0 | Interpolate to new video frame | 0 … 24 | Up to 21 pixels, 24-bit RGB
1 | Instantly apply new color LUT | 0 … 24 | Up to 31 16-bit lookup table entries
2 | | | (reserved)
2 | (reserved) | 0 | Set configuration data
3 | | | (reserved)
In a type 0 packet, the USB packet contains up to 21 pixels of 24-bit RGB color data. The last packet (index 24) only needs to contain 8 valid pixels. Pixels 9-20 in these packets are ignored.
@@ -134,6 +134,13 @@ Byte Offset | Description
62 | LUT entry #30, low byte
63 | LUT entry #30, high byte
A type 2 packet sets optional device-wide configuration settings. Right now it's just used to disable dithering for debug or side-by-side comparison purposes. Other bytes in this packet are reserved.