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    #define USB_ERREN_DFN8EN        (uint8_t)0x08           // 
    #define USB_ERREN_CRC16EN       (uint8_t)0x04           // 
    #define USB_ERREN_CRC5EOFEN     (uint8_t)0x02           // 
    #define USB_ERREN_PIDERREN      (uint8_t)0x01           // 
    #define USB0_STAT               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x40072090 // Status Register
    #define USB_STAT_TX         (uint8_t)0x08           // 
    #define USB_STAT_ODD            (uint8_t)0x04           // 
    #define USB_STAT_ENDP(n)        (uint8_t)((n) >> 4)     // 
    #define USB0_CTL                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x40072094 // Control Register
    #define USB_CTL_JSTATE          (uint8_t)0x80           // 
    #define USB_CTL_SE0         (uint8_t)0x40           // 
    #define USB_CTL_TXSUSPENDTOKENBUSY  (uint8_t)0x20           // 
    #define USB_CTL_RESET           (uint8_t)0x10           // 
    #define USB_CTL_HOSTMODEEN      (uint8_t)0x08           // 
    #define USB_CTL_RESUME          (uint8_t)0x04           // 
    #define USB_CTL_ODDRST          (uint8_t)0x02           // 
    #define USB_CTL_USBENSOFEN      (uint8_t)0x01           // 
    #define USB0_ADDR               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x40072098 // Address Register
    #define USB0_BDTPAGE1           *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4007209C // BDT Page Register 1
    #define USB0_FRMNUML            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720A0 // Frame Number Register Low
    #define USB0_FRMNUMH            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720A4 // Frame Number Register High
    #define USB0_TOKEN              *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720A8 // Token Register
    #define USB0_SOFTHLD            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720AC // SOF Threshold Register
    #define USB0_BDTPAGE2           *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720B0 // BDT Page Register 2
    #define USB0_BDTPAGE3           *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720B4 // BDT Page Register 3
    #define USB0_ENDPT0             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720C0 // Endpoint Control Register
    #define USB_ENDPT_HOSTWOHUB     (uint8_t)0x80           // host only, enable low speed
    #define USB_ENDPT_RETRYDIS      (uint8_t)0x40           // host only, set to disable NAK retry
    #define USB_ENDPT_EPCTLDIS      (uint8_t)0x10           // 0=control, 1=bulk, interrupt, isync
    #define USB_ENDPT_EPRXEN        (uint8_t)0x08           // enables the endpoint for RX transfers.
    #define USB_ENDPT_EPTXEN        (uint8_t)0x04           // enables the endpoint for TX transfers.
    #define USB_ENDPT_EPSTALL       (uint8_t)0x02           // set to stall endpoint
    #define USB_ENDPT_EPHSHK        (uint8_t)0x01           // enable handshaking during a transaction, generally set unless Isochronous
    #define USB0_ENDPT1             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720C4 // Endpoint Control Register
    #define USB0_ENDPT2             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720C8 // Endpoint Control Register
    #define USB0_ENDPT3             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720CC // Endpoint Control Register
    #define USB0_ENDPT4             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720D0 // Endpoint Control Register
    #define USB0_ENDPT5             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720D4 // Endpoint Control Register
    #define USB0_ENDPT6             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720D8 // Endpoint Control Register
    #define USB0_ENDPT7             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720DC // Endpoint Control Register
    #define USB0_ENDPT8             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720E0 // Endpoint Control Register
    #define USB0_ENDPT9             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720E4 // Endpoint Control Register
    #define USB0_ENDPT10            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720E8 // Endpoint Control Register
    #define USB0_ENDPT11            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720EC // Endpoint Control Register
    #define USB0_ENDPT12            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720F0 // Endpoint Control Register
    #define USB0_ENDPT13            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720F4 // Endpoint Control Register
    #define USB0_ENDPT14            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720F8 // Endpoint Control Register
    #define USB0_ENDPT15            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x400720FC // Endpoint Control Register
    #define USB0_USBCTRL            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x40072100 // USB Control Register
    #define USB_USBCTRL_SUSP        (uint8_t)0x80           // Places the USB transceiver into the suspend state.
    #define USB_USBCTRL_PDE         (uint8_t)0x40           // Enables the weak pulldowns on the USB transceiver.
    #define USB0_OBSERVE            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x40072104 // USB OTG Observe Register
    #define USB_OBSERVE_DPPU        (uint8_t)0x80           // 
    #define USB_OBSERVE_DPPD        (uint8_t)0x40           // 
    #define USB_OBSERVE_DMPD        (uint8_t)0x10           // 
    #define USB0_CONTROL            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x40072108 // USB OTG Control Register
    #define USB_CONTROL_DPPULLUPNONOTG  (uint8_t)0x10           //  Provides control of the DP PULLUP in the USB OTG module, if USB is configured in non-OTG device mode.
    #define USB0_USBTRC0            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4007210C // USB Transceiver Control Register 0
    #define USB_USBTRC_USBRESET     (uint8_t)0x80           //
    #define USB_USBTRC_USBRESMEN        (uint8_t)0x20           //
    #define USB_USBTRC_SYNC_DET     (uint8_t)0x02           //
    #define USB_USBTRC_USB_RESUME_INT   (uint8_t)0x01           //
    #define USB0_USBFRMADJUST       *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x40072114 // Frame Adjust Register
    // Chapter 41: USB Device Charger Detection Module (USBDCD)
    #define USBDCD_CONTROL          *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40035000 // Control register
    #define USBDCD_CLOCK            *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40035004 // Clock register
    #define USBDCD_STATUS           *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40035008 // Status register
    #define USBDCD_TIMER0           *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40035010 // TIMER0 register
    #define USBDCD_TIMER1           *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40035014 // TIMER1 register
    #define USBDCD_TIMER2           *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40035018 // TIMER2 register
    // Chapter 43: SPI (DSPI)
    #define SPI0_MCR                *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C000 // DSPI Module Configuration Register
    #define SPI_MCR_MSTR            (uint32_t)0x80000000        // Master/Slave Mode Select
    #define SPI_MCR_CONT_SCKE       (uint32_t)0x40000000        // 
    #define SPI_MCR_DCONF(n)        (((n) & 3) << 28)       // 
    #define SPI_MCR_FRZ         (uint32_t)0x08000000        // 
    #define SPI_MCR_MTFE            (uint32_t)0x04000000        // 
    #define SPI_MCR_ROOE            (uint32_t)0x01000000        // 
    #define SPI_MCR_PCSIS(n)        (((n) & 0x1F) << 16)        //
    #define SPI_MCR_DOZE            (uint32_t)0x00008000        // 
    #define SPI_MCR_MDIS            (uint32_t)0x00004000        // 
    #define SPI_MCR_DIS_TXF         (uint32_t)0x00002000        // 
    #define SPI_MCR_DIS_RXF         (uint32_t)0x00001000        // 
    #define SPI_MCR_CLR_TXF         (uint32_t)0x00000800        // 
    #define SPI_MCR_CLR_RXF         (uint32_t)0x00000400        // 
    #define SPI_MCR_SMPL_PT(n)      (((n) & 3) << 8)        //
    #define SPI_MCR_HALT            (uint32_t)0x00000001        // 
    #define SPI0_TCR                *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C008 // DSPI Transfer Count Register
    #define SPI0_CTAR0              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C00C // DSPI Clock and Transfer Attributes Register, In Master Mode
    #define SPI_CTAR_DBR            (uint32_t)0x80000000        // Double Baud Rate
    #define SPI_CTAR_FMSZ(n)        (((n) & 15) << 27)      // Frame Size (+1)
    #define SPI_CTAR_CPOL           (uint32_t)0x04000000        // Clock Polarity
    #define SPI_CTAR_CPHA           (uint32_t)0x02000000        // Clock Phase
    #define SPI_CTAR_LSBFE          (uint32_t)0x01000000        // LSB First
    #define SPI_CTAR_PCSSCK(n)      (((n) & 3) << 22)       // PCS to SCK Delay Prescaler
    #define SPI_CTAR_PASC(n)        (((n) & 3) << 20)       // After SCK Delay Prescaler
    #define SPI_CTAR_PDT(n)         (((n) & 3) << 18)       // Delay after Transfer Prescaler
    #define SPI_CTAR_PBR(n)         (((n) & 3) << 16)       // Baud Rate Prescaler
    #define SPI_CTAR_CSSCK(n)       (((n) & 15) << 12)      // PCS to SCK Delay Scaler
    #define SPI_CTAR_ASC(n)         (((n) & 15) << 8)       // After SCK Delay Scaler
    #define SPI_CTAR_DT(n)          (((n) & 15) << 4)       // Delay After Transfer Scaler
    #define SPI_CTAR_BR(n)          (((n) & 15) << 0)       // Baud Rate Scaler
    #define SPI0_CTAR0_SLAVE        *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C00C // DSPI Clock and Transfer Attributes Register, In Slave Mode
    #define SPI0_CTAR1              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C010 // DSPI Clock and Transfer Attributes Register, In Master Mode
    #define SPI0_SR                 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C02C // DSPI Status Register
    #define SPI_SR_TCF          (uint32_t)0x80000000        // Transfer Complete Flag
    #define SPI_SR_TXRXS            (uint32_t)0x40000000        // TX and RX Status
    #define SPI_SR_EOQF         (uint32_t)0x10000000        // End of Queue Flag
    #define SPI_SR_TFUF         (uint32_t)0x08000000        // Transmit FIFO Underflow Flag
    #define SPI_SR_TFFF         (uint32_t)0x02000000        // Transmit FIFO Fill Flag
    #define SPI_SR_RFOF         (uint32_t)0x00080000        // Receive FIFO Overflow Flag
    #define SPI_SR_RFDF         (uint32_t)0x00020000        // Receive FIFO Drain Flag
    #define SPI0_RSER               *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C030 // DSPI DMA/Interrupt Request Select and Enable Register
    #define SPI0_PUSHR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C034 // DSPI PUSH TX FIFO Register In Master Mode
    #define SPI_PUSHR_CONT          (uint32_t)0x80000000        // 
    #define SPI_PUSHR_CTAS(n)       (((n) & 7) << 28)       // 
    #define SPI_PUSHR_EOQ           (uint32_t)0x08000000        // 
    #define SPI_PUSHR_CTCNT         (uint32_t)0x04000000        // 
    #define SPI_PUSHR_PCS(n)        (((n) & 31) << 16)      //
    #define SPI0_PUSHR_SLAVE        *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C034 // DSPI PUSH TX FIFO Register In Slave Mode
    #define SPI0_POPR               *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C038 // DSPI POP RX FIFO Register
    #define SPI0_TXFR0              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C03C // DSPI Transmit FIFO Registers
    #define SPI0_TXFR1              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C040 // DSPI Transmit FIFO Registers
    #define SPI0_TXFR2              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C044 // DSPI Transmit FIFO Registers
    #define SPI0_TXFR3              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C048 // DSPI Transmit FIFO Registers
    #define SPI0_RXFR0              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C07C // DSPI Receive FIFO Registers
    #define SPI0_RXFR1              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C080 // DSPI Receive FIFO Registers
    #define SPI0_RXFR2              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C084 // DSPI Receive FIFO Registers
    #define SPI0_RXFR3              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002C088 // DSPI Receive FIFO Registers
    // Chapter 44: Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)
    #define I2C0_A1                 *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x40066000 // I2C Address Register 1
    #define I2C0_F                  *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x40066001 // I2C Frequency Divider register
    #define I2C0_C1                 *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x40066002 // I2C Control Register 1
    #define I2C_C1_IICEN            (uint8_t)0x80           // I2C Enable
    #define I2C_C1_IICIE            (uint8_t)0x40           // I2C Interrupt Enable
    #define I2C_C1_MST          (uint8_t)0x20           // Master Mode Select
    #define I2C_C1_TX           (uint8_t)0x10           // Transmit Mode Select
    #define I2C_C1_TXAK         (uint8_t)0x08           // Transmit Acknowledge Enable
    #define I2C_C1_RSTA         (uint8_t)0x04           // Repeat START
    #define I2C_C1_WUEN         (uint8_t)0x02           // Wakeup Enable
    #define I2C_C1_DMAEN            (uint8_t)0x01           // DMA Enable
    #define I2C0_S                  *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x40066003 // I2C Status register
    #define I2C_S_TCF           (uint8_t)0x80           // Transfer Complete Flag
    #define I2C_S_IAAS          (uint8_t)0x40           // Addressed As A Slave
    #define I2C_S_BUSY          (uint8_t)0x20           // Bus Busy
    #define I2C_S_ARBL          (uint8_t)0x10           // Arbitration Lost
    #define I2C_S_RAM           (uint8_t)0x08           // Range Address Match
    #define I2C_S_SRW           (uint8_t)0x04           // Slave Read/Write
    #define I2C_S_IICIF         (uint8_t)0x02           // Interrupt Flag
    #define I2C_S_RXAK          (uint8_t)0x01           // Receive Acknowledge
    #define I2C0_D                  *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x40066004 // I2C Data I/O register
    #define I2C0_C2                 *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x40066005 // I2C Control Register 2
    #define I2C_C2_GCAEN            (uint8_t)0x80           // General Call Address Enable
    #define I2C_C2_ADEXT            (uint8_t)0x40           // Address Extension
    #define I2C_C2_HDRS         (uint8_t)0x20           // High Drive Select
    #define I2C_C2_SBRC         (uint8_t)0x10           // Slave Baud Rate Control
    #define I2C_C2_RMEN         (uint8_t)0x08           // Range Address Matching Enable
    #define I2C_C2_AD(n)            ((n) & 7)           // Slave Address, upper 3 bits
    #define I2C0_FLT                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x40066006 // I2C Programmable Input Glitch Filter register
    #define I2C0_RA                 *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x40066007 // I2C Range Address register
    #define I2C0_SMB                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x40066008 // I2C SMBus Control and Status register
    #define I2C0_A2                 *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x40066009 // I2C Address Register 2
    #define I2C0_SLTH               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006600A // I2C SCL Low Timeout Register High
    #define I2C0_SLTL               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006600B // I2C SCL Low Timeout Register Low
    // Chapter 45: Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)
    #define UART0_BDH               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A000 // UART Baud Rate Registers: High
    #define UART0_BDL               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A001 // UART Baud Rate Registers: Low
    #define UART0_C1                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A002 // UART Control Register 1
    #define UART_C1_LOOPS           (uint8_t)0x80           // When LOOPS is set, the RxD pin is disconnected from the UART and the transmitter output is internally connected to the receiver input
    #define UART_C1_UARTSWAI        (uint8_t)0x40           // UART Stops in Wait Mode
    #define UART_C1_RSRC            (uint8_t)0x20           // When LOOPS is set, the RSRC field determines the source for the receiver shift register input
    #define UART_C1_M           (uint8_t)0x10           // 9-bit or 8-bit Mode Select
    #define UART_C1_WAKE            (uint8_t)0x08           // Determines which condition wakes the UART
    #define UART_C1_ILT         (uint8_t)0x04           // Idle Line Type Select
    #define UART_C1_PE          (uint8_t)0x02           // Parity Enable
    #define UART_C1_PT          (uint8_t)0x01           // Parity Type, 0=even, 1=odd
    #define UART0_C2                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A003 // UART Control Register 2
    #define UART_C2_TIE         (uint8_t)0x80           // Transmitter Interrupt or DMA Transfer Enable.
    #define UART_C2_TCIE            (uint8_t)0x40           // Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable
    #define UART_C2_RIE         (uint8_t)0x20           // Receiver Full Interrupt or DMA Transfer Enable
    #define UART_C2_ILIE            (uint8_t)0x10           // Idle Line Interrupt Enable
    #define UART_C2_TE          (uint8_t)0x08           // Transmitter Enable
    #define UART_C2_RE          (uint8_t)0x04           // Receiver Enable
    #define UART_C2_RWU         (uint8_t)0x02           // Receiver Wakeup Control
    #define UART_C2_SBK         (uint8_t)0x01           // Send Break
    #define UART0_S1                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A004 // UART Status Register 1
    #define UART_S1_TDRE            (uint8_t)0x80           // Transmit Data Register Empty Flag
    #define UART_S1_TC          (uint8_t)0x40           // Transmit Complete Flag
    #define UART_S1_RDRF            (uint8_t)0x20           // Receive Data Register Full Flag
    #define UART_S1_IDLE            (uint8_t)0x10           // Idle Line Flag
    #define UART_S1_OR          (uint8_t)0x08           // Receiver Overrun Flag
    #define UART_S1_NF          (uint8_t)0x04           // Noise Flag
    #define UART_S1_FE          (uint8_t)0x02           // Framing Error Flag
    #define UART_S1_PF          (uint8_t)0x01           // Parity Error Flag
    #define UART0_S2                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A005 // UART Status Register 2
    #define UART0_C3                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A006 // UART Control Register 3
    #define UART0_D                 *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A007 // UART Data Register
    #define UART0_MA1               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A008 // UART Match Address Registers 1
    #define UART0_MA2               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A009 // UART Match Address Registers 2
    #define UART0_C4                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A00A // UART Control Register 4
    #define UART0_C5                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A00B // UART Control Register 5
    #define UART0_ED                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A00C // UART Extended Data Register
    #define UART0_MODEM             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A00D // UART Modem Register
    #define UART0_IR                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A00E // UART Infrared Register
    #define UART0_PFIFO             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A010 // UART FIFO Parameters
    #define UART_PFIFO_TXFE         (uint8_t)0x80
    #define UART_PFIFO_RXFE         (uint8_t)0x08
    #define UART0_CFIFO             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A011 // UART FIFO Control Register
    #define UART_CFIFO_TXFLUSH      (uint8_t)0x80           // 
    #define UART_CFIFO_RXFLUSH      (uint8_t)0x40           // 
    #define UART_CFIFO_RXOFE        (uint8_t)0x04           // 
    #define UART_CFIFO_TXOFE        (uint8_t)0x02           // 
    #define UART_CFIFO_RXUFE        (uint8_t)0x01           // 
    #define UART0_SFIFO             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A012 // UART FIFO Status Register
    #define UART_SFIFO_TXEMPT       (uint8_t)0x80
    #define UART_SFIFO_RXEMPT       (uint8_t)0x40
    #define UART_SFIFO_RXOF         (uint8_t)0x04
    #define UART_SFIFO_TXOF         (uint8_t)0x02
    #define UART_SFIFO_RXUF         (uint8_t)0x01
    #define UART0_TWFIFO            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A013 // UART FIFO Transmit Watermark
    #define UART0_TCFIFO            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A014 // UART FIFO Transmit Count
    #define UART0_RWFIFO            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A015 // UART FIFO Receive Watermark
    #define UART0_RCFIFO            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A016 // UART FIFO Receive Count
    #define UART0_C7816             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A018 // UART 7816 Control Register
    #define UART0_IE7816            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A019 // UART 7816 Interrupt Enable Register
    #define UART0_IS7816            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A01A // UART 7816 Interrupt Status Register
    #define UART0_WP7816T0          *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A01B // UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register
    #define UART0_WP7816T1          *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A01B // UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register
    #define UART0_WN7816            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A01C // UART 7816 Wait N Register
    #define UART0_WF7816            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A01D // UART 7816 Wait FD Register
    #define UART0_ET7816            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A01E // UART 7816 Error Threshold Register
    #define UART0_TL7816            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A01F // UART 7816 Transmit Length Register
    #define UART0_C6                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A021 // UART CEA709.1-B Control Register 6
    #define UART0_PCTH              *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A022 // UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter High
    #define UART0_PCTL              *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A023 // UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter Low
    #define UART0_B1T               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A024 // UART CEA709.1-B Beta1 Timer
    #define UART0_SDTH              *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A025 // UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer High
    #define UART0_SDTL              *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A026 // UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer Low
    #define UART0_PRE               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A027 // UART CEA709.1-B Preamble
    #define UART0_TPL               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A028 // UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Packet Length
    #define UART0_IE                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A029 // UART CEA709.1-B Interrupt Enable Register
    #define UART0_WB                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A02A // UART CEA709.1-B WBASE
    #define UART0_S3                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A02B // UART CEA709.1-B Status Register
    #define UART0_S4                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A02C // UART CEA709.1-B Status Register
    #define UART0_RPL               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A02D // UART CEA709.1-B Received Packet Length
    #define UART0_RPREL             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A02E // UART CEA709.1-B Received Preamble Length
    #define UART0_CPW               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A02F // UART CEA709.1-B Collision Pulse Width
    #define UART0_RIDT              *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A030 // UART CEA709.1-B Receive Indeterminate Time
    #define UART0_TIDT              *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006A031 // UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Indeterminate Time
    #define UART1_BDH               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B000 // UART Baud Rate Registers: High
    #define UART1_BDL               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B001 // UART Baud Rate Registers: Low
    #define UART1_C1                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B002 // UART Control Register 1
    #define UART1_C2                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B003 // UART Control Register 2
    #define UART1_S1                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B004 // UART Status Register 1
    #define UART1_S2                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B005 // UART Status Register 2
    #define UART1_C3                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B006 // UART Control Register 3
    #define UART1_D                 *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B007 // UART Data Register
    #define UART1_MA1               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B008 // UART Match Address Registers 1
    #define UART1_MA2               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B009 // UART Match Address Registers 2
    #define UART1_C4                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B00A // UART Control Register 4
    #define UART1_C5                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B00B // UART Control Register 5
    #define UART1_ED                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B00C // UART Extended Data Register
    #define UART1_MODEM             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B00D // UART Modem Register
    #define UART1_IR                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B00E // UART Infrared Register
    #define UART1_PFIFO             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B010 // UART FIFO Parameters
    #define UART1_CFIFO             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B011 // UART FIFO Control Register
    #define UART1_SFIFO             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B012 // UART FIFO Status Register
    #define UART1_TWFIFO            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B013 // UART FIFO Transmit Watermark
    #define UART1_TCFIFO            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B014 // UART FIFO Transmit Count
    #define UART1_RWFIFO            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B015 // UART FIFO Receive Watermark
    #define UART1_RCFIFO            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B016 // UART FIFO Receive Count
    #define UART1_C7816             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B018 // UART 7816 Control Register
    #define UART1_IE7816            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B019 // UART 7816 Interrupt Enable Register
    #define UART1_IS7816            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B01A // UART 7816 Interrupt Status Register
    #define UART1_WP7816T0          *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B01B // UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register
    #define UART1_WP7816T1          *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B01B // UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register
    #define UART1_WN7816            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B01C // UART 7816 Wait N Register
    #define UART1_WF7816            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B01D // UART 7816 Wait FD Register
    #define UART1_ET7816            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B01E // UART 7816 Error Threshold Register
    #define UART1_TL7816            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B01F // UART 7816 Transmit Length Register
    #define UART1_C6                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B021 // UART CEA709.1-B Control Register 6
    #define UART1_PCTH              *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B022 // UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter High
    #define UART1_PCTL              *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B023 // UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter Low
    #define UART1_B1T               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B024 // UART CEA709.1-B Beta1 Timer
    #define UART1_SDTH              *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B025 // UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer High
    #define UART1_SDTL              *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B026 // UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer Low
    #define UART1_PRE               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B027 // UART CEA709.1-B Preamble
    #define UART1_TPL               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B028 // UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Packet Length
    #define UART1_IE                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B029 // UART CEA709.1-B Interrupt Enable Register
    #define UART1_WB                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B02A // UART CEA709.1-B WBASE
    #define UART1_S3                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B02B // UART CEA709.1-B Status Register
    #define UART1_S4                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B02C // UART CEA709.1-B Status Register
    #define UART1_RPL               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B02D // UART CEA709.1-B Received Packet Length
    #define UART1_RPREL             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B02E // UART CEA709.1-B Received Preamble Length
    #define UART1_CPW               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B02F // UART CEA709.1-B Collision Pulse Width
    #define UART1_RIDT              *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B030 // UART CEA709.1-B Receive Indeterminate Time
    #define UART1_TIDT              *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006B031 // UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Indeterminate Time
    #define UART2_BDH               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C000 // UART Baud Rate Registers: High
    #define UART2_BDL               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C001 // UART Baud Rate Registers: Low
    #define UART2_C1                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C002 // UART Control Register 1
    #define UART2_C2                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C003 // UART Control Register 2
    #define UART2_S1                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C004 // UART Status Register 1
    #define UART2_S2                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C005 // UART Status Register 2
    #define UART2_C3                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C006 // UART Control Register 3
    #define UART2_D                 *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C007 // UART Data Register
    #define UART2_MA1               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C008 // UART Match Address Registers 1
    #define UART2_MA2               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C009 // UART Match Address Registers 2
    #define UART2_C4                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C00A // UART Control Register 4
    #define UART2_C5                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C00B // UART Control Register 5
    #define UART2_ED                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C00C // UART Extended Data Register
    #define UART2_MODEM             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C00D // UART Modem Register
    #define UART2_IR                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C00E // UART Infrared Register
    #define UART2_PFIFO             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C010 // UART FIFO Parameters
    #define UART2_CFIFO             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C011 // UART FIFO Control Register
    #define UART2_SFIFO             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C012 // UART FIFO Status Register
    #define UART2_TWFIFO            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C013 // UART FIFO Transmit Watermark
    #define UART2_TCFIFO            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C014 // UART FIFO Transmit Count
    #define UART2_RWFIFO            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C015 // UART FIFO Receive Watermark
    #define UART2_RCFIFO            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C016 // UART FIFO Receive Count
    #define UART2_C7816             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C018 // UART 7816 Control Register
    #define UART2_IE7816            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C019 // UART 7816 Interrupt Enable Register
    #define UART2_IS7816            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C01A // UART 7816 Interrupt Status Register
    #define UART2_WP7816T0          *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C01B // UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register
    #define UART2_WP7816T1          *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C01B // UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register
    #define UART2_WN7816            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C01C // UART 7816 Wait N Register
    #define UART2_WF7816            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C01D // UART 7816 Wait FD Register
    #define UART2_ET7816            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C01E // UART 7816 Error Threshold Register
    #define UART2_TL7816            *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C01F // UART 7816 Transmit Length Register
    #define UART2_C6                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C021 // UART CEA709.1-B Control Register 6
    #define UART2_PCTH              *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C022 // UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter High
    #define UART2_PCTL              *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C023 // UART CEA709.1-B Packet Cycle Time Counter Low
    #define UART2_B1T               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C024 // UART CEA709.1-B Beta1 Timer
    #define UART2_SDTH              *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C025 // UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer High
    #define UART2_SDTL              *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C026 // UART CEA709.1-B Secondary Delay Timer Low
    #define UART2_PRE               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C027 // UART CEA709.1-B Preamble
    #define UART2_TPL               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C028 // UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Packet Length
    #define UART2_IE                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C029 // UART CEA709.1-B Interrupt Enable Register
    #define UART2_WB                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C02A // UART CEA709.1-B WBASE
    #define UART2_S3                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C02B // UART CEA709.1-B Status Register
    #define UART2_S4                *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C02C // UART CEA709.1-B Status Register
    #define UART2_RPL               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C02D // UART CEA709.1-B Received Packet Length
    #define UART2_RPREL             *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C02E // UART CEA709.1-B Received Preamble Length
    #define UART2_CPW               *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C02F // UART CEA709.1-B Collision Pulse Width
    #define UART2_RIDT              *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C030 // UART CEA709.1-B Receive Indeterminate Time
    #define UART2_TIDT              *(volatile uint8_t  *)0x4006C031 // UART CEA709.1-B Transmit Indeterminate Time
    // Chapter 46: Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI)
    #define I2S0_TCSR               *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F000 // SAI Transmit Control Register
    #define I2S0_TCR1               *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F004 // SAI Transmit Configuration 1 Register
    #define I2S0_TCR2               *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F008 // SAI Transmit Configuration 2 Register
    #define I2S0_TCR3               *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F00C // SAI Transmit Configuration 3 Register
    #define I2S0_TCR4               *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F010 // SAI Transmit Configuration 4 Register
    #define I2S0_TCR5               *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F014 // SAI Transmit Configuration 5 Register
    #define I2S0_TDR0               *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F020 // SAI Transmit Data Register
    #define I2S0_TFR0               *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F040 // SAI Transmit FIFO Register
    #define I2S0_TMR                *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F060 // SAI Transmit Mask Register
    #define I2S0_RCSR               *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F080 // SAI Receive Control Register
    #define I2S0_RCR1               *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F084 // SAI Receive Configuration 1 Register
    #define I2S0_RCR2               *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F088 // SAI Receive Configuration 2 Register
    #define I2S0_RCR3               *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F08C // SAI Receive Configuration 3 Register
    #define I2S0_RCR4               *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F090 // SAI Receive Configuration 4 Register
    #define I2S0_RCR5               *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F094 // SAI Receive Configuration 5 Register
    #define I2S0_RDR0               *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F0A0 // SAI Receive Data Register
    #define I2S0_RFR0               *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F0C0 // SAI Receive FIFO Register
    #define I2S0_RMR                *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F0E0 // SAI Receive Mask Register
    #define I2S0_MCR                *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F100 // SAI MCLK Control Register
    #define I2S0_MDR                *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4002F104 // SAI MCLK Divide Register
    // Chapter 47: General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
    #define GPIOA_PDOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF000 // Port Data Output Register
    #define GPIOA_PSOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF004 // Port Set Output Register
    #define GPIOA_PCOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF008 // Port Clear Output Register
    #define GPIOA_PTOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF00C // Port Toggle Output Register
    #define GPIOA_PDIR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF010 // Port Data Input Register
    #define GPIOA_PDDR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF014 // Port Data Direction Register
    #define GPIOB_PDOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF040 // Port Data Output Register
    #define GPIOB_PSOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF044 // Port Set Output Register
    #define GPIOB_PCOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF048 // Port Clear Output Register
    #define GPIOB_PTOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF04C // Port Toggle Output Register
    #define GPIOB_PDIR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF050 // Port Data Input Register
    #define GPIOB_PDDR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF054 // Port Data Direction Register
    #define GPIOC_PDOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF080 // Port Data Output Register
    #define GPIOC_PSOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF084 // Port Set Output Register
    #define GPIOC_PCOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF088 // Port Clear Output Register
    #define GPIOC_PTOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF08C // Port Toggle Output Register
    #define GPIOC_PDIR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF090 // Port Data Input Register
    #define GPIOC_PDDR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF094 // Port Data Direction Register
    #define GPIOD_PDOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF0C0 // Port Data Output Register
    #define GPIOD_PSOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF0C4 // Port Set Output Register
    #define GPIOD_PCOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF0C8 // Port Clear Output Register
    #define GPIOD_PTOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF0CC // Port Toggle Output Register
    #define GPIOD_PDIR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF0D0 // Port Data Input Register
    #define GPIOD_PDDR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF0D4 // Port Data Direction Register
    #define GPIOE_PDOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF100 // Port Data Output Register
    #define GPIOE_PSOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF104 // Port Set Output Register
    #define GPIOE_PCOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF108 // Port Clear Output Register
    #define GPIOE_PTOR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF10C // Port Toggle Output Register
    #define GPIOE_PDIR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF110 // Port Data Input Register
    #define GPIOE_PDDR              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x400FF114 // Port Data Direction Register
    // Chapter 48: Touch sense input (TSI)
    #define TSI0_GENCS              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40045000 // General Control and Status Register
    #define TSI_GENCS_LPCLKS        (uint32_t)0x10000000        // 
    #define TSI_GENCS_LPSCNITV(n)       (((n) & 15) << 24)      // 
    #define TSI_GENCS_NSCN(n)       (((n) & 31) << 19)      // 
    #define TSI_GENCS_PS(n)         (((n) & 7) << 16)       // 
    #define TSI_GENCS_EOSF          (uint32_t)0x00008000        // 
    #define TSI_GENCS_OUTRGF        (uint32_t)0x00004000        // 
    #define TSI_GENCS_EXTERF        (uint32_t)0x00002000        // 
    #define TSI_GENCS_OVRF          (uint32_t)0x00001000        // 
    #define TSI_GENCS_SCNIP         (uint32_t)0x00000200        // 
    #define TSI_GENCS_SWTS          (uint32_t)0x00000100        // 
    #define TSI_GENCS_TSIEN         (uint32_t)0x00000080        // 
    #define TSI_GENCS_TSIIE         (uint32_t)0x00000040        // 
    #define TSI_GENCS_ERIE          (uint32_t)0x00000020        // 
    #define TSI_GENCS_ESOR          (uint32_t)0x00000010        // 
    #define TSI_GENCS_STM           (uint32_t)0x00000002        // 
    #define TSI_GENCS_STPE          (uint32_t)0x00000001        // 
    #define TSI0_SCANC              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40045004 // SCAN Control Register
    #define TSI_SCANC_REFCHRG(n)        (((n) & 15) << 24)      // 
    #define TSI_SCANC_EXTCHRG(n)        (((n) & 7) << 16)       // 
    #define TSI_SCANC_SMOD(n)       (((n) & 255) << 8)      // 
    #define TSI_SCANC_AMCLKS(n)     (((n) & 3) << 3)        // 
    #define TSI_SCANC_AMPSC(n)      (((n) & 7) << 0)        // 
    #define TSI0_PEN                *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40045008 // Pin Enable Register
    #define TSI0_WUCNTR             *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4004500C // Wake-Up Channel Counter Register
    #define TSI0_CNTR1              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40045100 // Counter Register
    #define TSI0_CNTR3              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40045104 // Counter Register
    #define TSI0_CNTR5              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40045108 // Counter Register
    #define TSI0_CNTR7              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4004510C // Counter Register
    #define TSI0_CNTR9              *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40045110 // Counter Register
    #define TSI0_CNTR11             *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40045114 // Counter Register
    #define TSI0_CNTR13             *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40045118 // Counter Register
    #define TSI0_CNTR15             *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4004511C // Counter Register
    #define TSI0_THRESHOLD          *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40045120 // Low Power Channel Threshold Register
    // Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller, Table 3-4 & ARMv7 ref, appendix B3.4 (page 750)
    #define NVIC_ENABLE_IRQ(n)  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E100 + (n >> 5)) = (1 << (n & 31)))
    #define NVIC_DISABLE_IRQ(n) (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E180 + (n >> 5)) = (1 << (n & 31)))
    #define NVIC_SET_PENDING(n) (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E200 + (n >> 5)) = (1 << (n & 31)))
    #define NVIC_CLEAR_PENDING(n)   (*((volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E280 + (n >> 5)) = (1 << (n & 31)))
    #define NVIC_ISER0      *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E100
    #define NVIC_ISER1      *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E104
    #define NVIC_ICER0      *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E180
    #define NVIC_ICER1      *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E184
    //#define NVIC_SET_PRIORITY(n, p)   
    #define IRQ_DMA_CH0     0
    #define IRQ_DMA_CH1     1
    #define IRQ_DMA_CH2     2
    #define IRQ_DMA_CH3     3
    #define IRQ_DMA_ERROR       4
    #define IRQ_FTFL_COMPLETE   6
    #define IRQ_FTFL_COLLISION  7
    #define IRQ_LOW_VOLTAGE     8
    #define IRQ_LLWU        9
    #define IRQ_WDOG        10
    #define IRQ_I2C0        11
    #define IRQ_SPI0        12
    #define IRQ_I2S0_TX     13
    #define IRQ_I2S0_RX     14
    #define IRQ_UART0_LON       15
    #define IRQ_UART0_STATUS    16
    #define IRQ_UART0_ERROR     17
    #define IRQ_UART1_STATUS    18
    #define IRQ_UART1_ERROR     19
    #define IRQ_UART2_STATUS    20
    #define IRQ_UART2_ERROR     21
    #define IRQ_ADC0        22
    #define IRQ_CMP0        23
    #define IRQ_CMP1        24
    #define IRQ_FTM0        25
    #define IRQ_FTM1        26
    #define IRQ_CMT         27
    #define IRQ_RTC_ALARM       28
    #define IRQ_RTC_SECOND      29
    #define IRQ_PIT_CH0     30
    #define IRQ_PIT_CH1     31
    #define IRQ_PIT_CH2     32
    #define IRQ_PIT_CH3     33
    #define IRQ_PDB         34
    #define IRQ_USBOTG      35
    #define IRQ_USBDCD      36
    #define IRQ_TSI         37
    #define IRQ_MCG         38
    #define IRQ_LPTMR       39
    #define IRQ_PORTA       40
    #define IRQ_PORTB       41
    #define IRQ_PORTC       42
    #define IRQ_PORTD       43
    #define IRQ_PORTE       44
    #define IRQ_SOFTWARE        45
    #define __disable_irq() asm volatile("CPSID i");
    #define __enable_irq()  asm volatile("CPSIE i");
    // System Control Space (SCS), ARMv7 ref manual, B3.2, page 708
    #define SCB_CPUID       *(const    uint32_t *)0xE000ED00 // CPUID Base Register
    #define SCB_ICSR        *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED04 // Interrupt Control and State
    #define SCB_ICSR_PENDSTSET      (uint32_t)0x04000000
    #define SCB_VTOR        *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED08 // Vector Table Offset
    #define SCB_AIRCR       *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED0C // Application Interrupt and Reset Control
    #define SCB_SCR         *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED10 // System Control Register
    #define SCB_CCR         *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED14 // Configuration and Control
    #define SCB_SHPR1       *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED18 // System Handler Priority Register 1
    #define SCB_SHPR2       *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED1C // System Handler Priority Register 2
    #define SCB_SHPR3       *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED20 // System Handler Priority Register 3
    #define SCB_SHCSR       *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED24 // System Handler Control and State
    #define SCB_CFSR        *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED28 // Configurable Fault Status Register
    #define SCB_HFSR        *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED2C // HardFault Status
    #define SCB_DFSR        *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED30 // Debug Fault Status
    #define SCB_MMFAR       *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000ED34 // MemManage Fault Address
    #define SYST_CSR        *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E010 // SysTick Control and Status
    #define SYST_CSR_COUNTFLAG      (uint32_t)0x00010000
    #define SYST_CSR_CLKSOURCE      (uint32_t)0x00000004
    #define SYST_CSR_TICKINT        (uint32_t)0x00000002
    #define SYST_CSR_ENABLE         (uint32_t)0x00000001
    #define SYST_RVR        *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E014 // SysTick Reload Value Register
    #define SYST_CVR        *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000E018 // SysTick Current Value Register
    #define SYST_CALIB      *(const    uint32_t *)0xE000E01C // SysTick Calibration Value
    #define ARM_DEMCR               *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE000EDFC // Debug Exception and Monitor Control
    #define ARM_DEMCR_TRCENA        (1 << 24)        // Enable debugging & monitoring blocks
    #define ARM_DWT_CTRL            *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE0001000 // DWT control register
    #define ARM_DWT_CTRL_CYCCNTENA          (1 << 0)                // Enable cycle count
    #define ARM_DWT_CYCCNT          *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE0001004 // Cycle count register
    extern void nmi_isr(void);
    extern void hard_fault_isr(void);
    extern void memmanage_fault_isr(void);
    extern void bus_fault_isr(void);
    extern void usage_fault_isr(void);
    extern void svcall_isr(void);
    extern void debugmonitor_isr(void);
    extern void pendablesrvreq_isr(void);
    extern void systick_isr(void);
    extern void dma_ch0_isr(void);
    extern void dma_ch1_isr(void);
    extern void dma_ch2_isr(void);
    extern void dma_ch3_isr(void);
    extern void dma_error_isr(void);
    extern void flash_cmd_isr(void);
    extern void flash_error_isr(void);
    extern void low_voltage_isr(void);
    extern void wakeup_isr(void);
    extern void watchdog_isr(void);
    extern void i2c0_isr(void);
    extern void spi0_isr(void);
    extern void i2s0_tx_isr(void);
    extern void i2s0_rx_isr(void);
    extern void uart0_lon_isr(void);
    extern void uart0_status_isr(void);
    extern void uart0_error_isr(void);
    extern void uart1_status_isr(void);
    extern void uart1_error_isr(void);
    extern void uart2_status_isr(void);
    extern void uart2_error_isr(void);
    extern void adc0_isr(void);
    extern void cmp0_isr(void);
    extern void cmp1_isr(void);
    extern void ftm0_isr(void);
    extern void ftm1_isr(void);
    extern void cmt_isr(void);
    extern void rtc_alarm_isr(void);
    extern void rtc_seconds_isr(void);
    extern void pit0_isr(void);
    extern void pit1_isr(void);
    extern void pit2_isr(void);
    extern void pit3_isr(void);
    extern void pdb_isr(void);
    extern void usb_isr(void);
    extern void usb_charge_isr(void);
    extern void tsi0_isr(void);
    extern void mcg_isr(void);
    extern void lptmr_isr(void);
    extern void porta_isr(void);
    extern void portb_isr(void);
    extern void portc_isr(void);
    extern void portd_isr(void);
    extern void porte_isr(void);
    extern void software_isr(void);
    static inline void watchdog_refresh(void)
        WDOG_REFRESH = 0xA602;
        WDOG_REFRESH = 0xB480;
        // Any invalid write to the WDOG registers will trigger an immediate reboot
        WDOG_REFRESH = 0;