// Some real-time FFT! This visualizes music in the frequency domain using a // polar-coordinate particle system. Particle size and radial distance are modulated // using a filtered FFT. Color is sampled from an image. import ddf.minim.analysis.*; import ddf.minim.*; OPC opc; PImage dot; PImage colors; Minim minim; AudioPlayer sound; FFT fft; float[] fftFilter; String filename = "/Users/micah/Dropbox/music/Mark Farina - Mushroom Jazz Vol 5.mp3"; float spin = 0.001; float radiansPerBucket = radians(2); float decay = 0.97; float opacity = 50; float minSize = 0.1; float sizeScale = 0.6; void setup() { size(600, 300, P3D); minim = new Minim(this); // Small buffer size! sound = minim.loadFile(filename, 512); sound.loop(); fft = new FFT(sound.bufferSize(), sound.sampleRate()); fftFilter = new float[fft.specSize()]; dot = loadImage("dot.png"); colors = loadImage("colors.png"); // Connect to the local instance of fcserver opc = new OPC(this, "", 7890); opc.ledGrid8x8(0 * 64, width * 1/8, height * 1/4, height/16, 0, true, false); opc.ledGrid8x8(1 * 64, width * 3/8, height * 1/4, height/16, 0, true, false); opc.ledGrid8x8(2 * 64, width * 5/8, height * 1/4, height/16, 0, true, false); opc.ledGrid8x8(3 * 64, width * 7/8, height * 1/4, height/16, 0, true, false); opc.ledGrid8x8(4 * 64, width * 1/8, height * 3/4, height/16, 0, true, false); opc.ledGrid8x8(5 * 64, width * 3/8, height * 3/4, height/16, 0, true, false); opc.ledGrid8x8(6 * 64, width * 5/8, height * 3/4, height/16, 0, true, false); opc.ledGrid8x8(7 * 64, width * 7/8, height * 3/4, height/16, 0, true, false); } void draw() { background(0); fft.forward(sound.mix); for (int i = 0; i < fftFilter.length; i++) { fftFilter[i] = max(fftFilter[i] * decay, log(1 + fft.getBand(i))); } for (int i = 0; i < fftFilter.length; i += 3) { color rgb = colors.get(int(map(i, 0, fftFilter.length-1, 0, colors.width-1)), colors.height/2); tint(rgb, fftFilter[i] * opacity); blendMode(ADD); float size = height * (minSize + sizeScale * fftFilter[i]); PVector center = new PVector(width * (fftFilter[i] * 0.2), 0); center.rotate(millis() * spin + i * radiansPerBucket); center.add(new PVector(width * 0.5, height * 0.5)); image(dot, center.x - size/2, center.y - size/2, size, size); } }