/* * Simple ARM debug interface for Arduino, using the SWD (Serial Wire Debug) port. * Extensions for Freescale Kinetis chips. * * Copyright (c) 2013 Micah Elizabeth Scott * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <Arduino.h> #include "arm_kinetis_debug.h" #include "arm_kinetis_reg.h" bool ARMKinetisDebug::startup() { return detect() && resetHalt() && peripheralInit(); } bool ARMKinetisDebug::detect() { // Make sure we're on a compatible chip. The MDM-AP peripheral is Freescale-specific. uint32_t idr; if (!apRead(REG_MDM_IDR, idr)) return false; if (idr != 0x001C0000) { log(LOG_ERROR, "ARMKinetisDebug: Didn't find a supported MDM-AP peripheral"); return false; } return true; } bool ARMKinetisDebug::resetHalt() { // System resets can be slow, give them more time than the default. const unsigned resetRetries = 2000; // Put the control register in a known state, and make sure we aren't already in the middle of a reset uint32_t status; if (!apWrite(REG_MDM_CONTROL, REG_MDM_CONTROL_CORE_HOLD_RESET)) return false; if (!apReadPoll(REG_MDM_STATUS, status, REG_MDM_STATUS_SYS_NRESET, -1, resetRetries)) return false; // System reset if (!apWrite(REG_MDM_CONTROL, REG_MDM_CONTROL_SYS_RESET_REQ)) return false; if (!apReadPoll(REG_MDM_STATUS, status, REG_MDM_STATUS_SYS_NRESET, 0)) return false; if (!apWrite(REG_MDM_CONTROL, 0)) return false; // Wait until the flash controller is ready & system is out of reset. // Also wait for security bit to be cleared. Early in reset, the chip is determining // its security status. When the security bit is set, AHB-AP is disabled. if (!apReadPoll(REG_MDM_STATUS, status, REG_MDM_STATUS_SYS_NRESET | REG_MDM_STATUS_FLASH_READY | REG_MDM_STATUS_SYS_SECURITY, REG_MDM_STATUS_SYS_NRESET | REG_MDM_STATUS_FLASH_READY, resetRetries)) return false; // Set up CSW, no auto-increment. if (!apWrite(MEM_CSW, CSW_DBGSWENABLE | CSW_MASTER_DEBUG | CSW_HPROT | CSW_32BIT | CSW_ADDRINC_OFF)) return false; // Point at the debug halt control/status register if (!apWrite(MEM_TAR, REG_SCB_DHCSR)) return false; /* * Enable debug, request a halt, and read back status. * * This part is somewhat timing critical, since we're racing against the watchdog * timer. Avoid memWait() by calling the lower-level interface directly. * * Since this is expected to fail a bunch before succeeding, mute errors temporarily. */ unsigned haltRetries = 200; LogLevel savedLogLevel; uint32_t dhcsr; setLogLevel(LOG_NONE, savedLogLevel); while (haltRetries) { haltRetries--; if (!apWrite(MEM_DRW, 0xA05F0003)) continue; if (!apRead(MEM_DRW, dhcsr)) continue; if (dhcsr & (1 << 17)) { // Halted! break; } } // Restore previous settings initMemPort(); setLogLevel(savedLogLevel); if (haltRetries) { log(LOG_NORMAL, "CPU reset & halt successful. Now in debug mode."); return true; } log(LOG_ERROR, "ARMKinetisDebug: Failed to put CPU in debug halt state. (DHCSR: %08x)", dhcsr); return false; } bool ARMKinetisDebug::peripheralInit() { // Enable peripheral clocks if (!memStore(REG_SIM_SCGC5, 0x00043F82)) return false; if (!memStore(REG_SIM_SCGC6, REG_SIM_SCGC6_FTM0 | REG_SIM_SCGC6_FTM1 | REG_SIM_SCGC6_FTFL)) return false; // Test AHB-AP: Can we successfully write to RAM? if (!memStoreAndVerify(0x20000000, 0x31415927)) return false; if (!memStoreAndVerify(0x20000000, 0x76543210)) return false; return true; } bool ARMKinetisDebug::flashMassErase() { // Erase all flash, even if some of it is protected. uint32_t status; if (!apRead(REG_MDM_STATUS, status)) return false; if (!(status & REG_MDM_STATUS_FLASH_READY)) { log(LOG_ERROR, "FLASH: Flash controller not ready before mass erase"); return false; } if ((status & REG_MDM_STATUS_FLASH_ERASE_ACK)) { log(LOG_ERROR, "FLASH: Mass erase already in progress"); return false; } if (!(status & REG_MDM_STATUS_MASS_ERASE_ENABLE)) { log(LOG_ERROR, "FLASH: Mass erase is disabled!"); return false; } log(LOG_NORMAL, "FLASH: Beginning mass erase operation"); if (!apWrite(REG_MDM_CONTROL, REG_MDM_CONTROL_CORE_HOLD_RESET | REG_MDM_CONTROL_MASS_ERASE)) return false; // Wait for the mass erase to begin (ACK bit set) if (!apReadPoll(REG_MDM_STATUS, status, REG_MDM_STATUS_FLASH_ERASE_ACK, -1)) { log(LOG_ERROR, "FLASH: Timed out waiting for mass erase to begin"); return false; } // Wait for it to complete (CONTROL bit cleared) uint32_t control; if (!apReadPoll(REG_MDM_CONTROL, control, REG_MDM_CONTROL_MASS_ERASE, 0, 10000)) { log(LOG_ERROR, "FLASH: Timed out waiting for mass erase to complete"); return false; } // Check status again if (!apRead(REG_MDM_STATUS, status)) return false; if (!(status & REG_MDM_STATUS_FLASH_READY)) { log(LOG_ERROR, "FLASH: Flash controller not ready after mass erase"); return false; } log(LOG_NORMAL, "FLASH: Mass erase complete"); return true; }