diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index b9dcbe110fd12779d9aca4e249629bfda05afcae..89fea72e08fe2c883b342abfb331c8fa927344c0 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -236,6 +236,10 @@ LIBS += drivers/qe/qe.a
 ifeq ($(CPU),mpc85xx)
 LIBS += drivers/qe/qe.a
+LIBS += cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/libddr.a
+ifeq ($(CPU),mpc86xx)
+LIBS += cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/libddr.a
 LIBS += drivers/rtc/librtc.a
 LIBS += drivers/serial/libserial.a
diff --git a/cpu/mpc85xx/Makefile b/cpu/mpc85xx/Makefile
index adbc585827ab22fe6fdce611e0aef60222955467..d51a6dd79f6cf99544dc22dd1da3f99b3e5661b8 100644
--- a/cpu/mpc85xx/Makefile
+++ b/cpu/mpc85xx/Makefile
@@ -33,8 +33,17 @@ SOBJS-$(CONFIG_MP) += release.o
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_MP) += mp.o
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_FSL_DDR3),y)
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_FSL_DDR2),y)
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_FSL_DDR1),y)
+COBJS-y	+= spd_sdram.o
 COBJS	= traps.o cpu.o cpu_init.o speed.o interrupts.o tlb.o \
-	  pci.o serial_scc.o commproc.o ether_fcc.o spd_sdram.o qe_io.o \
+	  pci.o serial_scc.o commproc.o ether_fcc.o qe_io.o \
 SRCS	:= $(START:.o=.S) $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(COBJS:.o=.c)
diff --git a/cpu/mpc86xx/Makefile b/cpu/mpc86xx/Makefile
index 537f62a3238688d8e80070456a0960bfddf5e513..454c72840917636b61052262afa286404041d853 100644
--- a/cpu/mpc86xx/Makefile
+++ b/cpu/mpc86xx/Makefile
@@ -36,10 +36,13 @@ COBJS-y	+= cpu.o
 COBJS-y	+= cpu_init.o
 COBJS-y	+= speed.o
 COBJS-y	+= interrupts.o
-COBJS-y	+= spd_sdram.o
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_FSL_DDR2),y)
+COBJS-y	+= spd_sdram.o
 SRCS	:= $(START:.o=.S) $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(COBJS-y:.o=.c)
 OBJS	:= $(addprefix $(obj),$(SOBJS) $(COBJS-y))
 START	:= $(addprefix $(obj),$(START))
diff --git a/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/Makefile b/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b7f8d8cf5717d1af3431f8c2af4d03062cd0837b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright 2008 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+include $(TOPDIR)/config.mk
+LIB	= $(obj)libddr.a
+COBJS-$(CONFIG_FSL_DDR1)	+= main.o util.o ctrl_regs.o options.o \
+				   lc_common_dimm_params.o
+COBJS-$(CONFIG_FSL_DDR1)	+= ddr1_dimm_params.o
+COBJS-$(CONFIG_FSL_DDR2)	+= main.o util.o ctrl_regs.o options.o \
+				   lc_common_dimm_params.o
+COBJS-$(CONFIG_FSL_DDR2)	+= ddr2_dimm_params.o
+SRCS	:= $(START:.o=.S) $(SOBJS-y:.o=.S) $(COBJS-y:.o=.c)
+OBJS	:= $(addprefix $(obj),$(SOBJS-y) $(COBJS-y))
+all:	$(obj).depend $(LIB)
+$(LIB):	$(OBJS)
+	$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $(OBJS)
+include $(SRCTREE)/rules.mk
+sinclude $(obj).depend
diff --git a/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/common_timing_params.h b/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/common_timing_params.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5aea517f251d0716b00693600dbfc6d172a49a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/common_timing_params.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * Copyright 2008 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+	/* parameters to constrict */
+	unsigned int tCKmin_X_ps;
+	unsigned int tCKmax_ps;
+	unsigned int tCKmax_max_ps;
+	unsigned int tRCD_ps;
+	unsigned int tRP_ps;
+	unsigned int tRAS_ps;
+	unsigned int tWR_ps;	/* maximum = 63750 ps */
+	unsigned int tWTR_ps;	/* maximum = 63750 ps */
+	unsigned int tRFC_ps;	/* maximum = 255 ns + 256 ns + .75 ns
+					   = 511750 ps */
+	unsigned int tRRD_ps;	/* maximum = 63750 ps */
+	unsigned int tRC_ps;	/* maximum = 254 ns + .75 ns = 254750 ps */
+	unsigned int refresh_rate_ps;
+	unsigned int tIS_ps;	/* byte 32, spd->ca_setup */
+	unsigned int tIH_ps;	/* byte 33, spd->ca_hold */
+	unsigned int tDS_ps;	/* byte 34, spd->data_setup */
+	unsigned int tDH_ps;	/* byte 35, spd->data_hold */
+	unsigned int tRTP_ps;	/* byte 38, spd->trtp */
+	unsigned int tDQSQ_max_ps;	/* byte 44, spd->tdqsq */
+	unsigned int tQHS_ps;	/* byte 45, spd->tqhs */
+	unsigned int ndimms_present;
+	unsigned int lowest_common_SPD_caslat;
+	unsigned int highest_common_derated_caslat;
+	unsigned int additive_latency;
+	unsigned int all_DIMMs_burst_lengths_bitmask;
+	unsigned int all_DIMMs_registered;
+	unsigned int all_DIMMs_unbuffered;
+	unsigned int all_DIMMs_ECC_capable;
+	unsigned long long total_mem;
+	unsigned long long base_address;
+} common_timing_params_t;
diff --git a/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/ctrl_regs.c b/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/ctrl_regs.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca675512a29633004fb84b639b7f150f6b3fb8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/ctrl_regs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,993 @@
+ * Copyright 2008 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+ * Generic driver for Freescale DDR/DDR2/DDR3 memory controller.
+ * Based on code from spd_sdram.c
+ * Author: James Yang [at freescale.com]
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/fsl_ddr_sdram.h>
+#include "ddr.h"
+extern unsigned int picos_to_mclk(unsigned int picos);
+ * Determine Rtt value.
+ *
+ * This should likely be either board or controller specific.
+ *
+ * Rtt(nominal):
+ *	0 = Rtt disabled
+ *	1 = 75 ohm
+ *	2 = 150 ohm
+ *	3 = 50 ohm
+ *
+ * FIXME: Apparently 8641 needs a value of 2
+ * FIXME: Old code seys if 667 MHz or higher, use 3 on 8572
+ *
+ * FIXME: There was some effort down this line earlier:
+ *
+ *	unsigned int i;
+ *	for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_CHIP_SELECTS_PER_CTRL/2; i++) {
+ *		if (popts->dimmslot[i].num_valid_cs
+ *		    && (popts->cs_local_opts[2*i].odt_rd_cfg
+ *			|| popts->cs_local_opts[2*i].odt_wr_cfg)) {
+ *			rtt = 2;
+ *			break;
+ *		}
+ *	}
+ */
+static inline int fsl_ddr_get_rtt(void)
+	int rtt;
+#if defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR1)
+	rtt = 0;
+#elif defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR2)
+	rtt = 3;
+#error "Need Rtt value for DDR3"
+	return rtt;
+/* Chip Select Configuration (CSn_CONFIG) */
+static void set_csn_config(int i, fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr,
+			       const memctl_options_t *popts,
+			       const dimm_params_t *dimm_params)
+	unsigned int cs_n_en = 0; /* Chip Select enable */
+	unsigned int intlv_en = 0; /* Memory controller interleave enable */
+	unsigned int intlv_ctl = 0; /* Interleaving control */
+	unsigned int ap_n_en = 0; /* Chip select n auto-precharge enable */
+	unsigned int odt_rd_cfg = 0; /* ODT for reads configuration */
+	unsigned int odt_wr_cfg = 0; /* ODT for writes configuration */
+	unsigned int ba_bits_cs_n = 0; /* Num of bank bits for SDRAM on CSn */
+	unsigned int row_bits_cs_n = 0; /* Num of row bits for SDRAM on CSn */
+	unsigned int col_bits_cs_n = 0; /* Num of ocl bits for SDRAM on CSn */
+	/* Compute CS_CONFIG only for existing ranks of each DIMM.  */
+	if ((((i&1) == 0)
+	    && (dimm_params[i/2].n_ranks == 1))
+	    || (dimm_params[i/2].n_ranks == 2)) {
+		unsigned int n_banks_per_sdram_device;
+		cs_n_en = 1;
+		if (i == 0) {
+			/* These fields only available in CS0_CONFIG */
+			intlv_en = popts->memctl_interleaving;
+			intlv_ctl = popts->memctl_interleaving_mode;
+		}
+		ap_n_en = popts->cs_local_opts[i].auto_precharge;
+		odt_rd_cfg = popts->cs_local_opts[i].odt_rd_cfg;
+		odt_wr_cfg = popts->cs_local_opts[i].odt_wr_cfg;
+		n_banks_per_sdram_device
+			= dimm_params[i/2].n_banks_per_sdram_device;
+		ba_bits_cs_n = __ilog2(n_banks_per_sdram_device) - 2;
+		row_bits_cs_n = dimm_params[i/2].n_row_addr - 12;
+		col_bits_cs_n = dimm_params[i/2].n_col_addr - 8;
+	}
+	/* FIXME: intlv_en, intlv_ctl only on CS0_CONFIG */
+	if (i != 0) {
+		intlv_en = 0;
+		intlv_ctl = 0;
+	}
+	ddr->cs[i].config = (0
+		| ((cs_n_en & 0x1) << 31)
+		| ((intlv_en & 0x3) << 29)
+		| ((intlv_en & 0xf) << 24)
+		| ((ap_n_en & 0x1) << 23)
+		/* XXX: some implementation only have 1 bit starting at left */
+		| ((odt_rd_cfg & 0x7) << 20)
+		/* XXX: Some implementation only have 1 bit starting at left */
+		| ((odt_wr_cfg & 0x7) << 16)
+		| ((ba_bits_cs_n & 0x3) << 14)
+		| ((row_bits_cs_n & 0x7) << 8)
+		| ((col_bits_cs_n & 0x7) << 0)
+		);
+/* Chip Select Configuration 2 (CSn_CONFIG_2) */
+/* FIXME: 8572 */
+static void set_csn_config_2(int i, fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr)
+	unsigned int pasr_cfg = 0;	/* Partial array self refresh config */
+	ddr->cs[i].config_2 = ((pasr_cfg & 7) << 24);
+/* -3E = 667 CL5, -25 = CL6 800, -25E = CL5 800 */
+#if defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR2)
+ * DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 0 (TIMING_CFG_0)
+ *
+ * Avoid writing for DDR I.  The new PQ38 DDR controller
+ * dreams up non-zero default values to be backwards compatible.
+ */
+static void set_timing_cfg_0(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr)
+	unsigned char trwt_mclk = 0;   /* Read-to-write turnaround */
+	unsigned char twrt_mclk = 0;   /* Write-to-read turnaround */
+	/* 7.5 ns on -3E; 0 means WL - CL + BL/2 + 1 */
+	unsigned char trrt_mclk = 0;   /* Read-to-read turnaround */
+	unsigned char twwt_mclk = 0;   /* Write-to-write turnaround */
+	/* Active powerdown exit timing (tXARD and tXARDS). */
+	unsigned char act_pd_exit_mclk;
+	/* Precharge powerdown exit timing (tXP). */
+	unsigned char pre_pd_exit_mclk;
+	/* Precharge powerdown exit timing (tAXPD). */
+	unsigned char taxpd_mclk;
+	/* Mode register set cycle time (tMRD). */
+	unsigned char tmrd_mclk;
+	/* (tXARD and tXARDS). Empirical? */
+	act_pd_exit_mclk = 2;
+	/* XXX:  tXARD = 2, tXARDS = 7 - AL. * Empirical? */
+	pre_pd_exit_mclk = 6;
+	/* FIXME:  tXP = 2 on Micron 667 MHz DIMM */
+	taxpd_mclk = 8;
+	tmrd_mclk = 2;
+	ddr->timing_cfg_0 = (0
+		| ((trwt_mclk & 0x3) << 30)	/* RWT */
+		| ((twrt_mclk & 0x3) << 28)	/* WRT */
+		| ((trrt_mclk & 0x3) << 26)	/* RRT */
+		| ((twwt_mclk & 0x3) << 24)	/* WWT */
+		| ((act_pd_exit_mclk & 0x7) << 20)  /* ACT_PD_EXIT */
+		| ((pre_pd_exit_mclk & 0x7) << 16)  /* PRE_PD_EXIT */
+		| ((taxpd_mclk & 0xf) << 8)	/* ODT_PD_EXIT */
+		| ((tmrd_mclk & 0xf) << 0)	/* MRS_CYC */
+		);
+	debug("FSLDDR: timing_cfg_0 = 0x%08x\n", ddr->timing_cfg_0);
+#endif	/* defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR2) */
+/* DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 3 (TIMING_CFG_3) */
+static void set_timing_cfg_3(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr,
+			       const common_timing_params_t *common_dimm)
+	/* Extended Activate to precharge interval (tRAS) */
+	unsigned int ext_acttopre = 0;
+	unsigned int ext_refrec; /* Extended refresh recovery time (tRFC) */
+	unsigned int ext_caslat = 0; /* Extended MCAS latency from READ cmd */
+	unsigned int cntl_adj = 0; /* Control Adjust */
+	ext_refrec = (picos_to_mclk(common_dimm->tRFC_ps) - 8) >> 4;
+	ddr->timing_cfg_3 = (0
+		| ((ext_acttopre & 0x1) << 24)
+		| ((ext_refrec & 0x7) << 16)
+		| ((ext_caslat & 0x1) << 12)
+		| ((cntl_adj & 0x7) << 0)
+		);
+/* DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 1 (TIMING_CFG_1) */
+static void set_timing_cfg_1(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr,
+			       const common_timing_params_t *common_dimm,
+			       unsigned int cas_latency)
+	/* Precharge-to-activate interval (tRP) */
+	unsigned char pretoact_mclk;
+	/* Activate to precharge interval (tRAS) */
+	unsigned char acttopre_mclk;
+	/*  Activate to read/write interval (tRCD) */
+	unsigned char acttorw_mclk;
+	/* CASLAT */
+	unsigned char caslat_ctrl;
+	/*  Refresh recovery time (tRFC) ; trfc_low */
+	unsigned char refrec_ctrl;
+	/* Last data to precharge minimum interval (tWR) */
+	unsigned char wrrec_mclk;
+	/* Activate-to-activate interval (tRRD) */
+	unsigned char acttoact_mclk;
+	/* Last write data pair to read command issue interval (tWTR) */
+	unsigned char wrtord_mclk;
+	pretoact_mclk = picos_to_mclk(common_dimm->tRP_ps);
+	acttopre_mclk = picos_to_mclk(common_dimm->tRAS_ps);
+	acttorw_mclk = picos_to_mclk(common_dimm->tRCD_ps);
+	/*
+	 * Translate CAS Latency to a DDR controller field value:
+	 *
+	 *      CAS Lat DDR I   DDR II  Ctrl
+	 *      Clocks  SPD Bit SPD Bit Value
+	 *      ------- ------- ------- -----
+	 *      1.0     0               0001
+	 *      1.5     1               0010
+	 *      2.0     2       2       0011
+	 *      2.5     3               0100
+	 *      3.0     4       3       0101
+	 *      3.5     5               0110
+	 *      4.0             4       0111
+	 *      4.5                     1000
+	 *      5.0             5       1001
+	 */
+#if defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR1)
+	caslat_ctrl = (cas_latency + 1) & 0x07;
+#elif defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR2)
+	caslat_ctrl = 2 * cas_latency - 1;
+#error "Need CAS Latency help for DDR3 in fsl_ddr_sdram.c"
+	refrec_ctrl = picos_to_mclk(common_dimm->tRFC_ps) - 8;
+	wrrec_mclk = picos_to_mclk(common_dimm->tWR_ps);
+	acttoact_mclk = picos_to_mclk(common_dimm->tRRD_ps);
+	wrtord_mclk = picos_to_mclk(common_dimm->tWTR_ps);
+	ddr->timing_cfg_1 = (0
+		| ((pretoact_mclk & 0x07) << 28)
+		| ((acttopre_mclk & 0x0F) << 24)
+		| ((acttorw_mclk & 0x7) << 20)
+		| ((caslat_ctrl & 0xF) << 16)
+		| ((refrec_ctrl & 0xF) << 12)
+		| ((wrrec_mclk & 0x07) << 8)
+		| ((acttoact_mclk & 0x07) << 4)
+		| ((wrtord_mclk & 0x07) << 0)
+		);
+/* DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 2 (TIMING_CFG_2) */
+static void set_timing_cfg_2(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr,
+			       const memctl_options_t *popts,
+			       const common_timing_params_t *common_dimm,
+			       unsigned int cas_latency,
+			       unsigned int additive_latency)
+	/* Additive latency */
+	unsigned char add_lat_mclk;
+	/* CAS-to-preamble override */
+	unsigned short cpo;
+	/* Write latency */
+	unsigned char wr_lat;
+	/*  Read to precharge (tRTP) */
+	unsigned char rd_to_pre;
+	/* Write command to write data strobe timing adjustment */
+	unsigned char wr_data_delay;
+	/* Minimum CKE pulse width (tCKE) */
+	unsigned char cke_pls;
+	/* Window for four activates (tFAW) */
+	unsigned short four_act;
+	/* FIXME add check that this must be less than acttorw_mclk */
+	add_lat_mclk = additive_latency;
+	cpo = popts->cpo_override;
+#if defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR1)
+	/*
+	 * This is a lie.  It should really be 1, but if it is
+	 * set to 1, bits overlap into the old controller's
+	 * otherwise unused ACSM field.  If we leave it 0, then
+	 * the HW will magically treat it as 1 for DDR 1.  Oh Yea.
+	 */
+	wr_lat = 0;
+#elif defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR2)
+	wr_lat = cas_latency + additive_latency - 1;
+#error "Fix WR_LAT for DDR3"
+	rd_to_pre = picos_to_mclk(common_dimm->tRTP_ps);
+	wr_data_delay = popts->write_data_delay;
+	cke_pls = picos_to_mclk(popts->tCKE_clock_pulse_width_ps);
+	four_act = picos_to_mclk(popts->tFAW_window_four_activates_ps);
+	ddr->timing_cfg_2 = (0
+		| ((add_lat_mclk & 0x7) << 28)
+		| ((cpo & 0x1f) << 23)
+		| ((wr_lat & 0x7) << 19)
+		| ((rd_to_pre & 0x7) << 13)
+		| ((wr_data_delay & 0x7) << 10)
+		| ((cke_pls & 0x7) << 6)
+		| ((four_act & 0x1f) << 0)
+		);
+/* DDR SDRAM control configuration (DDR_SDRAM_CFG) */
+static void set_ddr_sdram_cfg(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr,
+			       const memctl_options_t *popts,
+			       const common_timing_params_t *common_dimm)
+	unsigned int mem_en;		/* DDR SDRAM interface logic enable */
+	unsigned int sren;		/* Self refresh enable (during sleep) */
+	unsigned int ecc_en;		/* ECC enable. */
+	unsigned int rd_en;		/* Registered DIMM enable */
+	unsigned int sdram_type;	/* Type of SDRAM */
+	unsigned int dyn_pwr;		/* Dynamic power management mode */
+	unsigned int dbw;		/* DRAM dta bus width */
+	unsigned int eight_be;		/* 8-beat burst enable */
+	unsigned int ncap = 0;		/* Non-concurrent auto-precharge */
+	unsigned int threeT_en;		/* Enable 3T timing */
+	unsigned int twoT_en;		/* Enable 2T timing */
+	unsigned int ba_intlv_ctl;	/* Bank (CS) interleaving control */
+	unsigned int x32_en = 0;	/* x32 enable */
+	unsigned int pchb8 = 0;		/* precharge bit 8 enable */
+	unsigned int hse;		/* Global half strength override */
+	unsigned int mem_halt = 0;	/* memory controller halt */
+	unsigned int bi = 0;		/* Bypass initialization */
+	mem_en = 1;
+	sren = popts->self_refresh_in_sleep;
+	if (common_dimm->all_DIMMs_ECC_capable) {
+		/* Allow setting of ECC only if all DIMMs are ECC. */
+		ecc_en = popts->ECC_mode;
+	} else {
+		ecc_en = 0;
+	}
+	rd_en = (common_dimm->all_DIMMs_registered
+		 && !common_dimm->all_DIMMs_unbuffered);
+	sdram_type = CONFIG_FSL_SDRAM_TYPE;
+	dyn_pwr = popts->dynamic_power;
+	dbw = popts->data_bus_width;
+	eight_be = 0;		/* always 0 for DDR2 */
+	threeT_en = popts->threeT_en;
+	twoT_en = popts->twoT_en;
+	ba_intlv_ctl = popts->ba_intlv_ctl;
+	hse = popts->half_strength_driver_enable;
+	ddr->ddr_sdram_cfg = (0
+			| ((mem_en & 0x1) << 31)
+			| ((sren & 0x1) << 30)
+			| ((ecc_en & 0x1) << 29)
+			| ((rd_en & 0x1) << 28)
+			| ((sdram_type & 0x7) << 24)
+			| ((dyn_pwr & 0x1) << 21)
+			| ((dbw & 0x3) << 19)
+			| ((eight_be & 0x1) << 18)
+			| ((ncap & 0x1) << 17)
+			| ((threeT_en & 0x1) << 16)
+			| ((twoT_en & 0x1) << 15)
+			| ((ba_intlv_ctl & 0x7F) << 8)
+			| ((x32_en & 0x1) << 5)
+			| ((pchb8 & 0x1) << 4)
+			| ((hse & 0x1) << 3)
+			| ((mem_halt & 0x1) << 1)
+			| ((bi & 0x1) << 0)
+			);
+/* DDR SDRAM control configuration 2 (DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2) */
+static void set_ddr_sdram_cfg_2(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr,
+			       const memctl_options_t *popts)
+	unsigned int frc_sr = 0;	/* Force self refresh */
+	unsigned int sr_ie = 0;		/* Self-refresh interrupt enable */
+	unsigned int dll_rst_dis;	/* DLL reset disable */
+	unsigned int dqs_cfg;		/* DQS configuration */
+	unsigned int odt_cfg;		/* ODT configuration */
+	unsigned int num_pr;		/* Number of posted refreshes */
+	unsigned int obc_cfg;		/* On-The-Fly Burst Chop Cfg */
+	unsigned int ap_en;		/* Address Parity Enable */
+	unsigned int d_init;		/* DRAM data initialization */
+	unsigned int rcw_en = 0;	/* Register Control Word Enable */
+	unsigned int md_en = 0;		/* Mirrored DIMM Enable */
+	dll_rst_dis = 1;	/* Make this configurable */
+	dqs_cfg = popts->DQS_config;
+	if (popts->cs_local_opts[0].odt_rd_cfg
+	    || popts->cs_local_opts[0].odt_wr_cfg) {
+		/* FIXME */
+		odt_cfg = 2;
+	} else {
+		odt_cfg = 0;
+	}
+	num_pr = 1;	/* Make this configurable */
+	/*
+	 * 8572 manual says
+	 *      + [DDR_SDRAM_CFG_2[NUM_PR]
+	 *        * ({EXT_REFREC || REFREC} + 8 + 2)]}
+	 */
+	obc_cfg = 0;	/* Make this configurable? */
+	ap_en = 0;	/* Make this configurable? */
+	/* Use the DDR controller to auto initialize memory. */
+	d_init = 1;
+	ddr->ddr_data_init = CONFIG_MEM_INIT_VALUE;
+	debug("DDR: ddr_data_init = 0x%08x\n", ddr->ddr_data_init);
+	/* Memory will be initialized via DMA, or not at all. */
+	d_init = 0;
+	ddr->ddr_sdram_cfg_2 = (0
+		| ((frc_sr & 0x1) << 31)
+		| ((sr_ie & 0x1) << 30)
+		| ((dll_rst_dis & 0x1) << 29)
+		| ((dqs_cfg & 0x3) << 26)
+		| ((odt_cfg & 0x3) << 21)
+		| ((num_pr & 0xf) << 12)
+		| ((obc_cfg & 0x1) << 6)
+		| ((ap_en & 0x1) << 5)
+		| ((d_init & 0x1) << 4)
+		| ((rcw_en & 0x1) << 2)
+		| ((md_en & 0x1) << 0)
+		);
+/* DDR SDRAM Mode configuration 2 (DDR_SDRAM_MODE_2) */
+static void set_ddr_sdram_mode_2(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr)
+	unsigned short esdmode2 = 0;	/* Extended SDRAM mode 2 */
+	unsigned short esdmode3 = 0;	/* Extended SDRAM mode 3 */
+	ddr->ddr_sdram_mode_2 = (0
+				 | ((esdmode2 & 0xFFFF) << 16)
+				 | ((esdmode3 & 0xFFFF) << 0)
+				 );
+/* DDR SDRAM Interval Configuration (DDR_SDRAM_INTERVAL) */
+static void set_ddr_sdram_interval(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr,
+			       const memctl_options_t *popts,
+			       const common_timing_params_t *common_dimm)
+	unsigned int refint;	/* Refresh interval */
+	unsigned int bstopre;	/* Precharge interval */
+	refint = picos_to_mclk(common_dimm->refresh_rate_ps);
+	bstopre = popts->bstopre;
+	/* refint field used 0x3FFF in earlier controllers */
+	ddr->ddr_sdram_interval = (0
+				   | ((refint & 0xFFFF) << 16)
+				   | ((bstopre & 0x3FFF) << 0)
+				   );
+/* DDR SDRAM Mode configuration set (DDR_SDRAM_MODE) */
+static void set_ddr_sdram_mode(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr,
+			       const memctl_options_t *popts,
+			       const common_timing_params_t *common_dimm,
+			       unsigned int cas_latency,
+			       unsigned int additive_latency)
+	unsigned short esdmode;		/* Extended SDRAM mode */
+	unsigned short sdmode;		/* SDRAM mode */
+	/*
+	 * FIXME: This ought to be pre-calculated in a
+	 * technology-specific routine,
+	 * e.g. compute_DDR2_mode_register(), and then the
+	 * sdmode and esdmode passed in as part of common_dimm.
+	 */
+	/* Extended Mode Register */
+	unsigned int mrs = 0;		/* Mode Register Set */
+	unsigned int outputs = 0;	/* 0=Enabled, 1=Disabled */
+	unsigned int rdqs_en = 0;	/* RDQS Enable: 0=no, 1=yes */
+	unsigned int dqs_en = 0;	/* DQS# Enable: 0=enable, 1=disable */
+	unsigned int ocd = 0;		/* 0x0=OCD not supported,
+					   0x7=OCD default state */
+	unsigned int rtt;
+	unsigned int al;		/* Posted CAS# additive latency (AL) */
+	unsigned int ods = 0;		/* Output Drive Strength:
+						0 = Full strength (18ohm)
+						1 = Reduced strength (4ohm) */
+	unsigned int dll_en = 0;	/* DLL Enable  0=Enable (Normal),
+						       1=Disable (Test/Debug) */
+	/* Mode Register (MR) */
+	unsigned int mr;	/* Mode Register Definition */
+	unsigned int pd;	/* Power-Down Mode */
+	unsigned int wr;	/* Write Recovery */
+	unsigned int dll_res;	/* DLL Reset */
+	unsigned int mode;	/* Normal=0 or Test=1 */
+	unsigned int caslat;	/* CAS# latency */
+	/* BT: Burst Type (0=Sequential, 1=Interleaved) */
+	unsigned int bt;
+	unsigned int bl;	/* BL: Burst Length */
+#if defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR2)
+	const unsigned int mclk_ps = get_memory_clk_period_ps();
+	rtt = fsl_ddr_get_rtt();
+	al = additive_latency;
+	esdmode = (0
+		| ((mrs & 0x3) << 14)
+		| ((outputs & 0x1) << 12)
+		| ((rdqs_en & 0x1) << 11)
+		| ((dqs_en & 0x1) << 10)
+		| ((ocd & 0x7) << 7)
+		| ((rtt & 0x2) << 5)   /* rtt field is split */
+		| ((al & 0x7) << 3)
+		| ((rtt & 0x1) << 2)   /* rtt field is split */
+		| ((ods & 0x1) << 1)
+		| ((dll_en & 0x1) << 0)
+		);
+	mr = 0;		 /* FIXME: CHECKME */
+	/*
+	 * 0 = Fast Exit (Normal)
+	 * 1 = Slow Exit (Low Power)
+	 */
+	pd = 0;
+#if defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR1)
+	wr = 0;       /* Historical */
+#elif defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR2)
+	wr = (common_dimm->tWR_ps + mclk_ps - 1) / mclk_ps - 1;
+#error "Write tWR_auto for DDR3"
+	dll_res = 0;
+	mode = 0;
+#if defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR1)
+	if (1 <= cas_latency && cas_latency <= 4) {
+		unsigned char mode_caslat_table[4] = {
+			0x5,	/* 1.5 clocks */
+			0x2,	/* 2.0 clocks */
+			0x6,	/* 2.5 clocks */
+			0x3	/* 3.0 clocks */
+		};
+	caslat = mode_caslat_table[cas_latency - 1];
+	}
+#elif defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR2)
+	caslat = cas_latency;
+#error "Fix the mode CAS Latency for DDR3"
+	bt = 0;
+	switch (popts->burst_length) {
+	case 4:
+		bl = 2;
+		break;
+	case 8:
+		bl = 3;
+		break;
+	default:
+		printf("Error: invalid burst length of %u specified. "
+			" Defaulting to 4 beats.\n",
+			popts->burst_length);
+		bl = 2;
+		break;
+	}
+	sdmode = (0
+		  | ((mr & 0x3) << 14)
+		  | ((pd & 0x1) << 12)
+		  | ((wr & 0x7) << 9)
+		  | ((dll_res & 0x1) << 8)
+		  | ((mode & 0x1) << 7)
+		  | ((caslat & 0x7) << 4)
+		  | ((bt & 0x1) << 3)
+		  | ((bl & 0x7) << 0)
+		  );
+	ddr->ddr_sdram_mode = (0
+			       | ((esdmode & 0xFFFF) << 16)
+			       | ((sdmode & 0xFFFF) << 0)
+			       );
+/* DDR SDRAM Data Initialization (DDR_DATA_INIT) */
+static void set_ddr_data_init(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr)
+	unsigned int init_value;	/* Initialization value */
+	init_value = 0xDEADBEEF;
+	ddr->ddr_data_init = init_value;
+ * The old controller on the 8540/60 doesn't have this register.
+ * Hope it's OK to set it (to 0) anyway.
+ */
+static void set_ddr_sdram_clk_cntl(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr,
+					 const memctl_options_t *popts)
+	unsigned int clk_adjust;	/* Clock adjust */
+	clk_adjust = popts->clk_adjust;
+	ddr->ddr_sdram_clk_cntl = (clk_adjust & 0xF) << 23;
+/* DDR Initialization Address (DDR_INIT_ADDR) */
+static void set_ddr_init_addr(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr)
+	unsigned int init_addr = 0;	/* Initialization address */
+	ddr->ddr_init_addr = init_addr;
+/* DDR Initialization Address (DDR_INIT_EXT_ADDR) */
+static void set_ddr_init_ext_addr(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr)
+	unsigned int uia = 0;	/* Use initialization address */
+	unsigned int init_ext_addr = 0;	/* Initialization address */
+	ddr->ddr_init_ext_addr = (0
+				  | ((uia & 0x1) << 31)
+				  | (init_ext_addr & 0xF)
+				  );
+/* DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 4 (TIMING_CFG_4) */
+static void set_timing_cfg_4(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr)
+	unsigned int rwt = 0; /* Read-to-write turnaround for same CS */
+	unsigned int wrt = 0; /* Write-to-read turnaround for same CS */
+	unsigned int rrt = 0; /* Read-to-read turnaround for same CS */
+	unsigned int wwt = 0; /* Write-to-write turnaround for same CS */
+	unsigned int dll_lock = 0; /* DDR SDRAM DLL Lock Time */
+	ddr->timing_cfg_4 = (0
+			     | ((rwt & 0xf) << 28)
+			     | ((wrt & 0xf) << 24)
+			     | ((rrt & 0xf) << 20)
+			     | ((wwt & 0xf) << 16)
+			     | (dll_lock & 0x3)
+			     );
+/* DDR SDRAM Timing Configuration 5 (TIMING_CFG_5) */
+static void set_timing_cfg_5(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr)
+	unsigned int rodt_on = 0;	/* Read to ODT on */
+	unsigned int rodt_off = 0;	/* Read to ODT off */
+	unsigned int wodt_on = 0;	/* Write to ODT on */
+	unsigned int wodt_off = 0;	/* Write to ODT off */
+	ddr->timing_cfg_5 = (0
+			     | ((rodt_on & 0xf) << 24)
+			     | ((rodt_off & 0xf) << 20)
+			     | ((wodt_on & 0xf) << 12)
+			     | ((wodt_off & 0xf) << 8)
+			     );
+/* DDR ZQ Calibration Control (DDR_ZQ_CNTL) */
+static void set_ddr_zq_cntl(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr)
+	unsigned int zq_en = 0;	/* ZQ Calibration Enable */
+	unsigned int zqinit = 0;/* POR ZQ Calibration Time (tZQinit) */
+	/* Normal Operation Full Calibration Time (tZQoper) */
+	unsigned int zqoper = 0;
+	/* Normal Operation Short Calibration Time (tZQCS) */
+	unsigned int zqcs = 0;
+	ddr->ddr_zq_cntl = (0
+			    | ((zq_en & 0x1) << 31)
+			    | ((zqinit & 0xF) << 24)
+			    | ((zqoper & 0xF) << 16)
+			    | ((zqcs & 0xF) << 8)
+			    );
+/* DDR Write Leveling Control (DDR_WRLVL_CNTL) */
+static void set_ddr_wrlvl_cntl(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr)
+	unsigned int wrlvl_en = 0; /* Write Leveling Enable */
+	/*
+	 * First DQS pulse rising edge after margining mode
+	 * is programmed (tWL_MRD)
+	 */
+	unsigned int wrlvl_mrd = 0;
+	/* ODT delay after margining mode is programmed (tWL_ODTEN) */
+	unsigned int wrlvl_odten = 0;
+	/* DQS/DQS_ delay after margining mode is programmed (tWL_DQSEN) */
+	unsigned int wrlvl_dqsen = 0;
+	/* WRLVL_SMPL: Write leveling sample time */
+	unsigned int wrlvl_smpl = 0;
+	/* WRLVL_WLR: Write leveling repeition time */
+	unsigned int wrlvl_wlr = 0;
+	/* WRLVL_START: Write leveling start time */
+	unsigned int wrlvl_start = 0;
+	ddr->ddr_wrlvl_cntl = (0
+			       | ((wrlvl_en & 0x1) << 31)
+			       | ((wrlvl_mrd & 0x7) << 24)
+			       | ((wrlvl_odten & 0x7) << 20)
+			       | ((wrlvl_dqsen & 0x7) << 16)
+			       | ((wrlvl_smpl & 0xf) << 12)
+			       | ((wrlvl_wlr & 0x7) << 8)
+			       | ((wrlvl_start & 0xF) << 0)
+			       );
+/* DDR Self Refresh Counter (DDR_SR_CNTR) */
+static void set_ddr_sr_cntr(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr)
+	unsigned int sr_it = 0;	/* Self Refresh Idle Threshold */
+	ddr->ddr_sr_cntr = (sr_it & 0xF) << 16;
+/* DDR Pre-Drive Conditioning Control (DDR_PD_CNTL) */
+static void set_ddr_pd_cntl(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr)
+	/* Termination value during pre-drive conditioning */
+	unsigned int tvpd = 0;
+	unsigned int pd_en = 0;		/* Pre-Drive Conditioning Enable */
+	unsigned int pdar = 0;		/* Pre-Drive After Read */
+	unsigned int pdaw = 0;		/* Pre-Drive After Write */
+	unsigned int pd_on = 0;		/* Pre-Drive Conditioning On */
+	unsigned int pd_off = 0;	/* Pre-Drive Conditioning Off */
+	ddr->ddr_pd_cntl = (0
+			    | ((pd_en & 0x1) << 31)
+			    | ((tvpd & 0x7) << 28)
+			    | ((pdar & 0x7F) << 20)
+			    | ((pdaw & 0x7F) << 12)
+			    | ((pd_on & 0x1F) << 6)
+			    | ((pd_off & 0x1F) << 0)
+			    );
+/* DDR SDRAM Register Control Word 1 (DDR_SDRAM_RCW_1) */
+static void set_ddr_sdram_rcw_1(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr)
+	unsigned int rcw0 = 0;	/* RCW0: Register Control Word 0 */
+	unsigned int rcw1 = 0;	/* RCW1: Register Control Word 1 */
+	unsigned int rcw2 = 0;	/* RCW2: Register Control Word 2 */
+	unsigned int rcw3 = 0;	/* RCW3: Register Control Word 3 */
+	unsigned int rcw4 = 0;	/* RCW4: Register Control Word 4 */
+	unsigned int rcw5 = 0;	/* RCW5: Register Control Word 5 */
+	unsigned int rcw6 = 0;	/* RCW6: Register Control Word 6 */
+	unsigned int rcw7 = 0;	/* RCW7: Register Control Word 7 */
+	ddr->ddr_sdram_rcw_1 = (0
+				| ((rcw0 & 0xF) << 28)
+				| ((rcw1 & 0xF) << 24)
+				| ((rcw2 & 0xF) << 20)
+				| ((rcw3 & 0xF) << 16)
+				| ((rcw4 & 0xF) << 12)
+				| ((rcw5 & 0xF) << 8)
+				| ((rcw6 & 0xF) << 4)
+				| ((rcw7 & 0xF) << 0)
+				);
+/* DDR SDRAM Register Control Word 2 (DDR_SDRAM_RCW_2) */
+static void set_ddr_sdram_rcw_2(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr)
+	unsigned int rcw8 = 0;	/* RCW0: Register Control Word 8 */
+	unsigned int rcw9 = 0;	/* RCW1: Register Control Word 9 */
+	unsigned int rcw10 = 0;	/* RCW2: Register Control Word 10 */
+	unsigned int rcw11 = 0;	/* RCW3: Register Control Word 11 */
+	unsigned int rcw12 = 0;	/* RCW4: Register Control Word 12 */
+	unsigned int rcw13 = 0;	/* RCW5: Register Control Word 13 */
+	unsigned int rcw14 = 0;	/* RCW6: Register Control Word 14 */
+	unsigned int rcw15 = 0;	/* RCW7: Register Control Word 15 */
+	ddr->ddr_sdram_rcw_2 = (0
+				| ((rcw8 & 0xF) << 28)
+				| ((rcw9 & 0xF) << 24)
+				| ((rcw10 & 0xF) << 20)
+				| ((rcw11 & 0xF) << 16)
+				| ((rcw12 & 0xF) << 12)
+				| ((rcw13 & 0xF) << 8)
+				| ((rcw14 & 0xF) << 4)
+				| ((rcw15 & 0xF) << 0)
+				);
+unsigned int
+check_fsl_memctl_config_regs(const fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr)
+	unsigned int res = 0;
+	/*
+	 * Check that DDR_SDRAM_CFG[RD_EN] and DDR_SDRAM_CFG[2T_EN] are
+	 * not set at the same time.
+	 */
+	if (ddr->ddr_sdram_cfg & 0x10000000
+	    && ddr->ddr_sdram_cfg & 0x00008000) {
+		printf("Error: DDR_SDRAM_CFG[RD_EN] and DDR_SDRAM_CFG[2T_EN] "
+				" should not be set at the same time.\n");
+		res++;
+	}
+	return res;
+unsigned int
+compute_fsl_memctl_config_regs(const memctl_options_t *popts,
+			       fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr,
+			       const common_timing_params_t *common_dimm,
+			       const dimm_params_t *dimm_params,
+			       unsigned int dbw_cap_adj)
+	unsigned int i;
+	unsigned int cas_latency;
+	unsigned int additive_latency;
+	memset(ddr, 0, sizeof(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t));
+	if (common_dimm == NULL) {
+		printf("Error: subset DIMM params struct null pointer\n");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Process overrides first.
+	 *
+	 * FIXME: somehow add dereated caslat to this
+	 */
+	cas_latency = (popts->cas_latency_override)
+		? popts->cas_latency_override_value
+		: common_dimm->lowest_common_SPD_caslat;
+	additive_latency = (popts->additive_latency_override)
+		? popts->additive_latency_override_value
+		: common_dimm->additive_latency;
+	/* Chip Select Memory Bounds (CSn_BNDS) */
+	for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_CHIP_SELECTS_PER_CTRL; i++) {
+		phys_size_t sa = 0;
+		phys_size_t ea = 0;
+		if (popts->ba_intlv_ctl && i > 0) {
+			/* Don't set up boundaries if bank interleaving */
+			break;
+		}
+		if (dimm_params[i/2].n_ranks == 0) {
+			debug("Skipping setup of CS%u "
+				"because n_ranks on DIMM %u is 0\n", i, i/2);
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (popts->memctl_interleaving && popts->ba_intlv_ctl) {
+			/*
+			 * This works superbank 2CS
+			 * There are 2 memory controllers configured
+			 * identically, memory is interleaved between them,
+			 * and each controller uses rank interleaving within
+			 * itself. Therefore the starting and ending address
+			 * on each controller is twice the amount present on
+			 * each controller.
+			 */
+			ea = (2 * common_dimm->total_mem >> dbw_cap_adj) - 1;
+		}
+		else if (!popts->memctl_interleaving && popts->ba_intlv_ctl) {
+			/*
+			 * If memory interleaving between controllers is NOT
+			 * enabled, the starting address for each memory
+			 * controller is distinct.  However, because rank
+			 * interleaving is enabled, the starting and ending
+			 * addresses of the total memory on that memory
+			 * controller needs to be programmed into its
+			 * respective CS0_BNDS.
+			 */
+			sa = common_dimm->base_address;
+			ea = sa + (common_dimm->total_mem >> dbw_cap_adj) - 1;
+		}
+		else if (popts->memctl_interleaving && !popts->ba_intlv_ctl) {
+			/*
+			 * Only the rank on CS0 of each memory controller may
+			 * be used if memory controller interleaving is used
+			 * without rank interleaving within each memory
+			 * controller.  However, the ending address programmed
+			 * into each CS0 must be the sum of the amount of
+			 * memory in the two CS0 ranks.
+			 */
+			if (i == 0) {
+				unsigned long long rank_density
+						= dimm_params[0].rank_density;
+				ea = (2 * (rank_density >> dbw_cap_adj)) - 1;
+			}
+		}
+		else if (!popts->memctl_interleaving && !popts->ba_intlv_ctl) {
+			/*
+			 * No rank interleaving and no memory controller
+			 * interleaving.
+			 */
+			unsigned long long rank_density
+						= dimm_params[i/2].rank_density;
+			sa = dimm_params[i/2].base_address;
+			ea = sa + (rank_density >> dbw_cap_adj) - 1;
+			if (i&1) {
+				if ((dimm_params[i/2].n_ranks == 1)) {
+					/* Odd chip select, single-rank dimm */
+					sa = 0;
+					ea = 0;
+				} else {
+					/* Odd chip select, dual-rank DIMM */
+					sa += rank_density >> dbw_cap_adj;
+					ea += rank_density >> dbw_cap_adj;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		sa >>= 24;
+		ea >>= 24;
+		ddr->cs[i].bnds = (0
+			| ((sa & 0xFFF) << 16)	/* starting address MSB */
+			| ((ea & 0xFFF) << 0)	/* ending address MSB */
+			);
+		set_csn_config(i, ddr, popts, dimm_params);
+		set_csn_config_2(i, ddr);
+	}
+#if defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR2)
+	set_timing_cfg_0(ddr);
+	set_timing_cfg_3(ddr, common_dimm);
+	set_timing_cfg_1(ddr, common_dimm, cas_latency);
+	set_timing_cfg_2(ddr, popts, common_dimm,
+				cas_latency, additive_latency);
+	set_ddr_sdram_cfg(ddr, popts, common_dimm);
+	set_ddr_sdram_cfg_2(ddr, popts);
+	set_ddr_sdram_mode(ddr, popts, common_dimm,
+				cas_latency, additive_latency);
+	set_ddr_sdram_mode_2(ddr);
+	set_ddr_sdram_interval(ddr, popts, common_dimm);
+	set_ddr_data_init(ddr);
+	set_ddr_sdram_clk_cntl(ddr, popts);
+	set_ddr_init_addr(ddr);
+	set_ddr_init_ext_addr(ddr);
+	set_timing_cfg_4(ddr);
+	set_timing_cfg_5(ddr);
+	set_ddr_zq_cntl(ddr);
+	set_ddr_wrlvl_cntl(ddr);
+	set_ddr_pd_cntl(ddr);
+	set_ddr_sr_cntr(ddr);
+	set_ddr_sdram_rcw_1(ddr);
+	set_ddr_sdram_rcw_2(ddr);
+	return check_fsl_memctl_config_regs(ddr);
diff --git a/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/ddr.h b/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/ddr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f5dc40a537cae157acdd5f1d99e92132e1484c87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/ddr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ * Copyright 2008 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#ifndef FSL_DDR_MAIN_H
+#define FSL_DDR_MAIN_H
+#include <asm/fsl_ddr_sdram.h>
+#include "ddr1_2_dimm_params.h"
+#include "common_timing_params.h"
+ * Bind the main DDR setup driver's generic names
+ * to this specific DDR technology.
+ */
+static __inline__ int
+compute_dimm_parameters(const generic_spd_eeprom_t *spd,
+			dimm_params_t *pdimm,
+			unsigned int dimm_number)
+	return ddr_compute_dimm_parameters(spd, pdimm, dimm_number);
+ * Data Structures
+ *
+ * All data structures have to be on the stack
+ */
+typedef struct {
+	generic_spd_eeprom_t
+	   spd_installed_dimms[CFG_NUM_DDR_CTLRS][CFG_DIMM_SLOTS_PER_CTLR];
+	struct dimm_params_s
+	memctl_options_t memctl_opts[CFG_NUM_DDR_CTLRS];
+	common_timing_params_t common_timing_params[CFG_NUM_DDR_CTLRS];
+	fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t fsl_ddr_config_reg[CFG_NUM_DDR_CTLRS];
+} fsl_ddr_info_t;
+/* Compute steps */
+#define STEP_GET_SPD                 (1 << 0)
+#define STEP_COMPUTE_DIMM_PARMS      (1 << 1)
+#define STEP_COMPUTE_COMMON_PARMS    (1 << 2)
+#define STEP_GATHER_OPTS             (1 << 3)
+#define STEP_ASSIGN_ADDRESSES        (1 << 4)
+#define STEP_COMPUTE_REGS            (1 << 5)
+#define STEP_PROGRAM_REGS            (1 << 6)
+#define STEP_ALL                     0xFFF
+extern phys_size_t
+fsl_ddr_compute(fsl_ddr_info_t *pinfo, unsigned int start_step);
+extern const char * step_to_string(unsigned int step);
+extern unsigned int
+compute_fsl_memctl_config_regs(const memctl_options_t *popts,
+			       fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr,
+			       const common_timing_params_t *common_dimm,
+			       const dimm_params_t *dimm_parameters,
+			       unsigned int dbw_capacity_adjust);
+extern unsigned int
+compute_lowest_common_dimm_parameters(const dimm_params_t *dimm_params,
+				      common_timing_params_t *outpdimm,
+				      unsigned int number_of_dimms);
+extern unsigned int populate_memctl_options(int all_DIMMs_registered,
+				memctl_options_t *popts,
+				unsigned int ctrl_num);
+extern unsigned int mclk_to_picos(unsigned int mclk);
+extern unsigned int get_memory_clk_period_ps(void);
+extern unsigned int picos_to_mclk(unsigned int picos);
diff --git a/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/ddr1_2_dimm_params.h b/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/ddr1_2_dimm_params.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c794eedfe421bafab2f3caae7408eef7a705d647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/ddr1_2_dimm_params.h
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * Copyright 2008 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+/* Parameters for a DDR2 dimm computed from the SPD */
+typedef struct dimm_params_s {
+	/* DIMM organization parameters */
+	char mpart[19];		/* guaranteed null terminated */
+	unsigned int n_ranks;
+	unsigned long long rank_density;
+	unsigned long long capacity;
+	unsigned int data_width;
+	unsigned int primary_sdram_width;
+	unsigned int ec_sdram_width;
+	unsigned int registered_dimm;
+	/* SDRAM device parameters */
+	unsigned int n_row_addr;
+	unsigned int n_col_addr;
+	unsigned int edc_config;	/* 0 = none, 1 = parity, 2 = ECC */
+	unsigned int n_banks_per_sdram_device;
+	unsigned int burst_lengths_bitmask;	/* BL=4 bit 2, BL=8 = bit 3 */
+	unsigned int row_density;
+	/* used in computing base address of DIMMs */
+	unsigned long long base_address;
+	/* DIMM timing parameters */
+	/*
+	 * SDRAM clock periods
+	 * The range for these are 1000-10000 so a short should be sufficient
+	 */
+	unsigned int tCKmin_X_ps;
+	unsigned int tCKmin_X_minus_1_ps;
+	unsigned int tCKmin_X_minus_2_ps;
+	unsigned int tCKmax_ps;
+	/* SPD-defined CAS latencies */
+	unsigned int caslat_X;
+	unsigned int caslat_X_minus_1;
+	unsigned int caslat_X_minus_2;
+	unsigned int caslat_lowest_derated;	/* Derated CAS latency */
+	/* basic timing parameters */
+	unsigned int tRCD_ps;
+	unsigned int tRP_ps;
+	unsigned int tRAS_ps;
+	unsigned int tWR_ps;	/* maximum = 63750 ps */
+	unsigned int tWTR_ps;	/* maximum = 63750 ps */
+	unsigned int tRFC_ps;   /* max = 255 ns + 256 ns + .75 ns
+				       = 511750 ps */
+	unsigned int tRRD_ps;	/* maximum = 63750 ps */
+	unsigned int tRC_ps;	/* maximum = 254 ns + .75 ns = 254750 ps */
+	unsigned int refresh_rate_ps;
+	unsigned int tIS_ps;	/* byte 32, spd->ca_setup */
+	unsigned int tIH_ps;	/* byte 33, spd->ca_hold */
+	unsigned int tDS_ps;	/* byte 34, spd->data_setup */
+	unsigned int tDH_ps;	/* byte 35, spd->data_hold */
+	unsigned int tRTP_ps;	/* byte 38, spd->trtp */
+	unsigned int tDQSQ_max_ps;	/* byte 44, spd->tdqsq */
+	unsigned int tQHS_ps;	/* byte 45, spd->tqhs */
+} dimm_params_t;
+extern unsigned int ddr_compute_dimm_parameters(
+					 const generic_spd_eeprom_t *spd,
+					 dimm_params_t *pdimm,
+					 unsigned int dimm_number);
diff --git a/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/lc_common_dimm_params.c b/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/lc_common_dimm_params.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fbeb236d95299530dd9d766ec74ec80383aaf112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/lc_common_dimm_params.c
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+ * Copyright 2008 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/fsl_ddr_sdram.h>
+#include "ddr.h"
+ * compute_lowest_common_dimm_parameters()
+ *
+ * Determine the worst-case DIMM timing parameters from the set of DIMMs
+ * whose parameters have been computed into the array pointed to
+ * by dimm_params.
+ */
+unsigned int
+compute_lowest_common_dimm_parameters(const dimm_params_t *dimm_params,
+				      common_timing_params_t *outpdimm,
+				      unsigned int number_of_dimms)
+	unsigned int i;
+	unsigned int tCKmin_X_ps = 0;
+	unsigned int tCKmax_ps = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	unsigned int tCKmax_max_ps = 0;
+	unsigned int tRCD_ps = 0;
+	unsigned int tRP_ps = 0;
+	unsigned int tRAS_ps = 0;
+	unsigned int tWR_ps = 0;
+	unsigned int tWTR_ps = 0;
+	unsigned int tRFC_ps = 0;
+	unsigned int tRRD_ps = 0;
+	unsigned int tRC_ps = 0;
+	unsigned int refresh_rate_ps = 0;
+	unsigned int tIS_ps = 0;
+	unsigned int tIH_ps = 0;
+	unsigned int tDS_ps = 0;
+	unsigned int tDH_ps = 0;
+	unsigned int tRTP_ps = 0;
+	unsigned int tDQSQ_max_ps = 0;
+	unsigned int tQHS_ps = 0;
+	unsigned int temp1, temp2;
+	unsigned int lowest_good_caslat;
+	unsigned int additive_latency = 0;
+	const unsigned int mclk_ps = get_memory_clk_period_ps();
+	unsigned int not_ok;
+	debug("using mclk_ps = %u\n", mclk_ps);
+	temp1 = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < number_of_dimms; i++) {
+		/*
+		 * If there are no ranks on this DIMM,
+		 * it probably doesn't exist, so skip it.
+		 */
+		if (dimm_params[i].n_ranks == 0) {
+			temp1++;
+			continue;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * Find minimum tCKmax_ps to find fastest slow speed,
+		 * i.e., this is the slowest the whole system can go.
+		 */
+		tCKmax_ps = min(tCKmax_ps, dimm_params[i].tCKmax_ps);
+		/* Either find maximum value to determine slowest
+		 * speed, delay, time, period, etc */
+		tCKmin_X_ps = max(tCKmin_X_ps, dimm_params[i].tCKmin_X_ps);
+		tCKmax_max_ps = max(tCKmax_max_ps, dimm_params[i].tCKmax_ps);
+		tRCD_ps = max(tRCD_ps, dimm_params[i].tRCD_ps);
+		tRP_ps = max(tRP_ps, dimm_params[i].tRP_ps);
+		tRAS_ps = max(tRAS_ps, dimm_params[i].tRAS_ps);
+		tWR_ps = max(tWR_ps, dimm_params[i].tWR_ps);
+		tWTR_ps = max(tWTR_ps, dimm_params[i].tWTR_ps);
+		tRFC_ps = max(tRFC_ps, dimm_params[i].tRFC_ps);
+		tRRD_ps = max(tRRD_ps, dimm_params[i].tRRD_ps);
+		tRC_ps = max(tRC_ps, dimm_params[i].tRC_ps);
+		tIS_ps = max(tIS_ps, dimm_params[i].tIS_ps);
+		tIH_ps = max(tIH_ps, dimm_params[i].tIH_ps);
+		tDS_ps = max(tDS_ps, dimm_params[i].tDS_ps);
+		tDH_ps = max(tDH_ps, dimm_params[i].tDH_ps);
+		tRTP_ps = max(tRTP_ps, dimm_params[i].tRTP_ps);
+		tQHS_ps = max(tQHS_ps, dimm_params[i].tQHS_ps);
+		refresh_rate_ps = max(refresh_rate_ps,
+				      dimm_params[i].refresh_rate_ps);
+		/*
+		 * Find maximum tDQSQ_max_ps to find slowest.
+		 *
+		 * FIXME: is finding the slowest value the correct
+		 * strategy for this parameter?
+		 */
+		tDQSQ_max_ps = max(tDQSQ_max_ps, dimm_params[i].tDQSQ_max_ps);
+	}
+	outpdimm->ndimms_present = number_of_dimms - temp1;
+	if (temp1 == number_of_dimms) {
+		debug("no dimms this memory controller\n");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	outpdimm->tCKmin_X_ps = tCKmin_X_ps;
+	outpdimm->tCKmax_ps = tCKmax_ps;
+	outpdimm->tCKmax_max_ps = tCKmax_max_ps;
+	outpdimm->tRCD_ps = tRCD_ps;
+	outpdimm->tRP_ps = tRP_ps;
+	outpdimm->tRAS_ps = tRAS_ps;
+	outpdimm->tWR_ps = tWR_ps;
+	outpdimm->tWTR_ps = tWTR_ps;
+	outpdimm->tRFC_ps = tRFC_ps;
+	outpdimm->tRRD_ps = tRRD_ps;
+	outpdimm->tRC_ps = tRC_ps;
+	outpdimm->refresh_rate_ps = refresh_rate_ps;
+	outpdimm->tIS_ps = tIS_ps;
+	outpdimm->tIH_ps = tIH_ps;
+	outpdimm->tDS_ps = tDS_ps;
+	outpdimm->tDH_ps = tDH_ps;
+	outpdimm->tRTP_ps = tRTP_ps;
+	outpdimm->tDQSQ_max_ps = tDQSQ_max_ps;
+	outpdimm->tQHS_ps = tQHS_ps;
+	/* Determine common burst length for all DIMMs. */
+	temp1 = 0xff;
+	for (i = 0; i < number_of_dimms; i++) {
+		if (dimm_params[i].n_ranks) {
+			temp1 &= dimm_params[i].burst_lengths_bitmask;
+		}
+	}
+	outpdimm->all_DIMMs_burst_lengths_bitmask = temp1;
+	/* Determine if all DIMMs registered buffered. */
+	temp1 = temp2 = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < number_of_dimms; i++) {
+		if (dimm_params[i].n_ranks) {
+			if (dimm_params[i].registered_dimm)
+				temp1 = 1;
+			if (!dimm_params[i].registered_dimm)
+				temp2 = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	outpdimm->all_DIMMs_registered = 0;
+	if (temp1 && !temp2) {
+		outpdimm->all_DIMMs_registered = 1;
+	}
+	outpdimm->all_DIMMs_unbuffered = 0;
+	if (!temp1 && temp2) {
+		outpdimm->all_DIMMs_unbuffered = 1;
+	}
+	/* CHECKME: */
+	if (!outpdimm->all_DIMMs_registered
+	    && !outpdimm->all_DIMMs_unbuffered) {
+		printf("ERROR:  Mix of registered buffered and unbuffered "
+				"DIMMs detected!\n");
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Compute a CAS latency suitable for all DIMMs
+	 *
+	 * Strategy for SPD-defined latencies: compute only
+	 * CAS latency defined by all DIMMs.
+	 */
+	/*
+	 * Step 1: find CAS latency common to all DIMMs using bitwise
+	 * operation.
+	 */
+	temp1 = 0xFF;
+	for (i = 0; i < number_of_dimms; i++) {
+		if (dimm_params[i].n_ranks) {
+			temp2 = 0;
+			temp2 |= 1 << dimm_params[i].caslat_X;
+			temp2 |= 1 << dimm_params[i].caslat_X_minus_1;
+			temp2 |= 1 << dimm_params[i].caslat_X_minus_2;
+			/*
+			 * FIXME: If there was no entry for X-2 (X-1) in
+			 * the SPD, then caslat_X_minus_2
+			 * (caslat_X_minus_1) contains either 255 or
+			 * 0xFFFFFFFF because that's what the glorious
+			 * __ilog2 function returns for an input of 0.
+			 * On 32-bit PowerPC, left shift counts with bit
+			 * 26 set (that the value of 255 or 0xFFFFFFFF
+			 * will have), cause the destination register to
+			 * be 0.  That is why this works.
+			 */
+			temp1 &= temp2;
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Step 2: check each common CAS latency against tCK of each
+	 * DIMM's SPD.
+	 */
+	lowest_good_caslat = 0;
+	temp2 = 0;
+	while (temp1) {
+		not_ok = 0;
+		temp2 =  __ilog2(temp1);
+		debug("checking common caslat = %u\n", temp2);
+		/* Check if this CAS latency will work on all DIMMs at tCK. */
+		for (i = 0; i < number_of_dimms; i++) {
+			if (!dimm_params[i].n_ranks) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			if (dimm_params[i].caslat_X == temp2) {
+				if (mclk_ps >= dimm_params[i].tCKmin_X_ps) {
+					debug("CL = %u ok on DIMM %u at tCK=%u"
+					    " ps with its tCKmin_X_ps of %u\n",
+					       temp2, i, mclk_ps,
+					       dimm_params[i].tCKmin_X_ps);
+					continue;
+				} else {
+					not_ok++;
+				}
+			}
+			if (dimm_params[i].caslat_X_minus_1 == temp2) {
+				unsigned int tCKmin_X_minus_1_ps
+					= dimm_params[i].tCKmin_X_minus_1_ps;
+				if (mclk_ps >= tCKmin_X_minus_1_ps) {
+					debug("CL = %u ok on DIMM %u at "
+						"tCK=%u ps with its "
+						"tCKmin_X_minus_1_ps of %u\n",
+					       temp2, i, mclk_ps,
+					       tCKmin_X_minus_1_ps);
+					continue;
+				} else {
+					not_ok++;
+				}
+			}
+			if (dimm_params[i].caslat_X_minus_2 == temp2) {
+				unsigned int tCKmin_X_minus_2_ps
+					= dimm_params[i].tCKmin_X_minus_2_ps;
+				if (mclk_ps >= tCKmin_X_minus_2_ps) {
+					debug("CL = %u ok on DIMM %u at "
+						"tCK=%u ps with its "
+						"tCKmin_X_minus_2_ps of %u\n",
+					       temp2, i, mclk_ps,
+					       tCKmin_X_minus_2_ps);
+					continue;
+				} else {
+					not_ok++;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (!not_ok) {
+			lowest_good_caslat = temp2;
+		}
+		temp1 &= ~(1 << temp2);
+	}
+	debug("lowest common SPD-defined CAS latency = %u\n",
+	       lowest_good_caslat);
+	outpdimm->lowest_common_SPD_caslat = lowest_good_caslat;
+	/*
+	 * Compute a common 'de-rated' CAS latency.
+	 *
+	 * The strategy here is to find the *highest* dereated cas latency
+	 * with the assumption that all of the DIMMs will support a dereated
+	 * CAS latency higher than or equal to their lowest dereated value.
+	 */
+	temp1 = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < number_of_dimms; i++) {
+		temp1 = max(temp1, dimm_params[i].caslat_lowest_derated);
+	}
+	outpdimm->highest_common_derated_caslat = temp1;
+	debug("highest common dereated CAS latency = %u\n", temp1);
+	/* Determine if all DIMMs ECC capable. */
+	temp1 = 1;
+	for (i = 0; i < number_of_dimms; i++) {
+		if (dimm_params[i].n_ranks && dimm_params[i].edc_config != 2) {
+			temp1 = 0;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (temp1) {
+		debug("all DIMMs ECC capable\n");
+	} else {
+		debug("Warning: not all DIMMs ECC capable, cant enable ECC\n");
+	}
+	outpdimm->all_DIMMs_ECC_capable = temp1;
+	/* FIXME: move to somewhere else to validate. */
+	if (mclk_ps > tCKmax_max_ps) {
+		printf("Warning: some of the installed DIMMs "
+				"can not operate this slowly.\n");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Compute additive latency.
+	 *
+	 * For DDR1, additive latency should be 0.
+	 *
+	 * For DDR2, with ODT enabled, use "a value" less than ACTTORW,
+	 *	which comes from Trcd, and also note that:
+	 *	    add_lat + caslat must be >= 4
+	 *
+	 * For DDR3, FIXME additive latency determination
+	 *
+	 * When to use additive latency for DDR2:
+	 *
+	 * I. Because you are using CL=3 and need to do ODT on writes and
+	 *    want functionality.
+	 *    1. Are you going to use ODT? (Does your board not have
+	 *      additional termination circuitry for DQ, DQS, DQS_,
+	 *      DM, RDQS, RDQS_ for x4/x8 configs?)
+	 *    2. If so, is your lowest supported CL going to be 3?
+	 *    3. If so, then you must set AL=1 because
+	 *
+	 *       WL >= 3 for ODT on writes
+	 *       RL = AL + CL
+	 *       WL = RL - 1
+	 *       ->
+	 *       WL = AL + CL - 1
+	 *       AL + CL - 1 >= 3
+	 *       AL + CL >= 4
+	 *  QED
+	 *
+	 *  RL >= 3 for ODT on reads
+	 *  RL = AL + CL
+	 *
+	 *  Since CL aren't usually less than 2, AL=0 is a minimum,
+	 *  so the WL-derived AL should be the  -- FIXME?
+	 *
+	 * II. Because you are using auto-precharge globally and want to
+	 *     use additive latency (posted CAS) to get more bandwidth.
+	 *     1. Are you going to use auto-precharge mode globally?
+	 *
+	 *        Use addtivie latency and compute AL to be 1 cycle less than
+	 *        tRCD, i.e. the READ or WRITE command is in the cycle
+	 *        immediately following the ACTIVATE command..
+	 *
+	 * III. Because you feel like it or want to do some sort of
+	 *      degraded-performance experiment.
+	 *     1.  Do you just want to use additive latency because you feel
+	 *         like it?
+	 *
+	 * Validation:  AL is less than tRCD, and within the other
+	 * read-to-precharge constraints.
+	 */
+	additive_latency = 0;
+#if defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR2)
+	if (lowest_good_caslat < 4) {
+		additive_latency = picos_to_mclk(tRCD_ps) - lowest_good_caslat;
+		if (mclk_to_picos(additive_latency) > tRCD_ps) {
+			additive_latency = picos_to_mclk(tRCD_ps);
+			debug("setting additive_latency to %u because it was "
+				" greater than tRCD_ps\n", additive_latency);
+		}
+	}
+#elif defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR3)
+error "FIXME determine additive latency for DDR3"
+	/*
+	 * Validate additive latency
+	 * FIXME: move to somewhere else to validate
+	 *
+	 * AL <= tRCD(min)
+	 */
+	if (mclk_to_picos(additive_latency) > tRCD_ps) {
+		printf("Error: invalid additive latency exceeds tRCD(min).\n");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * RL = CL + AL;  RL >= 3 for ODT_RD_CFG to be enabled
+	 * WL = RL - 1;  WL >= 3 for ODT_WL_CFG to be enabled
+	 * ADD_LAT (the register) must be set to a value less
+	 * than ACTTORW if WL = 1, then AL must be set to 1
+	 * RD_TO_PRE (the register) must be set to a minimum
+	 * tRTP + AL if AL is nonzero
+	 */
+	/*
+	 * Additive latency will be applied only if the memctl option to
+	 * use it.
+	 */
+	outpdimm->additive_latency = additive_latency;
+	return 0;
diff --git a/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/main.c b/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ac4b80c3aca3824ef3f90d98e856c22154a90825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+ * Copyright 2008 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+ * Generic driver for Freescale DDR/DDR2/DDR3 memory controller.
+ * Based on code from spd_sdram.c
+ * Author: James Yang [at freescale.com]
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/fsl_ddr_sdram.h>
+#include "ddr.h"
+extern void fsl_ddr_set_lawbar(
+		const common_timing_params_t *memctl_common_params,
+		unsigned int memctl_interleaved,
+		unsigned int ctrl_num);
+/* processor specific function */
+extern void fsl_ddr_set_memctl_regs(const fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *regs,
+				   unsigned int ctrl_num);
+/* Board-specific functions defined in each board's ddr.c */
+extern void fsl_ddr_get_spd(generic_spd_eeprom_t *ctrl_dimms_spd,
+			   unsigned int ctrl_num);
+ *    - Same number of CONFIG_DIMM_SLOTS_PER_CTLR on each controller
+ *    - Same memory data bus width on all controllers
+ *
+ * NOTES:
+ *
+ * The memory controller and associated documentation use confusing
+ * terminology when referring to the orgranization of DRAM.
+ *
+ * Here is a terminology translation table:
+ *
+ * memory controller/documention  |industry   |this code  |signals
+ * -------------------------------|-----------|-----------|-----------------
+ * physical bank/bank             |rank       |rank       |chip select (CS)
+ * logical bank/sub-bank          |bank       |bank       |bank address (BA)
+ * page/row                       |row        |page       |row address
+ * ???                            |column     |column     |column address
+ *
+ * The naming confusion is further exacerbated by the descriptions of the
+ * memory controller interleaving feature, where accesses are interleaved
+ * _BETWEEN_ two seperate memory controllers.  This is configured only in
+ * CS0_CONFIG[INTLV_CTL] of each memory controller.
+ *
+ * memory controller documentation | number of chip selects
+ *                                 | per memory controller supported
+ * --------------------------------|-----------------------------------------
+ * cache line interleaving         | 1 (CS0 only)
+ * page interleaving               | 1 (CS0 only)
+ * bank interleaving               | 1 (CS0 only)
+ * superbank interleraving         | depends on bank (chip select)
+ *                                 |   interleraving [rank interleaving]
+ *                                 |   mode used on every memory controller
+ *
+ * Even further confusing is the existence of the interleaving feature
+ * _WITHIN_ each memory controller.  The feature is referred to in
+ * documentation as chip select interleaving or bank interleaving,
+ * although it is configured in the DDR_SDRAM_CFG field.
+ *
+ * Name of field                | documentation name    | this code
+ * -----------------------------|-----------------------|------------------
+ * DDR_SDRAM_CFG[BA_INTLV_CTL]  | Bank (chip select)    | rank interleaving
+ *                              |  interleaving
+ */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+const char *step_string_tbl[] = {
+const char * step_to_string(unsigned int step) {
+	unsigned int s = __ilog2(step);
+	if ((1 << s) != step)
+		return step_string_tbl[7];
+	return step_string_tbl[s];
+int step_assign_addresses(fsl_ddr_info_t *pinfo,
+			  unsigned int dbw_cap_adj[],
+			  unsigned int *memctl_interleaving,
+			  unsigned int *rank_interleaving)
+	int i, j;
+	/*
+	 * If a reduced data width is requested, but the SPD
+	 * specifies a physically wider device, adjust the
+	 * computed dimm capacities accordingly before
+	 * assigning addresses.
+	 */
+	for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUM_DDR_CONTROLLERS; i++) {
+		unsigned int found = 0;
+		switch (pinfo->memctl_opts[i].data_bus_width) {
+		case 2:
+			/* 16-bit */
+			printf("can't handle 16-bit mode yet\n");
+			break;
+		case 1:
+			/* 32-bit */
+			for (j = 0; j < CONFIG_DIMM_SLOTS_PER_CTLR; j++) {
+				unsigned int dw;
+				dw = pinfo->dimm_params[i][j].data_width;
+				if (pinfo->dimm_params[i][j].n_ranks
+				    && (dw == 72 || dw == 64)) {
+					/*
+					 * FIXME: can't really do it
+					 * like this because this just
+					 * further reduces the memory
+					 */
+					found = 1;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if (found) {
+				dbw_cap_adj[i] = 1;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 0:
+			/* 64-bit */
+			break;
+		default:
+			printf("unexpected data bus width "
+				"specified controller %u\n", i);
+			return 1;
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Check if all controllers are configured for memory
+	 * controller interleaving.
+	 */
+	j = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUM_DDR_CONTROLLERS; i++) {
+		if (pinfo->memctl_opts[i].memctl_interleaving) {
+			j++;
+		}
+	}
+	if (j == 2) {
+		*memctl_interleaving = 1;
+	}
+	/* Check that all controllers are rank interleaving. */
+	j = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUM_DDR_CONTROLLERS; i++) {
+		if (pinfo->memctl_opts[i].ba_intlv_ctl) {
+			j++;
+		}
+	}
+	if (j == 2) {
+		*rank_interleaving = 1;
+	}
+	if (*memctl_interleaving) {
+		phys_addr_t addr;
+		/*
+		 * If interleaving between memory controllers,
+		 * make each controller start at a base address
+		 * of 0.
+		 *
+		 * Also, if bank interleaving (chip select
+		 * interleaving) is enabled on each memory
+		 * controller, CS0 needs to be programmed to
+		 * cover the entire memory range on that memory
+		 * controller
+		 *
+		 * Bank interleaving also implies that each
+		 * addressed chip select is identical in size.
+		 */
+		for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUM_DDR_CONTROLLERS; i++) {
+			addr = 0;
+			for (j = 0; j < CONFIG_DIMM_SLOTS_PER_CTLR; j++) {
+				unsigned long long cap
+					= pinfo->dimm_params[i][j].capacity;
+				pinfo->dimm_params[i][j].base_address = addr;
+				addr += (phys_addr_t)(cap >> dbw_cap_adj[i]);
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		/*
+		 * Simple linear assignment if memory
+		 * controllers are not interleaved.
+		 */
+		phys_size_t cur_memsize = 0;
+		for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUM_DDR_CONTROLLERS; i++) {
+			phys_size_t total_mem_per_ctlr = 0;
+			pinfo->common_timing_params[i].base_address =
+						(phys_addr_t)cur_memsize;
+			for (j = 0; j < CONFIG_DIMM_SLOTS_PER_CTLR; j++) {
+				/* Compute DIMM base addresses. */
+				unsigned long long cap =
+					pinfo->dimm_params[i][j].capacity;
+				pinfo->dimm_params[i][j].base_address =
+					(phys_addr_t)cur_memsize;
+				cur_memsize += cap >> dbw_cap_adj[i];
+				total_mem_per_ctlr += cap >> dbw_cap_adj[i];
+			}
+			pinfo->common_timing_params[i].total_mem =
+							total_mem_per_ctlr;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+fsl_ddr_compute(fsl_ddr_info_t *pinfo, unsigned int start_step)
+	unsigned int i, j;
+	unsigned int all_controllers_memctl_interleaving = 0;
+	unsigned int all_controllers_rank_interleaving = 0;
+	phys_size_t total_mem = 0;
+	fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr_reg = pinfo->fsl_ddr_config_reg;
+	common_timing_params_t *timing_params = pinfo->common_timing_params;
+	/* data bus width capacity adjust shift amount */
+	unsigned int dbw_capacity_adjust[CONFIG_NUM_DDR_CONTROLLERS];
+	for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUM_DDR_CONTROLLERS; i++) {
+		dbw_capacity_adjust[i] = 0;
+	}
+	debug("starting at step %u (%s)\n",
+	      start_step, step_to_string(start_step));
+	switch (start_step) {
+	case STEP_GET_SPD:
+		/* STEP 1:  Gather all DIMM SPD data */
+		for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUM_DDR_CONTROLLERS; i++) {
+			fsl_ddr_get_spd(pinfo->spd_installed_dimms[i], i);
+		}
+		/* STEP 2:  Compute DIMM parameters from SPD data */
+		for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUM_DDR_CONTROLLERS; i++) {
+			for (j = 0; j < CONFIG_DIMM_SLOTS_PER_CTLR; j++) {
+				unsigned int retval;
+				generic_spd_eeprom_t *spd =
+					&(pinfo->spd_installed_dimms[i][j]);
+				dimm_params_t *pdimm =
+                                        &(pinfo->dimm_params[i][j]);
+				retval = compute_dimm_parameters(spd, pdimm, i);
+				if (retval == 2) {
+					printf("Error: compute_dimm_parameters"
+					" non-zero returned FATAL value "
+					"for memctl=%u dimm=%u\n", i, j);
+					return 0;
+				}
+				if (retval) {
+					debug("Warning: compute_dimm_parameters"
+					" non-zero return value for memctl=%u "
+					"dimm=%u\n", i, j);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/*
+		 * STEP 3: Compute a common set of timing parameters
+		 * suitable for all of the DIMMs on each memory controller
+		 */
+		for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUM_DDR_CONTROLLERS; i++) {
+			debug("Computing lowest common DIMM"
+				" parameters for memctl=%u\n", i);
+			compute_lowest_common_dimm_parameters(
+				pinfo->dimm_params[i],
+				&timing_params[i],
+		}
+		/* STEP 4:  Gather configuration requirements from user */
+		for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUM_DDR_CONTROLLERS; i++) {
+			debug("Reloading memory controller "
+				"configuration options for memctl=%u\n", i);
+			/*
+			 * This "reloads" the memory controller options
+			 * to defaults.  If the user "edits" an option,
+			 * next_step points to the step after this,
+			 * which is currently STEP_ASSIGN_ADDRESSES.
+			 */
+			populate_memctl_options(
+					timing_params[i].all_DIMMs_registered,
+					&pinfo->memctl_opts[i], i);
+		}
+		/* STEP 5:  Assign addresses to chip selects */
+		step_assign_addresses(pinfo,
+				dbw_capacity_adjust,
+				&all_controllers_memctl_interleaving,
+				&all_controllers_rank_interleaving);
+		/* STEP 6:  compute controller register values */
+		debug("FSL Memory ctrl cg register computation\n");
+		for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUM_DDR_CONTROLLERS; i++) {
+			if (timing_params[i].ndimms_present == 0) {
+				memset(&ddr_reg[i], 0,
+					sizeof(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t));
+				continue;
+			}
+			compute_fsl_memctl_config_regs(
+					&pinfo->memctl_opts[i],
+					&ddr_reg[i], &timing_params[i],
+					pinfo->dimm_params[i],
+					dbw_capacity_adjust[i]);
+		}
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	/* Compute the total amount of memory. */
+	/*
+	 * If bank interleaving but NOT memory controller interleaving
+	 * CS_BNDS describe the quantity of memory on each memory
+	 * controller, so the total is the sum across.
+	 */
+	if (!all_controllers_memctl_interleaving
+	    && all_controllers_rank_interleaving) {
+		total_mem = 0;
+		for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUM_DDR_CONTROLLERS; i++) {
+			total_mem += timing_params[i].total_mem;
+		}
+	} else {
+		/*
+		 * Compute the amount of memory available just by
+		 * looking for the highest valid CSn_BNDS value.
+		 * This allows us to also experiment with using
+		 * only CS0 when using dual-rank DIMMs.
+		 */
+		unsigned int max_end = 0;
+		for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUM_DDR_CONTROLLERS; i++) {
+			for (j = 0; j < CONFIG_CHIP_SELECTS_PER_CTRL; j++) {
+				fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *reg = &ddr_reg[i];
+				if (reg->cs[j].config & 0x80000000) {
+					unsigned int end;
+					end = reg->cs[j].bnds & 0xFFF;
+					if (end > max_end) {
+						max_end = end;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+#if !defined(CONFIG_PHYS_64BIT)
+		/* Check for 4G or more with a 32-bit phys_addr_t.  Bad. */
+		if (max_end >= 0xff) {
+			printf("This U-Boot only supports < 4G of DDR\n");
+			printf("You could rebuild it with CONFIG_PHYS_64BIT\n");
+			return 0;	/* Ensure DDR setup failure. */
+		}
+		total_mem = 1 + (((unsigned long long)max_end << 24ULL)
+				    | 0xFFFFFFULL);
+	}
+	return total_mem;
+ * fsl_ddr_sdram() -- this is the main function to be called by
+ *	initdram() in the board file.
+ *
+ * It returns amount of memory configured in bytes.
+ */
+phys_size_t fsl_ddr_sdram(void)
+	unsigned int i;
+	unsigned int memctl_interleaved;
+	phys_size_t total_memory;
+	fsl_ddr_info_t info;
+	/* Reset info structure. */
+	memset(&info, 0, sizeof(fsl_ddr_info_t));
+	/* Compute it once normally. */
+	total_memory = fsl_ddr_compute(&info, STEP_GET_SPD);
+	/* Check for memory controller interleaving. */
+	memctl_interleaved = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUM_DDR_CONTROLLERS; i++) {
+		memctl_interleaved +=
+			info.memctl_opts[i].memctl_interleaving;
+	}
+	if (memctl_interleaved) {
+		if (memctl_interleaved == CONFIG_NUM_DDR_CONTROLLERS) {
+			debug("memctl interleaving\n");
+			/*
+			 * Change the meaning of memctl_interleaved
+			 * to be "boolean".
+			 */
+			memctl_interleaved = 1;
+		} else {
+			printf("Error: memctl interleaving not "
+				"properly configured on all controllers\n");
+			while (1);
+		}
+	}
+	/* Program configuration registers. */
+	for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUM_DDR_CONTROLLERS; i++) {
+		debug("Programming controller %u\n", i);
+		if (info.common_timing_params[i].ndimms_present == 0) {
+			debug("No dimms present on controller %u; "
+					"skipping programming\n", i);
+			continue;
+		}
+		fsl_ddr_set_memctl_regs(&(info.fsl_ddr_config_reg[i]), i);
+	}
+	if (memctl_interleaved) {
+		const unsigned int ctrl_num = 0;
+		/* Only set LAWBAR1 if memory controller interleaving is on. */
+		fsl_ddr_set_lawbar(&info.common_timing_params[0],
+					 memctl_interleaved, ctrl_num);
+	} else {
+		/*
+		 * Memory controller interleaving is NOT on;
+		 * set each lawbar individually.
+		 */
+		for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUM_DDR_CONTROLLERS; i++) {
+			fsl_ddr_set_lawbar(&info.common_timing_params[i],
+						 0, i);
+		}
+	}
+	debug("total_memory = %llu\n", (u64)total_memory);
+	return total_memory;
diff --git a/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/options.c b/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/options.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c2b43c0c59925f0c4d88ad15d639d7a875b0729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/options.c
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ * Copyright 2008 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/fsl_ddr_sdram.h>
+#include "ddr.h"
+/* Board-specific functions defined in each board's ddr.c */
+extern void fsl_ddr_board_options(memctl_options_t *popts,
+		unsigned int ctrl_num);
+unsigned int populate_memctl_options(int all_DIMMs_registered,
+			memctl_options_t *popts,
+			unsigned int ctrl_num)
+	unsigned int i;
+	/* Chip select options. */
+	/* Pick chip-select local options. */
+	for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_CHIP_SELECTS_PER_CTRL; i++) {
+		/* If not DDR2, odt_rd_cfg and odt_wr_cfg need to be 0. */
+		/* only for single CS? */
+		popts->cs_local_opts[i].odt_rd_cfg = 0;
+		popts->cs_local_opts[i].odt_wr_cfg = 1;
+		popts->cs_local_opts[i].auto_precharge = 0;
+	}
+	/* Pick interleaving mode. */
+	/*
+	 * 0 = no interleaving
+	 * 1 = interleaving between 2 controllers
+	 */
+	popts->memctl_interleaving = 0;
+	/*
+	 * 0 = cacheline
+	 * 1 = page
+	 * 2 = (logical) bank
+	 * 3 = superbank (only if CS interleaving is enabled)
+	 */
+	popts->memctl_interleaving_mode = 0;
+	/*
+	 * 0: cacheline: bit 30 of the 36-bit physical addr selects the memctl
+	 * 1: page:      bit to the left of the column bits selects the memctl
+	 * 2: bank:      bit to the left of the bank bits selects the memctl
+	 * 3: superbank: bit to the left of the chip select selects the memctl
+	 *
+	 * NOTE: ba_intlv (rank interleaving) is independent of memory
+	 * controller interleaving; it is only within a memory controller.
+	 * Must use superbank interleaving if rank interleaving is used and
+	 * memory controller interleaving is enabled.
+	 */
+	/*
+	 * 0 = no
+	 * 0x40 = CS0,CS1
+	 * 0x20 = CS2,CS3
+	 * 0x60 = CS0,CS1 + CS2,CS3
+	 * 0x04 = CS0,CS1,CS2,CS3
+	 */
+	popts->ba_intlv_ctl = 0;
+	/* Memory Organization Parameters */
+	popts->registered_dimm_en = all_DIMMs_registered;
+	/* Operational Mode Paramters */
+	/* Pick ECC modes */
+	popts->ECC_mode = 1;		  /* 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled */
+	popts->ECC_mode = 0;		  /* 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled */
+	popts->ECC_init_using_memctl = 1; /* 0 = use DMA, 1 = use memctl */
+	/*
+	 * Choose DQS config
+	 * 0 for DDR1
+	 * 1 for DDR2
+	 */
+#if defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR1)
+	popts->DQS_config = 0;
+#elif defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR2)
+	popts->DQS_config = 1;
+#error "Fix DQS for DDR3"
+	/* Choose self-refresh during sleep. */
+	popts->self_refresh_in_sleep = 1;
+	/* Choose dynamic power management mode. */
+	popts->dynamic_power = 0;
+	/* 0 = 64-bit, 1 = 32-bit, 2 = 16-bit */
+	popts->data_bus_width = 0;
+	/* Choose burst length. */
+	popts->burst_length = 4;	/* has to be 4 for DDR2 */
+	/* Global Timing Parameters. */
+	debug("mclk_ps = %u ps\n", get_memory_clk_period_ps());
+	/* Pick a caslat override. */
+	popts->cas_latency_override = 0;
+	popts->cas_latency_override_value = 3;
+	if (popts->cas_latency_override) {
+		debug("using caslat override value = %u\n",
+		       popts->cas_latency_override_value);
+	}
+	/* Decide whether to use the computed derated latency */
+	popts->use_derated_caslat = 0;
+	/* Choose an additive latency. */
+	popts->additive_latency_override = 0;
+	popts->additive_latency_override_value = 3;
+	if (popts->additive_latency_override) {
+		debug("using additive latency override value = %u\n",
+		       popts->additive_latency_override_value);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * 2T_EN setting
+	 *
+	 * Factors to consider for 2T_EN:
+	 *	- number of DIMMs installed
+	 *	- number of components, number of active ranks
+	 *	- how much time you want to spend playing around
+	 */
+	popts->twoT_en = 1;
+	popts->threeT_en = 0;
+	/*
+	 * BSTTOPRE precharge interval
+	 *
+	 * Set this to 0 for global auto precharge
+	 *
+	 * FIXME: Should this be configured in picoseconds?
+	 * Why it should be in ps:  better understanding of this
+	 * relative to actual DRAM timing parameters such as tRAS.
+	 * e.g. tRAS(min) = 40 ns
+	 */
+	popts->bstopre = 0x100;
+	/* Minimum CKE pulse width -- tCKE(MIN) */
+	popts->tCKE_clock_pulse_width_ps
+		= mclk_to_picos(FSL_DDR_MIN_TCKE_PULSE_WIDTH_DDR);
+	/*
+	 * Window for four activates -- tFAW
+	 *
+	 * FIXME: UM: applies only to DDR2/DDR3 with eight logical banks only
+	 * FIXME: varies depending upon number of column addresses or data
+	 * FIXME: width, was considering looking at pdimm->primary_sdram_width
+	 */
+#if defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR1)
+	popts->tFAW_window_four_activates_ps = mclk_to_picos(1);
+#elif defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR2)
+	/*
+	 * x4/x8;  some datasheets have 35000
+	 * x16 wide columns only?  Use 50000?
+	 */
+	popts->tFAW_window_four_activates_ps = 37500;
+#elif defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR3)
+#error "FIXME determine four activates for DDR3"
+	/* ODT should only be used for DDR2 */
+	/* FIXME? */
+	/*
+	 * Interleaving checks.
+	 *
+	 * If memory controller interleaving is enabled, then the data
+	 * bus widths must be programmed identically for the 2 memory
+	 * controllers.
+	 */
+	fsl_ddr_board_options(popts, ctrl_num);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/util.c b/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/util.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27c135b112c0a608e142a640cb4eec9a53c7f465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/util.c
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ * Copyright 2008 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/fsl_law.h>
+#include "ddr.h"
+unsigned int fsl_ddr_get_mem_data_rate(void);
+ * Round mclk_ps to nearest 10 ps in memory controller code.
+ *
+ * If an imprecise data rate is too high due to rounding error
+ * propagation, compute a suitably rounded mclk_ps to compute
+ * a working memory controller configuration.
+ */
+unsigned int get_memory_clk_period_ps(void)
+	unsigned int mclk_ps;
+	mclk_ps = 2000000000000ULL / fsl_ddr_get_mem_data_rate();
+	/* round to nearest 10 ps */
+	return 10 * ((mclk_ps + 5) / 10);
+/* Convert picoseconds into DRAM clock cycles (rounding up if needed). */
+unsigned int picos_to_mclk(unsigned int picos)
+	const unsigned long long ULL_2e12 = 2000000000000ULL;
+	const unsigned long long ULL_8Fs = 0xFFFFFFFFULL;
+	unsigned long long clks;
+	unsigned long long clks_temp;
+	if (!picos)
+		return 0;
+	clks = fsl_ddr_get_mem_data_rate() * (unsigned long long) picos;
+	clks_temp = clks;
+	clks = clks / ULL_2e12;
+	if (clks_temp % ULL_2e12) {
+		clks++;
+	}
+	if (clks > ULL_8Fs) {
+		clks = ULL_8Fs;
+	}
+	return (unsigned int) clks;
+unsigned int mclk_to_picos(unsigned int mclk)
+	return get_memory_clk_period_ps() * mclk;
+__fsl_ddr_set_lawbar(const common_timing_params_t *memctl_common_params,
+			   unsigned int memctl_interleaved,
+			   unsigned int ctrl_num)
+	/*
+	 * If no DIMMs on this controller, do not proceed any further.
+	 */
+	if (!memctl_common_params->ndimms_present) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if (ctrl_num == 0) {
+		/*
+		 * Set up LAW for DDR controller 1 space.
+		 */
+		unsigned int lawbar1_target_id = memctl_interleaved
+		if (set_ddr_laws(memctl_common_params->base_address,
+				memctl_common_params->total_mem,
+				lawbar1_target_id) < 0) {
+			printf("ERROR\n");
+			return ;
+		}
+	} else if (ctrl_num == 1) {
+		if (set_ddr_laws(memctl_common_params->base_address,
+				memctl_common_params->total_mem,
+				LAW_TRGT_IF_DDR_2) < 0) {
+			printf("ERROR\n");
+			return ;
+		}
+	} else {
+		printf("unexpected controller number %u in %s\n",
+			ctrl_num, __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+__attribute__((weak, alias("__fsl_ddr_set_lawbar"))) void
+fsl_ddr_set_lawbar(const common_timing_params_t *memctl_common_params,
+			 unsigned int memctl_interleaved,
+			 unsigned int ctrl_num);
diff --git a/include/asm-ppc/fsl_ddr_sdram.h b/include/asm-ppc/fsl_ddr_sdram.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8adde34247bd1364c6bfd419206e6895bf5ef438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/asm-ppc/fsl_ddr_sdram.h
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ * Copyright 2008 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+ * Pick a basic DDR Technology.
+ */
+#include <ddr_spd.h>
+#define SDRAM_TYPE_DDR1    2
+#define SDRAM_TYPE_DDR2    3
+#define SDRAM_TYPE_LPDDR1  6
+#define SDRAM_TYPE_DDR3    7
+#if defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR1)
+typedef ddr1_spd_eeprom_t generic_spd_eeprom_t;
+#elif defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR2)
+typedef ddr2_spd_eeprom_t generic_spd_eeprom_t;
+#elif defined(CONFIG_FSL_DDR3)
+typedef ddr3_spd_eeprom_t generic_spd_eeprom_t;
+/* Record of register values computed */
+typedef struct fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_s {
+	struct {
+		unsigned int bnds;
+		unsigned int config;
+		unsigned int config_2;
+	unsigned int timing_cfg_3;
+	unsigned int timing_cfg_0;
+	unsigned int timing_cfg_1;
+	unsigned int timing_cfg_2;
+	unsigned int ddr_sdram_cfg;
+	unsigned int ddr_sdram_cfg_2;
+	unsigned int ddr_sdram_mode;
+	unsigned int ddr_sdram_mode_2;
+	unsigned int ddr_sdram_md_cntl;
+	unsigned int ddr_sdram_interval;
+	unsigned int ddr_data_init;
+	unsigned int ddr_sdram_clk_cntl;
+	unsigned int ddr_init_addr;
+	unsigned int ddr_init_ext_addr;
+	unsigned int timing_cfg_4;
+	unsigned int timing_cfg_5;
+	unsigned int ddr_zq_cntl;
+	unsigned int ddr_wrlvl_cntl;
+	unsigned int ddr_pd_cntl;
+	unsigned int ddr_sr_cntr;
+	unsigned int ddr_sdram_rcw_1;
+	unsigned int ddr_sdram_rcw_2;
+} fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t;
+typedef struct memctl_options_partial_s {
+	unsigned int all_DIMMs_ECC_capable;
+	unsigned int all_DIMMs_tCKmax_ps;
+	unsigned int all_DIMMs_burst_lengths_bitmask;
+	unsigned int all_DIMMs_registered;
+	unsigned int all_DIMMs_unbuffered;
+	/*	unsigned int lowest_common_SPD_caslat; */
+	unsigned int all_DIMMs_minimum_tRCD_ps;
+} memctl_options_partial_t;
+ * Generalized parameters for memory controller configuration,
+ * might be a little specific to the FSL memory controller
+ */
+typedef struct memctl_options_s {
+	/*
+	 * Memory organization parameters
+	 *
+	 * if DIMM is present in the system
+	 * where DIMMs are with respect to chip select
+	 * where chip selects are with respect to memory boundaries
+	 */
+	unsigned int registered_dimm_en;    /* use registered DIMM support */
+	/* Options local to a Chip Select */
+	struct cs_local_opts_s {
+		unsigned int auto_precharge;
+		unsigned int odt_rd_cfg;
+		unsigned int odt_wr_cfg;
+	} cs_local_opts[CONFIG_CHIP_SELECTS_PER_CTRL];
+	/* Special configurations for chip select */
+	unsigned int memctl_interleaving;
+	unsigned int memctl_interleaving_mode;
+	unsigned int ba_intlv_ctl;
+	/* Operational mode parameters */
+	unsigned int ECC_mode;	 /* Use ECC? */
+	/* Initialize ECC using memory controller? */
+	unsigned int ECC_init_using_memctl;
+	unsigned int DQS_config;	/* Use DQS? maybe only with DDR2? */
+	/* SREN - self-refresh during sleep */
+	unsigned int self_refresh_in_sleep;
+	unsigned int dynamic_power;	/* DYN_PWR */
+	/* memory data width to use (16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit) */
+	unsigned int data_bus_width;
+	unsigned int burst_length;	/* 4, 8 */
+	/* Global Timing Parameters */
+	unsigned int cas_latency_override;
+	unsigned int cas_latency_override_value;
+	unsigned int use_derated_caslat;
+	unsigned int additive_latency_override;
+	unsigned int additive_latency_override_value;
+	unsigned int clk_adjust;		/* */
+	unsigned int cpo_override;
+	unsigned int write_data_delay;		/* DQS adjust */
+	unsigned int half_strength_driver_enable;
+	unsigned int twoT_en;
+	unsigned int threeT_en;
+	unsigned int bstopre;
+	unsigned int tCKE_clock_pulse_width_ps;	/* tCKE */
+	unsigned int tFAW_window_four_activates_ps;	/* tFAW --  FOUR_ACT */
+} memctl_options_t;
+extern phys_size_t fsl_ddr_sdram(void);