/* * Radial rotating pattern with noise functions. * * 2014 Micah Elizabeth Scott */ #pragma once #include <math.h> #include "lib/color.h" #include "lib/effect.h" #include "lib/noise.h" #include "lib/brightness.h" class SpokesEffect : public Effect { public: SpokesEffect() : spin(0) {} static const float cycleRate = 0.001; static const float wanderSpeed = 40.0; static const float wanderSize = 1.8; static const float hueScale = 5.0; static const float hueRate = 1.0; static const float satRate = 10.0; static const float hueShift = 0.02; static const float spinSpeed = 3.0; static const float spinRate = 100.0; static const float noiseDepth = 3.0; static const float noiseScale = 0.2; static const float noiseSpeed = 1000.0; // State variables float spin; float cycle; // Calculated once per frame float hue, saturation; Vec3 center, noiseOffset; virtual void beginFrame(const FrameInfo &f) { // Slow cyclic change. Values stay bounded over time. cycle = fmodf(cycle + f.timeDelta * cycleRate, 2 * M_PI); float cyclePos = sinf(cycle); noiseOffset[2] = cyclePos * noiseSpeed; spin = fmodf(spin + f.timeDelta * noise2(cyclePos * spinRate, 5.8f) * spinSpeed, 2 * M_PI); hue = noise2(cyclePos * hueRate, 20.5) * hueScale; saturation = sq(std::min(std::max(0.7f * (0.5f + noise2(cyclePos * satRate, 0.5)), 0.0f), 1.0f)); // Update center position center = Vec3(noise2(cyclePos * wanderSpeed, 50.9), 0, noise2(cyclePos * wanderSpeed, 51.7)) * wanderSize; } virtual void calculatePixel(Vec3& rgb, const PixelInfo &p) { // Vector to center Vec3 s = p.point - center; // Distort with noise function s += Vec3(fbm_noise3(p.point * noiseScale + noiseOffset, 4) * noiseDepth, 0, 0); float angle = atan2(s[2], s[0]) + spin; hsv2rgb(rgb, hue + angle * hueShift, saturation, sq(std::max(0.0f, sinf(angle * 5.0f))) * std::min(0.8f, sqrlen(s)) ); } };