// Demonstration that pokes colors into the LEDs directly instead // of mapping them to pixels on the screen. You may want to do this // if you have your own mapping scheme that doesn't fit well with // a 2D display. OPC opc; void setup() { opc = new OPC(this, "", 7890); frameRate(10); colorMode(HSB, 100); } void draw() { // RAINBOW FADE!!!!! for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { float hue = (millis() * 0.01 + i * 2.0) % 100; opc.setPixel(i, color(hue, 20, 80)); } // When you haven't assigned any LEDs to pixels, you have to explicitly // write them to the server. Otherwise, this happens automatically after draw(). opc.writePixels(); }