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  • /*
        File:           Basics.h
        Function:       Basic definitions for all files. Contains type
                        definitions, assertion and debugging facilities, and
                        miscellaneous useful template functions.
                        This is a cut-down version for SVL,
                        with additional modifications for Fadecandy.
        Author(s):      Andrew Willmott
        Copyright:      (c) 1995-2001, Andrew Willmott
        Notes:          This header is affected by the following defines:
                        VL_CHECKING     - Include code for assertions,
                                          range errors and warnings.
                        VL_DOUBLE       - Use doubles for real numbers. (Floats
                                          are the default.)
                        VL_NO_BOOL      - There is no bool type.
                        VL_NO_TF        - true and false are not predefined.
    #ifndef __Basics__
    #define __Basics__
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cmath>
    // --- Basic types -------------------------------------------------------------
    typedef void            Void;
    typedef float           Float;
    typedef double          Double;
    typedef char            Char;
    typedef int             Short;
    typedef int             Int;
    typedef long            Long;
    typedef unsigned char   Byte;
    typedef unsigned int    UInt;
    #ifdef VL_DOUBLE
    typedef Double          Real;
    typedef Float           Real;
    #define SELF (*this)    // A syntactic convenience.
    // --- Boolean type ------------------------------------------------------------
    // X11 #defines 'Bool' -- typical.
    #ifdef Bool
    #undef Bool
    #ifndef VL_NO_BOOL
    // if the compiler implements the bool type...
    typedef bool Bool;
    // if not, make up our own.
    class Bool
        Bool() : val(0) {};
        Bool(Int b) : val(b) {};
        operator Int() { return val; };
        Int val;
    #ifdef VL_NO_TF
    enum {false, true};
    // --- Assertions and Range checking -------------------------------------------
    #define _Error(e)               _Assert(false, e, __FILE__, __LINE__)
    #define _Warning(w)             _Expect(false, w, __FILE__, __LINE__)
    #if defined(VL_CHECKING)
    #define Assert(b, e)            _Assert(b, e, __FILE__, __LINE__)
        // Assert that b is true. e is an error message to be printed if b
        // is false.
    #define Expect(b, w)            _Expect(b, w, __FILE__, __LINE__)
        // Prints warning w if b is false
    #define CheckRange(i, l, u, r)  _CheckRange(i, l, u, r, __FILE__, __LINE__)
        // Checks whether i is in the range [lowerBound, upperBound).
    #define Assert(b, e)
    #define Expect(b, w)
    #define CheckRange(a, l, u, r)
    Void _Assert(Int condition, const Char *errorMessage, const Char *file, Int line);
    Void _Expect(Int condition, const Char *warningMessage, const Char *file, Int line);
    Void _CheckRange(Int i, Int lowerBound, Int upperBound, const Char *rangeMessage,
            const Char *file, Int line);
    // --- Inlines -----------------------------------------------------------------
    template<class Value>
        inline Value Min(Value x, Value y)
            if (x <= y)
    template<class Value>
        inline Value Max(Value x, Value y)
            if (x >= y)
    template<class Value>
        inline Void Swap(Value &x, Value &y)
            Value t;
            t = x;
            x = y;
            y = t;
    template<class Value>
        inline Value Mix(Value x, Value y, Real s)
            return(x + (y - x) * s);
    template<class Value>
        inline Value Clip(Value x, Value min, Value max)
            if (x < min)
            else if (x > max)
    template<class Value>
        inline Value sqr(Value x)
            return(x * x);