/* * Fadecandy firmware * Copyright (c) 2013 Micah Elizabeth Scott * * Teensyduino Core Library * http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/ * Copyright (c) 2013 PJRC.COM, LLC. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * 1. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * 2. If the Software is incorporated into a build system that allows * selection among a list of target devices, then similar target * devices manufactured by PJRC.COM must be included in the list of * target devices and selectable in the same manner. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "mk20dx128.h" #include "usb_dev.h" #include "usb_mem.h" #include "usb_desc.h" // buffer descriptor table typedef struct { uint32_t desc; void * addr; } bdt_t; __attribute__ ((section(".usbdescriptortable"), used)) static bdt_t table[(NUM_ENDPOINTS+1)*4]; static usb_packet_t *rx_first[NUM_ENDPOINTS]; static usb_packet_t *rx_last[NUM_ENDPOINTS]; static usb_packet_t *tx_first[NUM_ENDPOINTS]; static usb_packet_t *tx_last[NUM_ENDPOINTS]; uint16_t usb_rx_byte_count_data[NUM_ENDPOINTS]; static uint8_t tx_state[NUM_ENDPOINTS]; #define TX_STATE_BOTH_FREE_EVEN_FIRST 0 #define TX_STATE_BOTH_FREE_ODD_FIRST 1 #define TX_STATE_EVEN_FREE 2 #define TX_STATE_ODD_FREE 3 #define TX_STATE_NONE_FREE_EVEN_FIRST 4 #define TX_STATE_NONE_FREE_ODD_FIRST 5 #define BDT_OWN 0x80 #define BDT_DATA1 0x40 #define BDT_DATA0 0x00 #define BDT_DTS 0x08 #define BDT_STALL 0x04 #define BDT_PID(n) (((n) >> 2) & 15) #define BDT_DESC(count, data) (BDT_OWN | BDT_DTS \ | ((data) ? BDT_DATA1 : BDT_DATA0) \ | ((count) << 16)) #define TX 1 #define RX 0 #define ODD 1 #define EVEN 0 #define DATA0 0 #define DATA1 1 #define index(endpoint, tx, odd) (((endpoint) << 2) | ((tx) << 1) | (odd)) #define stat2bufferdescriptor(stat) (table + ((stat) >> 2)) static union { struct { union { struct { uint8_t bmRequestType; uint8_t bRequest; }; uint16_t wRequestAndType; }; uint16_t wValue; uint16_t wIndex; uint16_t wLength; }; struct { uint32_t word1; uint32_t word2; }; } setup; #define GET_STATUS 0 #define CLEAR_FEATURE 1 #define SET_FEATURE 3 #define SET_ADDRESS 5 #define GET_DESCRIPTOR 6 #define SET_DESCRIPTOR 7 #define GET_CONFIGURATION 8 #define SET_CONFIGURATION 9 #define GET_INTERFACE 10 #define SET_INTERFACE 11 #define SYNCH_FRAME 12 // SETUP always uses a DATA0 PID for the data field of the SETUP transaction. // transactions in the data phase start with DATA1 and toggle (figure 8-12, USB1.1) // Status stage uses a DATA1 PID. static uint8_t ep0_rx0_buf[EP0_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned (4))); static uint8_t ep0_rx1_buf[EP0_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned (4))); static uint8_t ep0_tx0_buf[EP0_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned (4))); static uint8_t ep0_tx1_buf[EP0_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned (4))); static const uint8_t *ep0_tx_ptr = NULL; static uint16_t ep0_tx_len; static uint8_t ep0_tx_bdt_bank = 0; static uint8_t ep0_tx_data_toggle = 0; uint8_t usb_rx_memory_needed = 0; volatile uint8_t usb_configuration = 0; volatile uint8_t usb_dfu_state = DFU_appIDLE; static void endpoint0_stall(void) { USB0_ENDPT0 = USB_ENDPT_EPSTALL | USB_ENDPT_EPRXEN | USB_ENDPT_EPTXEN | USB_ENDPT_EPHSHK; } static void endpoint0_transmit(const void *data, uint32_t len) { // Use a local transmit buffer pair in RAM, and copy in the source data (usually decriptors). // We can't reliably serve USB data from flash apparently, and this is a little more RAM // efficient than keeping all descriptors in RAM. uint8_t *buffer = ep0_tx_bdt_bank ? ep0_tx1_buf : ep0_tx0_buf; uint32_t count = len; while (count--) { *buffer = *(const uint8_t*)data; data++; buffer++; } table[index(0, TX, ep0_tx_bdt_bank)].desc = BDT_DESC(len, ep0_tx_data_toggle); ep0_tx_data_toggle ^= 1; ep0_tx_bdt_bank ^= 1; } static SLOW_DATA uint8_t reply_buffer[8]; static void usb_setup(void) { const uint8_t *data = NULL; uint32_t datalen = 0; const usb_descriptor_list_t *list; uint32_t size; volatile uint8_t *reg; uint8_t epconf; const uint8_t *cfg; int i; switch (setup.wRequestAndType) { case 0x0500: // SET_ADDRESS break; case 0x0900: // SET_CONFIGURATION usb_configuration = setup.wValue; reg = &USB0_ENDPT1; cfg = usb_endpoint_config_table; // clear all BDT entries, free any allocated memory... for (i=4; i <= NUM_ENDPOINTS*4; i++) { if (table[i].desc & BDT_OWN) { usb_free((usb_packet_t *)((uint8_t *)(table[i].addr) - 8)); } } // free all queued packets for (i=0; i < NUM_ENDPOINTS; i++) { usb_packet_t *p, *n; p = rx_first[i]; while (p) { n = p->next; usb_free(p); p = n; } rx_first[i] = NULL; rx_last[i] = NULL; p = tx_first[i]; while (p) { n = p->next; usb_free(p); p = n; } tx_first[i] = NULL; tx_last[i] = NULL; usb_rx_byte_count_data[i] = 0; switch (tx_state[i]) { case TX_STATE_EVEN_FREE: case TX_STATE_NONE_FREE_EVEN_FIRST: tx_state[i] = TX_STATE_BOTH_FREE_EVEN_FIRST; break; case TX_STATE_ODD_FREE: case TX_STATE_NONE_FREE_ODD_FIRST: tx_state[i] = TX_STATE_BOTH_FREE_ODD_FIRST; break; default: break; } } usb_rx_memory_needed = 0; for (i=1; i <= NUM_ENDPOINTS; i++) { epconf = *cfg++; *reg = epconf; reg += 4; if (epconf & USB_ENDPT_EPRXEN) { usb_packet_t *p; p = usb_malloc(); if (p) { table[index(i, RX, EVEN)].addr = p->buf; table[index(i, RX, EVEN)].desc = BDT_DESC(64, 0); } else { table[index(i, RX, EVEN)].desc = 0; usb_rx_memory_needed++; } p = usb_malloc(); if (p) { table[index(i, RX, ODD)].addr = p->buf; table[index(i, RX, ODD)].desc = BDT_DESC(64, 1); } else { table[index(i, RX, ODD)].desc = 0; usb_rx_memory_needed++; } } table[index(i, TX, EVEN)].desc = 0; table[index(i, TX, ODD)].desc = 0; } break; case 0x0880: // GET_CONFIGURATION reply_buffer[0] = usb_configuration; datalen = 1; data = reply_buffer; break; case 0x0080: // GET_STATUS (device) reply_buffer[0] = 0; reply_buffer[1] = 0; datalen = 2; data = reply_buffer; break; case 0x0082: // GET_STATUS (endpoint) if (setup.wIndex > NUM_ENDPOINTS) { endpoint0_stall(); return; } reply_buffer[0] = 0; reply_buffer[1] = 0; if (*(uint8_t *)(&USB0_ENDPT0 + setup.wIndex * 4) & 0x02) reply_buffer[0] = 1; data = reply_buffer; datalen = 2; break; case 0x0102: // CLEAR_FEATURE (endpoint) i = setup.wIndex & 0x7F; if (i > NUM_ENDPOINTS || setup.wValue != 0) { endpoint0_stall(); return; } (*(uint8_t *)(&USB0_ENDPT0 + setup.wIndex * 4)) &= ~0x02; break; case 0x0302: // SET_FEATURE (endpoint) i = setup.wIndex & 0x7F; if (i > NUM_ENDPOINTS || setup.wValue != 0) { endpoint0_stall(); return; } (*(uint8_t *)(&USB0_ENDPT0 + setup.wIndex * 4)) |= 0x02; break; case 0x0680: // GET_DESCRIPTOR case 0x0681: for (list = usb_descriptor_list; 1; list++) { if (list->addr == NULL) break; if (setup.wValue == list->wValue) { data = list->addr; if ((setup.wValue >> 8) == 3) { // for string descriptors, use the descriptor's // length field, allowing runtime configured // length. datalen = *(list->addr); } else { datalen = list->length; } goto send; } } endpoint0_stall(); return; case (MSFT_VENDOR_CODE << 8) | 0xC0: // Get Microsoft descriptor case (MSFT_VENDOR_CODE << 8) | 0xC1: if (setup.wIndex == 0x0004) { // Return WCID descriptor data = usb_microsoft_wcid; datalen = usb_microsoft_wcid[0]; break; } else if (setup.wIndex == 0x0005) { // Return Extended Properties descriptor data = usb_microsoft_extprop; datalen = usb_microsoft_extprop[0]; break; } endpoint0_stall(); return; case 0x03a1: // DFU_GETSTATUS if (setup.wIndex != DFU_INTERFACE) { endpoint0_stall(); return; } reply_buffer[0] = 0; // bStatus = OK reply_buffer[1] = 1; // bwPollTimeout LSB = 1 reply_buffer[2] = 0; // bwPollTimeout reply_buffer[3] = 0; // bwPollTimeout reply_buffer[4] = usb_dfu_state; reply_buffer[5] = 0; // iString = 0 data = reply_buffer; datalen = 6; break; case 0x05a1: // DFU_GETSTATE if (setup.wIndex != DFU_INTERFACE) { endpoint0_stall(); return; } reply_buffer[0] = usb_dfu_state; data = reply_buffer; datalen = 1; break; case 0x0021: // DFU_DETACH if (setup.wIndex != DFU_INTERFACE) { endpoint0_stall(); return; } usb_dfu_state = DFU_appDETACH; break; default: endpoint0_stall(); return; } send: if (datalen > setup.wLength) datalen = setup.wLength; size = datalen; if (size > EP0_SIZE) size = EP0_SIZE; endpoint0_transmit(data, size); data += size; datalen -= size; if (datalen == 0 && size < EP0_SIZE) return; size = datalen; if (size > EP0_SIZE) size = EP0_SIZE; endpoint0_transmit(data, size); data += size; datalen -= size; if (datalen == 0 && size < EP0_SIZE) return; ep0_tx_ptr = data; ep0_tx_len = datalen; } //A bulk endpoint's toggle sequence is initialized to DATA0 when the endpoint //experiences any configuration event (configuration events are explained in //Sections and 9.4.5). //Configuring a device or changing an alternate setting causes all of the status //and configuration values associated with endpoints in the affected interfaces //to be set to their default values. This includes setting the data toggle of //any endpoint using data toggles to the value DATA0. //For endpoints using data toggle, regardless of whether an endpoint has the //Halt feature set, a ClearFeature(ENDPOINT_HALT) request always results in the //data toggle being reinitialized to DATA0. // #define stat2bufferdescriptor(stat) (table + ((stat) >> 2)) static void usb_control(uint32_t stat) { bdt_t *b; uint32_t pid, size; uint8_t *buf; const uint8_t *data; b = stat2bufferdescriptor(stat); pid = BDT_PID(b->desc); buf = b->addr; switch (pid) { case 0x0D: // Setup received from host // grab the 8 byte setup info setup.word1 = *(uint32_t *)(buf); setup.word2 = *(uint32_t *)(buf + 4); // give the buffer back b->desc = BDT_DESC(EP0_SIZE, DATA1); // clear any leftover pending IN transactions ep0_tx_ptr = NULL; // first IN after Setup is always DATA1 ep0_tx_data_toggle = 1; // actually "do" the setup request usb_setup(); // unfreeze the USB, now that we're ready USB0_CTL = USB_CTL_USBENSOFEN; // clear TXSUSPENDTOKENBUSY bit break; case 0x01: // OUT transaction received from host // give the buffer back b->desc = BDT_DESC(EP0_SIZE, DATA1); break; case 0x09: // IN transaction completed to host // send remaining data, if any... data = ep0_tx_ptr; if (data) { size = ep0_tx_len; if (size > EP0_SIZE) size = EP0_SIZE; endpoint0_transmit(data, size); data += size; ep0_tx_len -= size; ep0_tx_ptr = (ep0_tx_len > 0 || size == EP0_SIZE) ? data : NULL; } if (setup.bRequest == 5 && setup.bmRequestType == 0) { setup.bRequest = 0; USB0_ADDR = setup.wValue; } break; } USB0_CTL = USB_CTL_USBENSOFEN; // clear TXSUSPENDTOKENBUSY bit } usb_packet_t *usb_rx(uint32_t endpoint) { usb_packet_t *ret; endpoint--; if (endpoint >= NUM_ENDPOINTS) return NULL; __disable_irq(); ret = rx_first[endpoint]; if (ret) rx_first[endpoint] = ret->next; usb_rx_byte_count_data[endpoint] -= ret->len; __enable_irq(); return ret; } static uint32_t usb_queue_byte_count(const usb_packet_t *p) { uint32_t count=0; __disable_irq(); for ( ; p; p = p->next) { count += p->len; } __enable_irq(); return count; } // TODO: make this an inline function... /* uint32_t usb_rx_byte_count(uint32_t endpoint) { endpoint--; if (endpoint >= NUM_ENDPOINTS) return 0; return usb_rx_byte_count_data[endpoint]; //return usb_queue_byte_count(rx_first[endpoint]); } */ uint32_t usb_tx_byte_count(uint32_t endpoint) { endpoint--; if (endpoint >= NUM_ENDPOINTS) return 0; return usb_queue_byte_count(tx_first[endpoint]); } uint32_t usb_tx_packet_count(uint32_t endpoint) { const usb_packet_t *p; uint32_t count=0; endpoint--; if (endpoint >= NUM_ENDPOINTS) return 0; p = tx_first[endpoint]; __disable_irq(); for ( ; p; p = p->next) count++; __enable_irq(); return count; } // Called from usb_free, but only when usb_rx_memory_needed > 0, indicating // receive endpoints are starving for memory. The intention is to give // endpoints needing receive memory priority over the user's code, which is // likely calling usb_malloc to obtain memory for transmitting. When the // user is creating data very quickly, their consumption could starve reception // without this prioritization. The packet buffer (input) is assigned to the // first endpoint needing memory. // void usb_rx_memory(usb_packet_t *packet) { unsigned int i; const uint8_t *cfg; cfg = usb_endpoint_config_table; __disable_irq(); for (i=1; i <= NUM_ENDPOINTS; i++) { if (*cfg++ & USB_ENDPT_EPRXEN) { if (table[index(i, RX, EVEN)].desc == 0) { table[index(i, RX, EVEN)].addr = packet->buf; table[index(i, RX, EVEN)].desc = BDT_DESC(64, 0); usb_rx_memory_needed--; __enable_irq(); return; } if (table[index(i, RX, ODD)].desc == 0) { table[index(i, RX, ODD)].addr = packet->buf; table[index(i, RX, ODD)].desc = BDT_DESC(64, 1); usb_rx_memory_needed--; __enable_irq(); return; } } } __enable_irq(); // we should never reach this point. If we get here, it means // usb_rx_memory_needed was set greater than zero, but no memory // was actually needed. usb_rx_memory_needed = 0; usb_free(packet); return; } //#define index(endpoint, tx, odd) (((endpoint) << 2) | ((tx) << 1) | (odd)) //#define stat2bufferdescriptor(stat) (table + ((stat) >> 2)) void usb_tx(uint32_t endpoint, usb_packet_t *packet) { bdt_t *b = &table[index(endpoint, TX, EVEN)]; uint8_t next; endpoint--; if (endpoint >= NUM_ENDPOINTS) return; __disable_irq(); switch (tx_state[endpoint]) { case TX_STATE_BOTH_FREE_EVEN_FIRST: next = TX_STATE_ODD_FREE; break; case TX_STATE_BOTH_FREE_ODD_FIRST: b++; next = TX_STATE_EVEN_FREE; break; case TX_STATE_EVEN_FREE: next = TX_STATE_NONE_FREE_ODD_FIRST; break; case TX_STATE_ODD_FREE: b++; next = TX_STATE_NONE_FREE_EVEN_FIRST; break; default: if (tx_first[endpoint] == NULL) { tx_first[endpoint] = packet; } else { tx_last[endpoint]->next = packet; } tx_last[endpoint] = packet; __enable_irq(); return; } tx_state[endpoint] = next; b->addr = packet->buf; b->desc = BDT_DESC(packet->len, ((uint32_t)b & 8) ? DATA1 : DATA0); __enable_irq(); } void usb_isr(void) { uint8_t status, stat; restart: status = USB0_ISTAT; if ((status & USB_INTEN_SOFTOKEN /* 04 */ )) { USB0_ISTAT = USB_INTEN_SOFTOKEN; } if ((status & USB_ISTAT_TOKDNE /* 08 */ )) { uint8_t endpoint; stat = USB0_STAT; endpoint = stat >> 4; if (endpoint == 0) { usb_control(stat); } else { bdt_t *b = stat2bufferdescriptor(stat); usb_packet_t *packet = (usb_packet_t *)((uint8_t *)(b->addr) - 8); endpoint--; // endpoint is index to zero-based arrays if (stat & 0x08) { // transmit usb_free(packet); packet = tx_first[endpoint]; if (packet) { tx_first[endpoint] = packet->next; b->addr = packet->buf; switch (tx_state[endpoint]) { case TX_STATE_BOTH_FREE_EVEN_FIRST: tx_state[endpoint] = TX_STATE_ODD_FREE; break; case TX_STATE_BOTH_FREE_ODD_FIRST: tx_state[endpoint] = TX_STATE_EVEN_FREE; break; case TX_STATE_EVEN_FREE: tx_state[endpoint] = TX_STATE_NONE_FREE_ODD_FIRST; break; case TX_STATE_ODD_FREE: tx_state[endpoint] = TX_STATE_NONE_FREE_EVEN_FIRST; break; default: break; } b->desc = BDT_DESC(packet->len, ((uint32_t)b & 8) ? DATA1 : DATA0); } else { switch (tx_state[endpoint]) { case TX_STATE_BOTH_FREE_EVEN_FIRST: case TX_STATE_BOTH_FREE_ODD_FIRST: break; case TX_STATE_EVEN_FREE: tx_state[endpoint] = TX_STATE_BOTH_FREE_EVEN_FIRST; break; case TX_STATE_ODD_FREE: tx_state[endpoint] = TX_STATE_BOTH_FREE_ODD_FIRST; break; default: tx_state[endpoint] = ((uint32_t)b & 8) ? TX_STATE_ODD_FREE : TX_STATE_EVEN_FREE; break; } } } else { // receive packet->len = b->desc >> 16; if (packet->len > 0) { packet->next = NULL; if (rx_first[endpoint] == NULL) { rx_first[endpoint] = packet; } else { rx_last[endpoint]->next = packet; } rx_last[endpoint] = packet; usb_rx_byte_count_data[endpoint] += packet->len; // TODO: implement a per-endpoint maximum # of allocated packets // so a flood of incoming data on 1 endpoint doesn't starve // the others if the user isn't reading it regularly packet = usb_malloc(); if (packet) { b->addr = packet->buf; b->desc = BDT_DESC(64, ((uint32_t)b & 8) ? DATA1 : DATA0); } else { b->desc = 0; usb_rx_memory_needed++; } } else { b->desc = BDT_DESC(64, ((uint32_t)b & 8) ? DATA1 : DATA0); } } } USB0_ISTAT = USB_ISTAT_TOKDNE; goto restart; } if (status & USB_ISTAT_USBRST /* 01 */ ) { // initialize BDT toggle bits USB0_CTL = USB_CTL_ODDRST; ep0_tx_bdt_bank = 0; // set up buffers to receive Setup and OUT packets table[index(0, RX, EVEN)].desc = BDT_DESC(EP0_SIZE, 0); table[index(0, RX, EVEN)].addr = ep0_rx0_buf; table[index(0, RX, ODD)].desc = BDT_DESC(EP0_SIZE, 0); table[index(0, RX, ODD)].addr = ep0_rx1_buf; table[index(0, TX, EVEN)].desc = 0; table[index(0, TX, EVEN)].addr = ep0_tx0_buf; table[index(0, TX, ODD)].desc = 0; table[index(0, TX, ODD)].addr = ep0_tx1_buf; // activate endpoint 0 USB0_ENDPT0 = USB_ENDPT_EPRXEN | USB_ENDPT_EPTXEN | USB_ENDPT_EPHSHK; // clear all ending interrupts USB0_ERRSTAT = 0xFF; USB0_ISTAT = 0xFF; // set the address to zero during enumeration USB0_ADDR = 0; // enable other interrupts USB0_ERREN = 0xFF; USB0_INTEN = USB_INTEN_TOKDNEEN | USB_INTEN_SOFTOKEN | USB_INTEN_STALLEN | USB_INTEN_ERROREN | USB_INTEN_USBRSTEN | USB_INTEN_SLEEPEN; // is this necessary? USB0_CTL = USB_CTL_USBENSOFEN; return; } if ((status & USB_ISTAT_STALL /* 80 */ )) { USB0_ENDPT0 = USB_ENDPT_EPRXEN | USB_ENDPT_EPTXEN | USB_ENDPT_EPHSHK; USB0_ISTAT = USB_ISTAT_STALL; } if ((status & USB_ISTAT_ERROR /* 02 */ )) { uint8_t err = USB0_ERRSTAT; USB0_ERRSTAT = err; USB0_ISTAT = USB_ISTAT_ERROR; } if ((status & USB_ISTAT_SLEEP /* 10 */ )) { USB0_ISTAT = USB_ISTAT_SLEEP; } } void usb_init(void) { int i; usb_init_serialnumber(); for (i=0; i <= NUM_ENDPOINTS*4; i++) { table[i].desc = 0; table[i].addr = 0; } // this basically follows the flowchart in the Kinetis // Quick Reference User Guide, Rev. 1, 03/2012, page 141 // assume 48 MHz clock already running // SIM - enable clock SIM_SCGC4 |= SIM_SCGC4_USBOTG; // reset USB module USB0_USBTRC0 = USB_USBTRC_USBRESET; while ((USB0_USBTRC0 & USB_USBTRC_USBRESET) != 0) ; // wait for reset to end // set desc table base addr USB0_BDTPAGE1 = ((uint32_t)table) >> 8; USB0_BDTPAGE2 = ((uint32_t)table) >> 16; USB0_BDTPAGE3 = ((uint32_t)table) >> 24; // clear all ISR flags USB0_ISTAT = 0xFF; USB0_ERRSTAT = 0xFF; USB0_OTGISTAT = 0xFF; USB0_USBTRC0 |= 0x40; // undocumented bit // enable USB USB0_CTL = USB_CTL_USBENSOFEN; USB0_USBCTRL = 0; // enable reset interrupt USB0_INTEN = USB_INTEN_USBRSTEN; // enable interrupt in NVIC... NVIC_ENABLE_IRQ(IRQ_USBOTG); // enable d+ pullup USB0_CONTROL = USB_CONTROL_DPPULLUPNONOTG; }