OPC opc; PImage dot; void setup() { size(500, 500); // Load a sample image dot = loadImage("dot.png"); // Connect to the local instance of fcserver opc = new OPC(this, "", 7890); // Map one 24-LED ring to the center of the window opc.ledRing(0, 24, width/2, height/2, width*0.18, 0); } void drawDot(float angle, float distance, float size) { image(dot, width/2 - distance * sin(angle) - size/2, height/2 - distance * cos(angle) - size/2, size, size); } void draw() { background(0); float a = millis(); blendMode(ADD); tint(40, 100, 40); drawDot(a * -0.002, width*0.1, width*0.6); tint(155, 155, 155); drawDot(a * -0.003, width*0.1, width*0.6); tint(90, 90, 155); drawDot(a * 0.001, width*0.1, width*0.6); }