#!/usr/bin/env node

// Particle system example with Node and opc.js, controllable via OSC.
// You can use this with TouchOSC, with the "Simple" touch layout.
// Note that we don't push values *to* TouchOSC yet, so the initial state
// of the controls may not match the state we keep here on the OSC server.
// Specify an LED layout file on the command line, or use the default (grid32x16z)

var osc = require('node-osc');
var oscServer = new osc.Server(8000, '');

var OPC = new require('./opc');
var model = OPC.loadModel(process.argv[2] || '../layouts/grid32x16z.json');
var client = new OPC('localhost', 7890);

// State values; change over time
var stateAngle1 = 0;
var stateAngle2 = 0;

// Parameters, set via OSC
var hue = 0.3;
var hueShift = 0.8;
var saturation = 0.5;
var brightness = 0.5;
var falloff = 0.5;
var rate1 = 0.1;
var rate2 = 0.2;

oscServer.on('message', function (msg, rinfo) {

    // Show the message, for debugging

    // First page, color
    if (msg[0] == '/1/fader1') hue = msg[1];
    if (msg[0] == '/1/fader2') hueShift = msg[1];
    if (msg[0] == '/1/fader3') saturation = msg[1];
    if (msg[0] == '/1/fader4') falloff = msg[1];
    if (msg[0] == '/1/fader5') brightness = msg[1];

    // XY pad, oscillator rates
    if (msg[0] == '/3/xy') {
        rate1 = msg[1];
        rate2 = msg[2];

function draw() {

    var numParticles = 200;
    var particles = [];

    var trail = 100.0;
    var scaledRate1 = (rate1 - 0.5) * 0.5;
    var scaledRate2 = (rate2 - 0.5) * 0.5;
    stateAngle1 += scaledRate1;
    stateAngle2 += scaledRate2;

    for (var i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) {
        var s = i / numParticles;

        // Local state angles for this particle
        var lsa1 = stateAngle1 + scaledRate1 * trail * s;
        var lsa2 = stateAngle2 + scaledRate2 * trail * s;

        // Compute position, this gives us the shape of our effect.
        var radius = 0.1 + 2.0 * s;
        var x = radius * Math.cos(lsa1);
        var y = radius * Math.sin(lsa2);

        particles[i] = {
            point: [x, 0, y],
            intensity: brightness * (1 - s),
            falloff: falloff * 175,
            color: OPC.hsv( hue + s * 2.0 * (hueShift - 0.5), saturation, 0.5)

    client.mapParticles(particles, model);

setInterval(draw, 10);