ap700x
atstk1006_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) avr32 at32ap atstk1000 atmel at32ap700x
favr-32-ezkit_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) avr32 at32ap favr-32-ezkit earthlcd at32ap700x
hammerhead_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) avr32 at32ap hammerhead miromico at32ap700x
mimc200_config : unconfig
@$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) avr32 at32ap mimc200 mimc at32ap700x
# SH3 (SuperH)
## sh3 (Renesas SuperH)
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@echo "#define CONFIG_MPR2 1" > $(obj)include/config.h
@$(MKCONFIG) -a $(@:_config=) sh sh3 mpr2
@mkdir -p $(obj)include
@echo "#define CONFIG_MS7720SE 1" > $(obj)include/config.h