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Benjamin J. Corrado corradob
Chris Mills millsc
David Mondou mondoud
Donald Chen chend
EJ Finneran EJ.Finneran
Eric Stutzenberger stutzenbergere
Johnnie Peters petersj
Jussi Ylanen ylanenj
Justin Rigling riglingj
Matthew Hawks hawksm
Nick Conroy conroyn
Paul J. Briskey briskeyp
Peter Bliss peter.bliss
Spyder McHenry mchenrys
Tony Kuriakose Nadackal nadackalt
- Jun 09, 2017
Create nginx.bbapend recipe to use custom config · 7c256002Vladimir Petrigo authored
As we want nginx to proxy from port 80 to Node-RED's port 8080 we need to specify a proxy_pass parameter in a nginx.conf file. Also we need to add some additional proxy parameters to work correctly with web sockets