OPC opc;
float dx, dy, dz;
void setup()
int zoom = 6;
size(24*zoom, 8*zoom);
// Connect to the local instance of fcserver. You can change this line to connect to another computer's fcserver
opc = new OPC(this, "", 7890);
// Map an 8x8 grid of LEDs to the center of the window, scaled to take up most of the space
float spacing = height / 10.0;
opc.ledGrid8x8(0, width/2, height/2, spacing, 0, true);
// Put two more 8x8 grids to the left and to the right of that one.
opc.ledGrid8x8(64, width/2 - spacing * 8, height/2, spacing, 0, true);
opc.ledGrid8x8(128, width/2 + spacing * 8, height/2, spacing, 0, true);
// Make the status LED quiet
colorMode(HSB, 100);
float noiseScale=0.02;
float fractalNoise(float x, float y, float z) {
float r = 0;
float amp = 1.0;
for (int octave = 0; octave < 4; octave++) {
r += noise(x, y, z) * amp;
amp /= 2;
x *= 2;
y *= 2;
z *= 2;
return r;
void draw() {
long now = millis();
float speed = 0.002;
float angle = sin(now * 0.001);
float z = now * 0.00008;
float hue = now * 0.01;
float scale = 0.005;
float saturation = 100 * constrain(pow(1.02 * noise(now * 0.000122), 2.5), 0, 1);
float spacing = noise(now * 0.000124) * 0.1;
dx += cos(angle) * speed;
dy += sin(angle) * speed;
dz += -0.14; //(noise(now * 0.000014) - 0.5) * zspeed;
float centerx = noise(now * 0.000125) * 1.25 * width;
float centery = noise(now * -0.000125) * 1.25 * height;
for (int x=0; x < width; x++) {
for (int y=0; y < height; y++) {
float dist = sqrt(pow(x - centerx, 2) + pow(y - centery, 2));
float pulse = (sin(dz + dist * spacing) - 0.8) * 3;
float n = fractalNoise(dx + x*scale, dy + y*scale, z) - 0.29;
float m = fractalNoise(dx + x*scale, dy + y*scale, z + 10.0) - 0.75;
color c = color(
(hue + 40.0 * m) % 100.0,
100 * constrain(pulse * pow(3.0 * n, 1.5), 0, 0.9)
pixels[x + width*y] = c;